Appearance before the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs: 2021-2022 Supplementary Estimates (A), Indigenous Services Canada, June 10, 2021

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Appearance before Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs

Scenario note


Date: Thursday, June 10, 2021
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 13:00 p.m.
Location: Videoconference (Zoom)
Subject: 2021-2022 Supplementary Estimates (A)

Appearing – First Hour

  1. The Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations
  2. The Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs

Supporting Witnesses from Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

  1. Daniel Quan-Watson, Deputy Minister
  2. Annie Boudreau, Chief Finances, Results and Delivery Officer
  3. Serge Beaudoin, Assistant Deputy Minister, Northern Affairs
  4. Martin Reiher, Assistant Deputy Minister, Resolutions and Partnerships
  5. Chantal Marin-Comeau, Director General, MMIWG Secretariat

Appearing – Second Hour

  1. The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Indigenous Services

Supporting Witnesses from Indigenous Services Canada

  1. Christiane Fox, Deputy Minister
  2. Valerie Gideon, Associate Deputy Minister
  3. Philippe Thompson, Chief Finances, Results and Delivery Officer
  4. Tom Wong, Chief Medical Officer of Public Health
  5. Kelley Blanchette, Assistant Deputy Minister, Lands and Economic Development
  6. Joanne Wilkinson, Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Regional Operations


At this meeting, the Committee will discuss the 2021-2022 Supplementary Estimates (A) for both Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada and Indigenous Services Canada.

The two hour meeting will be split into separate appearances for each department, with CIRNAC appearing in the first hour (11 a.m.) and ISC appearing in the second hour (noon).

Ministers will each have six minutes to present opening remarks. In the CIRNAC hour, Minister Bennett will speak first, followed by Minister Vandal.


The Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs' most recent studies have included Enforcement on First Nation Reserves, the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (C) and the 2021-22 Main Estimates, Bill C-15 (An Act respecting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples), the Government's Response to the COVID-19 pandemic second wave and Bill C-8, An Act to amend the Citizenship Act, and food security in the North.

In the most recent study on Enforcement on First Nation Reserves, questions evolved around what could be done to improve police services on reserve, whether the Budget 2021 commitment of $861 million over five years is enough, challenges police face on the job, why band bylaws are unable to be enforced, jurisdictional issues, and police training.

During the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (C) and 2021-22 Main Estimates meeting on March 22, 2021, most of the questions did not specifically focus on the Estimates. For example during Ministers Bennett and Vandal's appearances, questions were raised on own source revenue, Bill C-15, delays with the National Action Plan in response to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, Nutrition North Canada program, and Northern sovereignty. During Minister Miller's appearance, questions were raised on Joyce's Principle, housing, Indigenous businesses, whether there was a regulatory system in place for drinking water.

During the Supplementary Estimates (B) appearance on November 19th, 2020, questions for ISC were focused on COVID-19 issues such as outbreaks, Indigenous businesses, and connectivity. Questions for CIRNAC covered subjects such as rights and claims, Recognition of Indigenous Rights and Self-Determination, Wet'suwet'en, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) National Action Plan, housing crisis in the North, and connectivity. During the 2020-2021 Main Estimates appearance on October 27, 2020, questions were focused on hot issues related to the pandemic, such as Personal Protective Equipment, testing and outbreaks, but also included questions on boil water advisories and the First Nations Financial Transparency Act.

The committee is slated to begin a new study on sex trafficking beginning on June 2.

During recent Question Periods, INAN committee members have asked questions about Indigenous procurement, applications for Indian status, policing services in Pikangikum, reconciliation, Kitimat LNG, systematic racism, long-term drinking water advisories, and Bill C-15.

Meeting Proceedings

The meeting is scheduled to occur from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. via the web platform Zoom.

All witnesses will be asked to connect to the meeting at 10:30 a.m. The Zoom link will be sent directly from the House of Commons to the witnesses.

The Chair will open the meeting and provide instructions for the meeting proceedings. He will then introduce all witnesses. Ministers will then deliver remarks as per standard practice (6 minute maximum each). It is recommended to speak slowly and at an appropriate level to ensure the interpreters can hear you. All witnesses are requested to mute your microphone when you are not speaking.

While simultaneous translation will be available, witnesses are asked to respond to questions in either language but to limit switching back and forth between languages as this often creates technology/interpretation challenges.

Following the Ministers' opening remarks (six minutes each), there will be rounds of questions in the following order:

  • First round (6 minutes for each Party)
    • Conservative Party of Canada
    • Liberal Party of Canada
    • Bloc Québécois
    • New Democratic Party of Canada
  • Second round
    • Conservative Party of Canada (5 minutes)
    • Liberal Party of Canada (5 minutes)
    • Bloc Québécois (2.5 minutes)
    • New Democratic Party of Canada (2.5 minutes)
    • Conservative Party of Canada (5 minutes)
    • Liberal Party of Canada (5 minutes)

The meeting can be watched via Parlvu, however there is a 70-second delay.

2021-22 Supplementary Estimates (A)

May 2021

Supplementary Estimates

  • Supplementary Estimates present information to Parliament on Government of Canada spending requirements not sufficiently developed in time for inclusion in the Main Estimates.
  • Eligible items are:
    • Requirements that are expected to be approved by Treasury Board in or before May 6, 2021;
    • Transfers between Votes within the organization;
    • Transfers between organizations. The organization receiving the transfer needs to have the mandate and policy coverage for the purpose of the funding;
    • Increases to existing grants that are to be funded within the Vote; and
    • Increases to vote-netted revenues.
    • Supplementary Estimates (A) is the first of three Supplementary Estimates, which has been tabled on May 27, 2021.  Supply is anticipated in June.

