Research and statistics

Statistics and research reports about Indigenous and Northern issues conducted or supported by Indigenous Services Canada.

Services and information

First Nations profiles

Learn more about individual First Nations communities across Canada.

The Community Well-Being Index

This index measures socio-economic well-being for communities across Canada over time. It has 4 components: education, labour force activity, income and housing.

Surveys about Indigenous Peoples

Surveys about First Nations, Inuit and Métis populations living on- and off-reserve and in Northern communities.

Publication catalogue

Searchable database of the department's catalogue of reports and publications.


Demographic and socio-economic statistics on Indigenous Peoples.


Research on Indigenous and Northern issues.

Application of the Human Development Index to Registered Indians in Canada, 2006–2016

Examining the HDI scores of Registered Indians compared to non-Indigenous Canadians.

Application of the Human Development Index to non-status First Nations in Canada, 2006 to 2016

Examining the HDI scores of non-status First Nations compared to non-Indigenous Canadians.

Application of the Human Development Index to Inuit in Canada, 2006 to 2016

Examining the HDI scores of Inuit compared to non-Indigenous Canadians.

Application of the Human Development Index to Self-Identified Métis in Canada, 2006 to 2016

Examining the HDI scores of self-identified Métis compared to non-Indigenous Canadians.

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