Departmental Results Framework 2023 to 2025
Table of contents
Core Responsibility: Indigenous Well-Being and Self-Determination
Well-being services support First Nations, Inuit, and Métis individuals, children and families throughout their life from childhood to elder years.
- These services are informed by the social determinants of health and are intended to fulfill the Departmental mandate to close socioeconomic gaps through services that include culturally appropriate physical and mental health; safety and social wellness; and education.
- Community well-being is part of a continuum that extends to the environment and the land. These services work together to create sustainable infrastructure and environments; and economic prosperity.
- Support for governance capacity advances self-determination and enables opportunities for service transfer. Service transfer in partnership with Indigenous Peoples extends across all service areas to support Indigenous self-determination in alignment with the Departmental Mandate.
Service Area: Health
Program Inventory
- Public Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
- Home and Long-Term Care
- Primary Health Care
- Health Systems Support
- Supplementary Health Benefits
- Jordan's Principle and the Inuit Child First Initiative
Departmental Result 1: Indigenous Peoples are physically well
Departmental Indicators
- Percentage of First Nations individuals who reported being in "excellent" or "very good" health
- Percentage of Inuit adults who reported being in "excellent" or "very good" health
Departmental Result 2: Indigenous Peoples are mentally well
Departmental Indicators
- Percentage of First Nations individuals who reported "excellent" or "very good" mental health
- Percentage of Inuit adults who reported "excellent" or "very good" mental health
Departmental Result 3: Indigenous Peoples have access to quality federally-funded health services
Departmental Indicators
- Percentage of First Nations on-reserve adults who rate the quality of health care services delivered in their community as "good" or "excellent".
- Percentage of First Nations with an Indigenous-led plan for health service delivery
Service Area: Children and Families
Program Inventory
- Safety and Prevention Services
- Child and Family Services
- Income Assistance
- Urban Programming for Indigenous Peoples
Departmental Result 4: Indigenous Peoples are culturally safe and socially well
Departmental Indicators
- Percentage of Indigenous women who report being a victim of intimate partner violence in the previous 12 months
- Percentage of requests for overnight residence in ISC-funded shelters by women, children, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people that are met
- Percentage of residents living on reserve who are supported through Income Assistance
- Percentage of First Nations children on-reserve in care
- Percentage of children in care who are placed with a family member (kinship care)
- Percentage of First Nations communities offering family support services aimed at keeping families together
- Number of First Nations Groups, Communities and Peoples exercising their jurisdiction under the Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families
- Number Inuit Groups, Communities and Peoples exercising their jurisdiction under the Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families
- Number of Métis Nation Groups, Communities and Peoples exercising their jurisdiction under the Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families
Service Area: Education
Program Inventory
- Elementary and Secondary Education
- Post-Secondary Education
Departmental Result 5: Indigenous students are progressing in their education
Departmental Indicators
- Percentage of First Nations on reserve students who graduate from secondary school
- Number of First Nations under a transformative education model
- Number of funded First Nations students who graduate with a post-secondary degree/diploma/certificate
- Number of funded Inuit students who graduate with a post-secondary degree/diploma/certificate
- Number of funded Métis Nation students who graduate with a post-secondary degree/diploma/certificate
Service Area: Infrastructure and Environments
Program Inventory
- Community Infrastructure
- Communities and the Environment
- Emergency Management Assistance
Departmental Result 6: Indigenous communities have sustainable land management and infrastructure
Departmental Indicators
- Percentage of on-reserve public water systems financially supported by Indigenous Services Canada that have low risk ratings
- Percentage of on-reserve public wastewater systems financially supported by Indigenous Services Canada that have low risk ratings
- Percentage of First Nation households living in a dwelling that contains more than one person per room
- Percentage of First Nations housing that is adequate as assessed and reported by First Nations
- Percentage of on-reserve Indigenous Services Canada-funded other community infrastructure assets with a condition rating of "good" or "new"
- Percentage of on-reserve education facilities with a condition rating of "good" or "new"
- Percentage of on-reserve health facilities with a condition rating of "good" or "new"
- Percentage of First Nations communities with adequate solid waste management systems
- Percentage of high-risk contaminated sites on-reserve where remediation activities are being undertaken
Service Area: Economic Development
Program Inventory
- Community Economic Development
- Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Business Development
Departmental Result 7: Indigenous communities are progressing in their business and economic growth
Departmental Indicators
- Percentage of the population that lived in a low income situation in the year preceding the Census
- Employment rate of the working age population (25-64)
- Median income of the working age population (25-64)
Service Area: Governance
Program Inventory
- Indigenous Governance and Capacity Supports
Departmental Result 8: Indigenous communities have governance capacity and support for self-determination
Departmental Indicators
- Number of communities certified by the First Nations Financial Management Board
- Percentage of First Nations adopting alternatives to the Indian Act election system