2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (A)

Department of Indigenous Services
Organization Summary
Authorities to Date These Supplementary Estimates Proposed Authorities To Date
Transfers (dollars) Adjustments (dollars) Total*
Budgetary Voted
1a Operating expenditures 2,095,935,733 0 1,370,648,221 1,370,648,221* 3,466,583,954
5a Capital expenditures 6,115,242 0 31,111,298 31,111,298* 37,226,540
10a Grants and contributions 11,283,347,845 7,606,792 3,985,198,423 3,992,805,215* 15,276,153,060
Total Voted 13,385,398,820 7,606,792 5,386,957,942 5,394,564,734* 18,779,963,554
Total Statutory 120,698,576 0 38,263,838 38,263,838* 158,962,414
Total Budgetary Expenditures 13,506,097,396 7,606,792 5,425,221,780 5,432,828,572* 18,938,925,968
*Not Published
  • The 2021-22 Supplementary Estimates (A) reflect a net increase of $5.4 billion.
  • This includes:
    • $5.1 billion in new funding mainly for out-of-court settlements, Child and Family Services, Indigenous Community Support Fund and the continuation of public health responses;
    • $212 million of reprofile funding from last fiscal year; and
    • $7.6 million in a transfer from another department.
  • The total authorities for 2021-22 will be $18.9 billion.

Explanation of Requirements - By Vote and Key Initiatives

  • The net increase of $5.4 billion is comprised of:
    • $1.4 billion in Vote 1 Operating expenditures mainly for out-of-court settlements;
    • $31.1 million in Vote 5 Capital expenditures for public health responses in Indigenous communities;
    • $4 billion in Vote 10 Grants and Contributions, primarily $1.1 billion for Child and Family Services, $760 million for Indigenous Community Support Fund, $423.1 million for public health responses in Indigenous communities, $329.9 million for Indigenous communities affected by disruptions to their revenues due to COVID-19, and $290.2 million for operations and maintenance of infrastructure; and
    • $38.3 million in statutory funding for Canada Community-Building Fund and Employee Benefits Plan.
Key Initiatives
(in dollars)
 Vote 1a  Vote 5a  Vote 10a  Voted Total  Statutory   Total Budgetary Expenditures
 Operating Expenditures  Capital Expenditures  Grants and Contributions
Voted Appropriations
Funding for out-of court settlements 1,239,851,702 0 0 1,239,851,702 91,001 1,239,942,703
Funding for First Nations Child and Family Services, Canadian Human Rights Tribunal orders implementation and non-compliance motion settlement 11,271,947 0 1,050,449,998 1,061,721,945 2,260,799 1,063,982,744
Funding for the Indigenous Community Support Fund (COVID-19) (Budget 2021) 595,729 0 760,000,000 760,595,729 112,834 760,708,563
Funding for the continuation of public health responses in Indigenous communities (COVID-19) (Budget 2021) 38,993,447 15,000,000 423,100,000 477,093,447 635,961 477,729,408
Funding for Indigenous communities affected by disruptions to their revenues which are necessary to support programs and services (COVID-19) 2,844,012 0 329,937,468 332,781,480 2,645 332,784,125
Funding for the operations and maintenance of infrastructure in First Nations communities on reserve (Budget 2021) 1,706,653 0 290,186,248 291,892,901 370,551 292,263,452
Funding for infrastructure projects in Indigenous communities 15,852,252 0 209,328,057 225,180,309 3,021,705 228,202,014
Funding for mental health and wellness (Budget 2021) 40,772,489 0 152,500,000 193,272,489 1,163,343 194,435,832
Funding to support Indigenous businesses (COVID-19) (Budget 2021) 0 0 186,504,560 186,504,560 0 186,504,560
Funding for the continuation of public health responses in Indigenous communities (COVID-19) 13,678,969 16,111,298 112,692,243 142,482,510 0 142,482,510
Funding to support a safe restart in Indigenous communities  (COVID-19) (Budget 2021) 491,357 0 137,767,746 138,259,103 92,366 138,351,469
Funding for the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (horizontal item) 2,913,722 0 76,267,000 79,180,722 518,079 79,698,801
Funding to support students and youth (COVID-19) (Budget 2021) 0 0 75,300,000 75,300,000 0 75,300,000
Funding to establish a Canada-wide early learning and child care system (Budget 2021) (horizontal item) 0 0 67,000,000 67,000,000 0 67,000,000
Funding for the modernization of Indigenous governance and capacity (Budget 2021) 0 0 49,545,327 49,545,327 0 49,545,327
Funding for early learning and child care (horizontal item) 244,046 0 34,836,087 35,080,133 54,786 35,134,919
Funding to improve ventilation in public buildings (COVID-19) (horizontal item) 72,560 0 18,650,840 18,723,400 16,323 18,739,723
Funding to co-develop options for distinctions-based federal Indigenous health legislation 1,359,336 0 11,132,849 12,492,185 239,332 12,731,517
Total Voted Appropriations 1,370,648,221 31,111,298 3,985,198,423 5,386,957,942 8,579,725 5,395,537,667
Statutory Appropriations
Contributions related to the Canada Community-Building Fund (Keeping Canada's Economy and Jobs Growing Act) 0 0 0 0 29,684,113 29,684,113
Total Statutory Appropriations 0 0 0 0 29,684,113 29,684,113
Total Voted and Statutory Appropriations 1,370,648,221 31,111,298 3,985,198,423 5,386,957,942 38,263,838 5,425,221,780
Internal Transfer
Internal reallocation of resources from contributions ($7,000,000) to grants to provide essential services to individuals under the Income Assistance and Assisted Living programs 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Internal Transfer 0 0 0 0 0 0
Transfers from other organizations
From the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs to the Department of Indigenous Services to help advance reconciliation and establish a new relationship with the Mohawks of Kahnawà:ke 0 0 7,606,792 7,606,792 0 7,606,792
Total Transfers from other organizations 0 0 7,606,792 7,606,792 0 7,606,792
Total Net Transfers 0 0 7,606,792 7,606,792 0 7,606,792
Total 1,370,648,221 31,111,298 3,992,805,215 5,394,564,734 38,263,838 5,432,828,572
Note: $2.2 billion out of $5.4 billion in the 2021-22 Supplementary Estimates (A) is related to Budget 2021 announcements.

