Empowering health professionals against anti-Indigenous racism in health systems

Explore training, resources and best practices that will help you take action against anti-Indigenous racism. Learn more about the Government of Canada's response and progress made to end anti-Indigenous racism in health systems.

How health professionals and organizations can take action

Explore resources

Access relevant resources, training and reports to learn more about anti-Indigenous racism in health systems.

Get involved

Become involved by volunteering or contacting a health authority for more information.

Become an ally

Explore our partners' Rise Above Racism campaign today and do your part to help end anti-Indigenous racism in Canadian health systems.

Federal response

Projects addressing anti-Indigenous racism in health systems

Projects announced that have received funding support from the Government of Canada.

Actions to reduce racism in health systems

Find out what we are doing to address anti-Indigenous racism.

Addressing Racism and Discrimination in Canada's Health Systems Program

Health Canada funding for projects that address systemic racism and discrimination in Canada's health systems.

Key initiatives, inquiries and reports

Joyce's Principle

Joyce's Principle aims to guarantee to all Indigenous people the right of equitable access, without any discrimination, to all social and health services.

Implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People Act

This Act provides a roadmap for us to work together with First Nations, Inuit and Métis, to implement the UN Declaration.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action – Health

How the Government of Canada is responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action 18 to 24.

Federal Anti-Racism Secretariat

The Government of Canada's work to combat systemic racism and racial discrimination.

Missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQI+ people

Working with organizations across the country to end violence against Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQI+ people.

Co-developing distinctions-based Indigenous health legislation

Working together with Indigenous partners, provinces and territories to improve access to quality, culturally relevant health services.

Public Inquiry Commission on relations between Indigenous Peoples and certain public services in Québec

The Government of Quebec's work to Identify the causes of violence and systemic discrimination toward Indigenous people.

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