All - University of Manitoba - Indigenous Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards

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Bursary Information

All - University of Manitoba - Indigenous Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards
 Field of Study:
Applies to all areas of study
 Awards Available:
 Other Eligibility Criteria:
All Indigenous Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards for the University of Manitoba. Search the Awards Database - For Faculty field select "View all Facilities", Then for the Type Field select one of these options - "Athletic Award, Bursary, Combined Medal and Prize, Fellowship, Medal, Prize, Scholarship or Undergraduate Research Award" (Do a search on each Type field type), Then in the Advanced Search Area drop down and select "Only" in the Indigenous Field then finally click on the Search button, which will bring up all the ones available for indigenous students only.
 Web Link:

Contact Information

 Contact Organisation:
Univesity of Manitoba - Financial Aid and Awards
Room 442 - University Centre - 65 Chancellor's Circle
 Postal Code:
R3T 2N2
(204) 474-7543
(204) 474-9531

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