Funding for out-of-court settlements - $1.2 billion


  • Funding for out-of-court settlements.


  • Advance Canada's overall commitment to reconciliation by paving the way for a more respectful and constructive relationship with Indigenous people.


  • The Federal Government is committed to resolving legal challenges through respectful discussions and mediation. As such, it is in active discussions related to various legal challenges.
  • Supplementary Estimates (A) include $1.2 billion to ensure that the Government is in a position to respond expeditiously to commitments made should out of court settlements be reached.
  • The details cannot be discussed at this time due to litigation confidentiality. This could be made public subject to discussions with the parties to the litigation.

Funding for First Nations child and family services, Canadian Human Rights Tribunal orders implementation and non-compliance motion settlement - $1.1 billion


  • Funding will ensure that Canada meets its legal obligation to implement Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (CHRT) orders impacting the First Nations Child and Family Services Program, support ongoing program delivery, position Canada to resolve a non-compliance motion before the Tribunal as well as address feedback from the Parties to the complaint regarding reform.


  • The ultimate outcomes are to decrease the over-representation of First Nations children in care and to ensure that First Nation children are free from severe physical danger and harm.


  • Supplementary Estimates (A) include $1.1 billion for:
    • $488.3 million for the CHRT order implementation;
    • $575.7 million for the settlement of non-compliance motion.
  • The settlement of the non-compliance motion before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal is now being implemented.
  • The implementation of the Community Well-being and Jurisdiction Initiatives Program has begun.
  • The development and implementation of a digital solution for the administration of claims pursuant to the 2018 Canadian Human rights Tribunal order to fund actual costs of prevention, intake and assessment, legal fees, building repairs, child service purchase and small agency costs (in all areas), as well as actual costs of Band Representatives Services is continuing.

Funding for the Indigenous Community Support Fund (COVID-19) (Budget 2021) - $760.7 million


  • Funding to Indigenous communities and organizations to continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Address immediate and continued needs related to COVID-19 in First Nations, Inuit, Métis Nation communities, as well as to support Indigenous organizations that provide services to urban and off-reserve populations.


  • Supplementary Estimates (A) include $760.7 million that was announced in Budget 2021.
  • Funding can be used for:
    • payments for Elders;
    • activities to support and complement vaccine roll-out;
    • measures to address food insecurity;
    • perimeter security;
    • mental health services;
    • mitigation activities and supplies, including non-medical PPEs, cleaning and retrofitting;
    • support for vulnerable community members, including support for the procurement of food, provisions, and other necessities of life;
    • educational and other support for children, including goods and services to enable electronic learning, and other means to facilitate growth and development for children;
    • Other reasonable expenditures to respond to COVID-19 pandemic.

Funding for the continuation of public health responses in Indigenous communities (COVID-19) (Budget 2021) - $477.7 million


  • Funding is to continue to support the ongoing public health response to COVID-19 in Indigenous communities.


  • Funding will enable a continual and uninterrupted public health response to COVID-19 in Indigenous communities. This includes support to hire nurses, help at-risk people to isolate, and distribute personal protective equipment.
  • Funding will address the rapidly evolving context: the wave 3 surge of COVID-19 in spring 2021, the spread of new variants of concern, as well as the continued surge in needs related to vaccine rollout and administration in Indigenous communities and for Indigenous groups.


  • Budget 2021 announced $1.2 billion in 2021-22 to continue supporting the COVID-19 response in Indigenous communities, including $760.7 million for the Indigenous Community Support Fund and $478.1 million to support the ongoing public health response to COVID-19.
  • The fund will allow for ISC's continued support for community-led public health responses, such as:
    • hiring public health nurses in schools, contact tracing, vaccine administration and immunization, purchasing of related medical supplies, e.g. Gene-expert testing machines, syringes, needles, and alcohol swabs, as well as distribution of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE);
    • supporting surge health infrastructure and virtual care enhancements in Indigenous communities, as well as salary and overtime costs for health human resources directly involved in the COVID-19 response.

Funding for Indigenous communities affected by disruptions to their revenues which are necessary to support programs and services (COVID-19) - $332.8 million


  • Funding to partially offset the decline in Own Source Revenues First Nation, Metis, and Inuit communities rely on to provide programs and services.


  • To ensure that communities have the resources they need to continue providing important core community programs and services to their members.


  • In November 2020, as part of the Fall Economic Statement, the Government of Canada announced $332.8 million to help ensure that Indigenous communities can continue to provide community programs and services to their members following pandemic-related declines in own-source revenues, as well as tax revenues. ISC is requesting this funding through Supplementary Estimates (A).
  • This initiative is intended to partially replace the portion of pandemic-related declines in own-source revenues and tax revenues that were used for community programs and services prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • These programs and services will vary from community to community but may include supplementing federal transfer funding for services and programs such as education, health, and water services, but also other programs such as language preservation and cultural programming, and income support for Elders.
  • The Department is working to finalize details on the roll-out of these funds. A call for applications will be launched in spring 2021 with funding expected to begin to flow to communities in summer 2021.

Funding for the operations and maintenance of infrastructure in First Nations communities on reserve (Budget 2021) - $292.3 million


  • Funding to address operations and maintenance costs of community infrastructure in First Nations communities on reserve.


  • Funding will address years of chronic underfunding in operations and maintenance for infrastructure assets, by providing sustained, predictable investments in health facilities, solid waste management, and other community infrastructure.


