AANDC's Strategic Research Directorate supports policy-making through a program of strategic research and facilitates the coordination of research conducted by other units within the department. For more information on Strategic Research Directorate products and activities please contact
The tools below allow searches of all of the Strategic Research Directorate's reports. The Publications Catalogue search tool provides access to reports contained on the departmental web site.
- Aboriginal Peoples Survey 2012: Gender Difference in Off-reserve First Nations Education and Employment
- Aboriginal Peoples Survey 2012: Gender Differences in Inuit Education and Employment
- Aboriginal Peoples Survey 2012: Gender Differences in Métis Education and Employment
- Closing the Aboriginal Education Gap in Canada: Assessing Progress and Estimating the Economic Benefits PDF Version (3.33 MB, 175 pages)
- Skills in Canada: Preliminary Results of the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies
- Aboriginal Data as a Result of Changes to the 2011 Census of Population
- Aboriginal Demographics and Well-Being
- Aboriginal Demographics from the 2011 National Household Survey
- Aboriginal Income Disparity in Canada
- Aboriginal Migration and Urbanization in Canada, 1961-2006
- Aboriginal Policy Research Thompson books: Volumes 1 - 12
- Aboriginal Populations in Canadian Cities - Why are they Growing so Fast?
- Aboriginal Women - Education and Major Fields of Study
- Aboriginal Women in Canada: A Statistical Profile from the 2006 Census
- Aboriginal Women in the Canadian Economy - The Links Between Education, Employment and Income
- Community Well-Being and Treaties: Trends for First Nation Historic and Modern Treaties
- Birth outcomes in the Inuit-inhabited areas of Canada - Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 182, no. 2
- Mortality of Urban Aboriginal Adults in Canada, 1991-2001 - Chronic Diseases in Canada, vol. 31, no. 1
- Suicide Mortality in Inuit Communities in Canada: Rates and Effects of Community Characteristics - Cahiers Québécois de Démographie, vol. 38, no. 2 (not available in English)
- Aboriginal Peoples of Canada: A Population With Many Definitions - Cahiers Québécois de démographie, vol. 38, no. 2 (not available in English)
- Intergenerational Ethnic Mobility of Children Under 5 Among Aboriginal Populations in Canada, 1996 and 2001 - Cahiers Québécois de démographie, vol. 38, no. 2 (not available in English)
- Les populations autochtones - Cahiers Québécois de démographie, vol. 38, no. 2 (not available in English)
- Mortality of Métis Canadian and Registered Indian Adults: An 11-year Follow-up Study - Health Reports, vol. 20, no. 4
- Teen Mothers: An analysis of the Fertility of Registered Indian Women Aged 15 to 19, 1986 to 2004 - Cahiers Québécois de démographie, vol. 38, no. 2 (not available in English)
- Indigenous Well-Being in Four Countries: An Application of the UNDP'S Human Development Index to Indigenous Peoples in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States - BMC International Health and Human Rights, vol. 7, no. 9
- Registered Indian Demography - Population, Household and Family Projections, 2004-2029