  • Budget 2021 announced $1.7 billion over five years, beginning in 2021-22, and $388.9 million annually ongoing, to support operations and maintenance costs of community infrastructure in First Nations communities on reserve. ISC is accessing the first year of this funding through Supplementary Estimates (A).
  • Specifically, this funding will:
    • provide increased funding to First Nations on reserve for other community infrastructure assets, based on updated costing studies that account for technological improvements, evolving regulatory requirements, and current labour market realities;
    • support required priority repairs, renovations and community-based operations and maintenance of First Nations health facilities;
    • support the development of comprehensive solid waste management solutions in communities;
    • protect recent substantive capital investments made by the Government of Canada, guarding against premature asset deterioration and ensuring that anticipated returns on investments are attained;
    • support First Nations communities to undertake an enhanced asset inspection process, to better understand and plan for future funding requirements; and
    • expand support for First Nations communities to work towards implementing a holistic Asset Management approach to managing their assets.
  • Immediate funding will support communities to complete essential maintenance during the summer 2021 construction season and allow for crucial planning/capacity building activities.

Funding for infrastructure projects in Indigenous communities - $228.2 million


  • Funding to enable First Nations to address essential infrastructure needs and undertake activities that will accelerate the adoption of First Nations-led service delivery models.


  • The investments will address several long-standing infrastructure gaps.


  • The 2020 Fall Economic Statement committed to unlocking all of the funding originally announced in Budget 2017, stating that: "To support early action, $1.8 billion over seven years, starting in 2021-2022, will be directed to support community infrastructure priorities." and that an additional allocation of $25.9 million will be spent over two years to support "the co-development of distinctions-based infrastructure plans with Indigenous partners".  ISC is accessing the 2021-22 funding through Supplementary Estimates (A).
  • More specifically, this funding will enable:
    • fully costed, co-developed critical infrastructure plans for First Nations, Inuit and Métis;
    • Over 1,000 other community infrastructure projects, including connectivity projects for 27 communities and 50 clean energy projects;
    • at least 5 signed Framework Agreements to facilitate the transfer of infrastructure service delivery to Indigenous partners;
    • at least 105 Indigenous communities to develop asset management plans;
    • support for hundreds of waste management projects and enable at least 65% of First Nations to obtain adequate solid waste management systems;
    • at least 35% of First Nations to develop community-led land use plans; and
    • the continued support for planning, design, and/or construction, as well as required priority repairs, renovations and community-based operations and maintenance of First Nations health facilities.

Funding for mental health and wellness (Budget 2021) – $194.4 million


  • The funding will support a distinctions-based mental health and wellness strategy with First Nations, Inuit, and the Métis Nation.


  • The strategy will:
    • renew funding for the Indian Residential Schools Health Supports Program and Crisis Line, which provide healing supports for survivors of childhood trauma and residential schools;
    • enhance community-based supports and capacity;
    • increase substance use treatment and prevention, and
    • support workforce development.


  • ISC is investing more than $425 million each year to help address the mental wellness needs of First Nations and Inuit populations.
  • Budget 2021 announced $597.6 million over three years, starting in 2021-22 to support the continuity of mental wellness services in Indigenous communities, and advance work to implement distinctions-based approaches. ISC is accessing the first year of this funding through Supplementary Estimates (A).
  • Other recent federal investments in mental health have included:
    • $82.5 million in 2020-21 to help Indigenous communities with surge capacity and adaptation of existing mental wellness services to address COVID-19 related mental wellness needs and pressures;
    • $17.1 million in 2020-21 to provide health supports for those affected by the issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and those impacted by Indian Day Schools to March 31, 2021;
    • $248.6 million over three years, starting in 2018-19, for mental health and emotional supports to survivors and their families for the duration of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement.

Funding to support Indigenous businesses (COVID-19) (Budget 2021) - $186.5 million


  • Funding will support First Nation, Inuit and Métis community and collective businesses and microbusinesses located in the provinces to mitigate the economic impacts of COVID-19, so that they may withstand the pandemic.


  • To maintain Indigenous community businesses and jobs following pandemic shutdowns and to assist Indigenous communities to build economic prosperity.


  • Supplementary Estimates (A) include $117 million to renew the Indigenous Community Business Fund with the same investment level that was provided in 2020-21. It also includes a reprofile funding of $69.5 million to support Indigenous businesses impacted by COVID-19.
  • The $117 million will support Indigenous businesses and communities through the pandemic and help them be in a favorable position to embark on the upcoming recovery period.
  • The $69.5 million will support initiative that provides Indigenous SMEs with financial relief with an interest-free loan of up to $30,000 and a non-repayable portion of $10,000 (COVID-ISI), that is similar to the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) that the Government had previously launched.
  • However, in acknowledgement that Indigenous businesses face a number of social and institutional obstacles when obtaining funding from mainstream financial institutions, this separate funding program has a guaranteed non-repayable component and is being made available through Aboriginal Financial Institutions and Métis Capital Corporations.
  • In December 2020, an additional $20,000 in a 50%-50% split of repayable to non-repayable funds was announced for Indigenous SMEs (COVID-ISI+), which was similar to CEBA+.
  • Uptake increased when the enhanced COVID-ISI+ extension was offered due the second wave of the pandemic as well as due to the fact that the proportion in non-repayable contributions was greater.
  • Both COVID-ISI and the newly enhanced COVID-ISI+ initiatives are being extended to June 30, 2021. This reprofile funding will support the extended application deadline.

Funding for the continuation of public health responses in Indigenous communities (COVID-19) - $142.5 million


  • Funding to continue to respond to the  public health needs due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Funding will enable continuity of COVID-19 public health responses in Indigenous communities to address the rapidly evolving context, i.e., a possible wave 3 surge in COVID-19 in early spring, the spread of new variants of the virus (already detected in the country and some Indigenous communities), as well as vaccine rollout in Indigenous communities and for Indigenous groups.


  • The Fall Economic Statement announced $631.6 million to address COVID-19 public health measures in Indigenous communities.
  • Supplementary Estimates (A) include a reprofile funding of $142.5 million from the urgent public health investments earmarked for fiscal year 2020-21 to fiscal year 2021-22, so that at the start of the new fiscal year 2021-22, there is timely access to funds available for Indigenous communities and organizations to continue to respond to the  public health needs due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The reprofile funding will allow for ISC's continued support of community-led public health responses, such as:
    • hiring additional public health and primary care nurses, contact tracing, vaccine administration and immunization, purchasing of related medical supplies, e.g. Gene-expert testing machines, syringes, needles, and alcohol swabs, as well as distribution of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); and,
    • supporting surge health infrastructure and virtual care enhancements in Indigenous communities, as well as salary and overtime costs for health human resources directly involved in the COVID-19 response.

Funding to support a safe restart in Indigenous communities (COVID-19) (Budget 2021) - $138.4 million


  • Funding will be used to address various COVID-19 pressures in support of a safe restart in Indigenous communities including First Nation elementary and secondary education on reserve.  It will also continue to support Indigenous post-secondary education institutions and community-based programming to address increased costs and financial uncertainty resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Continue to support First Nation communities by extending COVID-19 funding support so that children on reserve can continue to attend school safely.
  • Enable Indigenous post-secondary education institutions to respond to distinctions-based learning needs during the COVID-19 pandemic, and support the continued ability of these institutions to offer training in specialized skills that will support Canada’s economic recovery.


  • Supplementary Estimates (A) include $112 million for 2021-22 to extend COVID-19 support so children on reserve can continue to attend school safely. Funding will be used to implement measures such as:
    • having available additional cleaning supplies for frequent cleaning and disinfection of common touch surfaces;
    • having available appropriate personal protective equipment (e.g. masks, gloves);
    • acquiring needed technology to expand online course offerings and facilitate the provision of student services electronically; and,
    • providing students access to culturally-safe counselling and culturally-supportive learning environment.
  • It also includes $26.4 million to fund:
    • First Nations-controlled post-secondary institutions and community-based programming to flow under the Post-Secondary Partnerships Program;
    • Métis Nation-controlled post-secondary institutions to flow under the Métis Nation Post-Secondary Education Strategy;
    • Inuit-controlled post-secondary institutions to flow via the Inuit Post-Secondary Education Strategy; and
    • Operating requirement to administer this initiative.

Funding for the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (horizontal item) - $79.7 million


  • Funding to the First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy (FNIYES) contributes to a whole-of-government implementation of the Speech from the Throne commitment "Scaling up the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy" by bolstering education and employment opportunities for First Nations and Inuit students and youth.


  • First Nations youth living on reserve and Inuit youth living outside of land-claim areas have access to work placements that allow them to acquire the skills, learning experiences and opportunities they need to find and maintain employment, advance their careers, or return to school to obtain further  academic qualifications.
  • Additionally, the partnerships between FNIYES and ISC's Income Assistance (IA) program will help on-reserve First Nations youth on income assistance transition to employment and reduce the number of youth relying on income supports on a long-term basis.


  • The Fall Economic Statement 2020 announced funding of $575.3 million over two years for the horizontal initiative delivered by ESDC and 10 partner departments, including ISC. Through Supplementary Estimates (A), ISC is requesting the 2021-22 funding:
    • $63 million to more than double the number of FNIYES-funded work and mentorship placements, building on a base budget of $26.9 million per year that is typically oversubscribed and already reaches up to 3,900 First Nations and Inuit youth per year, and
    • $16.7 million to implement a joint initiative with ISC's Income Assistance (IA) program to reach an additional 2,000 First Nations youth on income assistance.
  • Under the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy horizontal initiative, the ISC-led FNIYES has been supporting youth employment initiatives since 1997 by providing incentives and supports to employers to hire and retain First Nations and Inuit students and youth.

Funding to support students and youth (COVID-19) (Budget 2021) - $75.3 million


  • This investment continues support for Indigenous post-secondary students through the Post-Secondary Student Support Program and the Inuit and Métis Nation Post-Secondary Education Strategies.


  • Many Indigenous post-secondary students are facing financial difficulty during the pandemic, as young people have suffered some of the worst job losses. This support would help offset lost income that many Indigenous students rely on to pay for tuition, books, housing, and other living expenses. This investment will help prevent a further widening of the existing educational attainment and labour market gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and will help support Canada to build back better in the post-pandemic context.


  • Funding for this initiative is $150.6 million over two years ($75.3 million per year), starting in 2021-22, and will be broken down as follows:
    • $65.5 million is for First Nations students to flow under the Post-Secondary Student Support Program;
    • $7.2 million is for Métis Nation students to flow under the Métis Nation Post-Secondary Education Strategy; and
    • $2.5 million for Inuit Post-Secondary Education Strategy.
  • Funding for First Nations students will be allocated regionally and administered through contribution agreements with First Nations, or organizations designated by First Nations, with program funding decisions for individual students continuing to be the responsibility of First Nations. Funding for Métis Nation and Inuit students will be allocated and administered in alignment with their post-secondary strategies. These strategies allow Inuit and Métis Nation organizations and jurisdictions to make allocation decisions that best meet the needs of individual communities and students.

Funding to establish a Canada-wide early learning and child care system (Budget 2021) (horizontal item) - $67 million


  • This investment will fund Before and After School care for First Nations on-reserve and Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care governance activities. This will advance the 2020 Speech from the Throne commitment to "accessible, affordable, inclusive, and high quality childcare".


  • Funding will support the ongoing development of the transformative Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework for the delivery and governance of Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care that is anchored in self-determination, centered on children and grounded in culture.
  • Before and after school care on-reserve for First Nations students is part of a continuum of educational and learning supports that First Nations identified as a gap during engagement on Education Transformation. This new programming is expected to help address this gap.
  • ISC’s investments for increased access to Before and After school care programming on-reserve is also expected to reduce barriers and provide more opportunities for Indigenous parents, particularly women, to attend school or participate in the workforce.


  • Budget 2021 announced funding of $2.5 billion over the next five years, beginning in 2021-22, for Indigenous Early Learning and Childcare programming.
  • Of these investments, $515 million over five years, starting in 2021-22, and $112 million ongoing, is to support before and after-school care for First Nations on reserve. ISC is accessing the first year of this funding through Supplementary Estimates (A). This initiative will be implemented through ISC’s existing Elementary and Secondary Education programming.

Funding for the modernization of Indigenous governance and capacity (Budget 2021) - $49.5 million


  • Funding to offset the shortfall in the Indigenous Governance and Capacity programs.


  • This funding will increase First Nations overall management and administrative capacities and ultimately result in First Nations having advanced their governance capacity.


  • Budget 2021 announced supplementary funding of $104.8 million over two years ($49.5 million in 2021-22 and $55.3 million in 2022-23) to support the administrative capacity of First Nations governments and other organizations that deliver critical programs and services. Through Supplementary Estimates (A), ISC is accessing the first year of this funding.
  • With this funding, the Band Support Funding, Employee Benefits, and Tribal Council Funding programs will be funded at formula levels.
  • This funding is an interim measure while the Department continues work on the modernization of Indigenous Governance and Capacity.

Funding for early learning and child care (horizontal item) - $35.1 million


  • Funding for the Early Learning and Child Care program for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation children and families.


  • This initiative is expected to:
    • increase the number of ELCC sites with enhanced accessibility for First Nations, Inuit and Metis children;
    • increase the governance/transfer agreements in place for Indigenous control of ELCC;
    • increase training, recruitment, and supports for Indigenous Early Childhood Educators (ECE) Workers; and,
    • improve outcomes for Indigenous children and families.


  • The Fall Economic Statement (FES) 2020 announced funding for the to Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) across delivery partners: ISC, Employment and Social Development Canada, and the Public Health Agency of Canada.
  • Supplementary Estimates (A) include $35.1 million for the following:
    • to improve the quality and accessibility of IELCC;
    • to continue the work of the IELCC Transformation Initiative to strengthen early learning and child care programs and services for Indigenous children and families; and
    • to build on IELCC Indigenous governance and capacity to date and begin to enable Indigenous participation in the co-development of a Canada-wide ELCC system.
  • These incremental investments build on the foundations of existing funding provided annually to support the following IELCC programs: the Aboriginal Head Start on Reserve program (ISC), the First Nations and Inuit Child Care Initiative (ESDC) and the Aboriginal Head Start in Urban and Northern Communities program (PHAC).

Funding to improve ventilation in public buildings (COVID-19) (horizontal item) - $18.7 million


  • Funding for investments in public buildings in order to improve ventilation to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.


  • The initiative is expected to contribute to the following ISC outcomes:
    • Immediate: addressing First Nations community infrastructure deficiencies;
    • Intermediate: Indigenous people have reliable and sustainable infrastructure; and
    • Ultimate: Indigenous people and communities are healthier.


  • The 2020 Fall Economic Statement provided $150 million to improve ventilation in public buildings. This new source of funds will support provincial, territorial, municipal and local governments, as well as Indigenous communities to make the necessary investments in public buildings to improve ventilation and help reduce the aerosol spread of COVID-19.
  • Through Supplementary Estimates (A), ISC is accessing $18.7 million to address public building deficiencies in First Nation communities by upgrading, repairing, and replacing ventilation systems in order to limit the spread of COVID-19.
  • This initiative builds upon the $59 million ISC received to help First Nations adapt their on-reserve community infrastructure to implement public health measures (e.g., physical barriers, hand hygiene equipment, enhanced environmental cleaning, and assessment or upgrades to existing ventilation systems). Ventilation, however, was not the sole focus of that investment.

Funding to co-develop options for distinctions-based federal Indigenous health legislation - $12.7 million


  • Funding to co-develop distinctions-based Indigenous health legislation with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Nation partners through a broad engagement with First Nations, Inuit, Métis, provinces and territories, subject matter experts and other groups.


  • The co-development of distinctions-based Indigenous health legislation is an opportunity to:
    • establish overarching principles as the foundation of health services for Indigenous peoples;
    • increase Indigenous-led health service delivery through collaboration with Indigenous organizations in the development, provision and improvement of services (transformation of health service delivery); and,
    • continue to advance the Government of Canada's commitment to reconciliation and a renewed nation-to-nation relationship with Indigenous peoples based on the recognition of rights, respect, co-operation and partnership.


  • Fall Economic Statement 2020 announced $15.6 million for 2 years, starting in 2021-22 for this initiative. Through Supplementary Estimates (A), ISC is accessing the first year of this funding.
  • On January 28, 2021, during a national dialogue on anti-Indigenous racism in health care, the Minister of Indigenous Services officially launched the engagement process for the co-development of distinctions-based Indigenous health legislation.
  • Co-development will occur over a 12-month period: 4 months of engagement; 4 months to co-develop options for future legislation; and 4 months to draft legislation for a distinctions-based Indigenous health legislation bill.
  • ISC has assembled a dedicated Health Legislation team to work on this initiative.
  • Preliminary discussions with First Nations, Inuit, Métis Nation partners at national and regional levels, as well as with provinces and territories have taken place.
  • Distinctions-based funding allocations have been approved and work is underway to ensure that funding is transferred to Indigenous partners at the beginning of the 2021-22 fiscal year.


Annex A

Explanation of Requirements 2021-22 – Transfers

Key Initiatives
(in dollars)
 Vote 1a  Vote 5a  Vote 10a  Voted Total  Statutory   Total Budgetary Expenditures
 Operating Expenditures  Capital Expenditures  Grants and Contributions
Internal Transfer
Internal reallocation of resources from contributions ($7,000,000) to grants to provide essential services to individuals under the Income Assistance and Assisted Living programs 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Internal Transfer 0 0 0 0 0 0
Transfers from other organizations
From the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs to the Department of Indigenous Services to help advance reconciliation and establish a new relationship with the Mohawks of Kahnawà:ke 0 0 7,606,792 7,606,792 0 7,606,792
Total Transfers from other organizations 0 0 7,606,792 7,606,792 0 7,606,792
Total Net Transfers 0 0 7,606,792 7,606,792 0 7,606,792

Overview of the 2021-22 Supplementary Estimates A

Key Messages:

Out-of-court settlements

Funding for First Nations Child and Family Services, Canadian Human Rights Tribunal orders implementation and non-compliance motion settlement

Indigenous Community Support Fund (COVID-19) (Budget 2021)

Continuation of public health responses in Indigenous communities (COVID-19)

Offsetting communities own-source revenue (COVID-19)

Operations and maintenance of infrastructure in First Nations communities on reserve (Budget 2021)

Infrastructure projects in Indigenous communities

Mental health and wellness (Budget 2021)

Support Indigenous businesses (COVID-19) (Budget 2021)

Supporting a safe restart in Indigenous communities (COVID-19) (Budget 2021)

Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (FES 2020) (horizontal item)

Indigenous governance and capacity (Budget 2021)

Support students and youth (COVID-19) (Budget 2021)

Establish a Canada-wide early learning and child care system (Budget 2021) (horizontal item)

Improving ventilation in public buildings (COVID-19)

Health Legislation

Fact Sheet on Supplementary Estimates (A) cross referencing against Budget 2021/COVID-19 investments

Supplementary Estimates (A) 2021-22 - By Vote

Key Initiatives*
(in millions)
Budget 2021 Announcements Covid - 19 Measures  Budgetary
 Vote 1a  Vote 5a  Vote 10a  Voted Total  Statutory   Total Budgetary Expenditures
 Operating Expenditures  Capital Expenditures  Grants and Contributions
Voted Appropriations
Funding for out-of court settlements     1,239.9 0 0 1,239.9 0.1 1,239.9
Funding for First Nations Child and Family Services, Canadian Human Rights Tribunal orders implementation and non-compliance motion settlement     11.3 0 1,050.4 1,061.7 2.3 1,064.0
Funding for the Indigenous Community Support Fund Yes Yes 0.6 0 760.0 760.6 0.1 760.7
Funding for the continuation of public health responses in Indigenous communities Yes Yes 39.0 15.0 423.1 477.1 0.6 477.7
Funding for Indigenous communities affected by disruptions to their revenues which are necessary to support programs and services   Yes 2.8 0 329.9 332.8 0.0 332.8
Funding for the operations and maintenance of infrastructure in First Nations communities on reserve Yes   1.7 0 290.2 291.9 0.4 292.3
Funding for infrastructure projects in Indigenous communities     15.9 0 209.3 225.2 3.0 228.2
Funding for mental health and wellness Yes   40.8 0 152.5 193.3 1.2 194.4
Funding to support Indigenous businesses Yes Yes 0 0 186.5 186.5 0 186.5
Funding for the continuation of public health responses in Indigenous communities   Yes 13.7 16.1 112.7 142.5 0 142.5
Funding to support a safe restart in Indigenous communities Yes Yes 0.5 0 137.8 138.3 0.1 138.4
Funding for the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (horizontal item)     2.9 0 76.3 79.2 0.5 79.7
Funding to support students and youth Yes Yes 0 0 75.3 75.3 0 75.3
Funding to establish a Canada-wide early learning and child care system (horizontal item) Yes   0 0 67.0 67.0 0 67.0
Funding for the modernization of Indigenous governance and capacity Yes   0 0 49.5 49.5 0 49.5
Funding for early learning and child care (horizontal item)     0.2 0 34.8 35.1 0.1 35.1
Funding to improve ventilation in public buildings (horizontal item)   Yes 0.1 0 18.7 18.7 0.0 18.7
Funding to co-develop options for distinctions-based federal Indigenous health legislation     1.4 0 11.1 12.5 0.2 12.7
Total Voted Appropriations 1,370.6 31.1 3,985.2 5,387.0 8.6 5,395.5
Statutory Appropriations
Contributions related to the Canada Community-Building Fund (Keeping Canada's Economy and Jobs Growing Act) 0 0 0 0 29.7 29.7
Total Statutory Appropriations 0 0 0 0 29.7 29.7
Total Voted and Statutory Appropriations 1,370.6 31.1 3,985.2 5,387.0 38.3 5,425.2
Internal Transfer
Internal reallocation of resources from contributions ($7,000,000) to grants to provide essential services to individuals under the Income Assistance and Assisted Living programs 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Internal Transfer 0 0 0 0 0 0
Transfers from other organizations
From the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs to the Department of Indigenous Services to help advance reconciliation and establish a new relationship with the Mohawks of Kahnawà:ke 0 0 7.6 7.6 0 7.6
Total Transfers from other organizations 0 0 7.6 7.6 0 7.6
Total Net Transfers 0 0 7.6 7.6 0 7.6
Total 1,370.6 31.1 3,992.8 5,394.6 38.3 5,432.8
* Please note that we have removed COVID-19 and Budget 2021 reference in the title (previously in bracket) for ease of presentation

COVID-19 related funding announcements and spending
(Total, since inception)

Investment initiatives Total Investments Funding
(in millions)
Total Expenditures as of April 30, 2021* Organization/department
Public Health Response
Public health Wave 1 285.1 Redacted  
Public health Wave 2 631.6 Redacted  
Canada's initial response 10.0 Redacted  
Public health response (B21) 478.1 Redacted  
Supportive care 186.8 Redacted  
Ventilation in public buildings 30.0 Redacted (ISC/CIRNAC)
Public health infrastructure 59.0 Redacted  
Total Health 1,680.6 Redacted  
Indigenous Community Support Fund
Round 1 305.0 Redacted  
Urban 75.0 Redacted  
Round 2 305.0 Redacted  
Round 3 380.0 Redacted  
Food Security 30.0 Redacted  
Indigenous Community Support Fund (B21) 760.8 Redacted  
Total ICSF 1,855.8 Redacted  
Family Violence Prevention
Family Violence Prevention 10.0 Redacted  
12 new shelters 44.8 Redacted (CMHC)
Operational costs 40.8 Redacted  
Engagement 1.0 Redacted  
Total 96.6 Redacted  
Indigenous Businesses Supports
Own-source revenues 332.8 Redacted  
Restart economies in Canada's Territories 41.0 Redacted (HEALTH/FINANCE)
Small and Medium Businesses 306.8 Redacted  
Northern businesses 15.0 Redacted (CanNor)
Support small businesses in Canada's Territories 3.0 Redacted (CanNor)
Additional 117.0 Redacted  
Indigenous Community Business Fund (B21) 117.0 Redacted  
Indigenous Tourism 16.0 Redacted  
Indigenous Tourism (B21) 2.4 Redacted  
Territorial businesses 34.3 Redacted (CanNor)
First Nations Finance Authority Emergency Fund (B21) 32.5 Redacted (CIRNAC)
Total 1,017.8 Redacted  
Education Support
Safe return to school 112.0 Redacted  
Schools on reserve (B21) 112.0 Redacted  
Indigenous Skills and Employement Training Program 144.2 Redacted (ESDC)
Post-Secondary Support 75.2 Redacted  
Support for post-secondary students  (B21) 150.6 Redacted  
Early learning and child care 120.7 Redacted (ISC/PHAC/ESDC(1))
Post-Secondary Institutions 25.9 Redacted  
Post-Secondary Institutions (B21) 26.4 Redacted  
Total School Support 767.0 Redacted  
On-Reserve Income Assistance 270.0 Redacted  
Mental Wellness Support 82.5 Redacted  
Nutrition North Subsidy 25.0 Redacted (CIRNAC)
Air Transportation Support 17.3 Redacted (CIRNAC)
Territories (Health & Social)
Territories (Health & Social) 72.6 Redacted  
Additional - safe restart framework 64.7 Redacted  
Total 137.3 Redacted (CIRNAC)
Total 5,949.9 Redacted  
- Supplementary Estimates (C) also include $58.0M for Government of Nunavut for increased health care costs due to the pandemic.
- Budget 2021 proposes to extend the Indigenous Business Initiative to June 30, 2021 to support Indigenous businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing interest-free loans and non-repayable contributions for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Nation businesses.
*Expenditures may not include Share Services Canada and Accomodations (PSPC) portion.
(1) Reflects ISC’s Actuals only
Updated: May 12, 2021


Committee Member Biographies

Gary Anandasangaree, Lib (Scarborough—Rouge Park, ON)

Gary Anandasangaree

Biographical information

Mr. Anandasangaree was first elected to the House of Commons in 2015, and again in 2019.

Prior to his election to the House of Commons, Mr. Anandasangaree advocated for education and justice as an internationally recognized human rights lawyer and community activist. He has served as Chair of the Canadian Tamil Youth Development Centre, President of the Canadian Tamils' Chamber of Commerce, and counsel to the Canadian Tamil Congress. He was also legal counsel to the Independent Mortgage Brokers and Agents, a board member of the Youth Challenge Fund, member of the Toronto Police Chief's Advisory Board, and a member of the United Way Newcomers Grant Program.

Mr. Anandasangaree attended Osgoode Hall Law School. He was called to the bar in 2006 and later managed his own firm in Scarborough, Ontario. He has been an advocate for human rights issues, regularly representing Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada at the United Nations. He has also served as an advocate for local youth, intervening in cases of wrongful student expulsion and suspension.

For his community service and local advocacy, Mr. Anandasangaree has received both the Queen's Golden and Diamond Jubilee medals. He also received the Osgoode Hall Law School "One to Watch" Gold Key Award and the South Asian Bar Association's Young Practitioner Award.

Statements on Indigenous Issues
  • UNDRIP and Healthcare: "We also need to ensure that we bring forward legislation on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. We need to make sure that the gaps we see in all other social determinants of health are closed as well. As the throne speech said, we also want to make sure that in health care, we have legislation that is co-developed by indigenous partners so we can have proper health care for all in this country." Hansard, Oct. 1, 2020
  • MMIWG Action Plan: "In response to the first-ever national public inquiry regarding this ongoing national tragedy, our government is working with all provincial and territorial governments as well as indigenous leaders, survivors and families to develop a national action plan that sets a clear road map to ensure that indigenous women and girls, two-spirit and gender diverse people are safe. As the Speech from the Throne and the minister's mandate letter highlighted, the co-development of the national action plan is a priority of our government and work is under way through a series of working groups led by indigenous women, with families and survivors at the centre of this work." Hansard, Feb. 2, 2021
  • National Day for Truth and Reconciliation: "It is a day marked by September 30, traditionally Orange Shirt Day. As much as we mark this day, as much as this day is important and significant, it is a day for Canadians to recommit and double down on the need for reconciliation to take place, the need for all the social determinants of health to be rectified and to ensure that we have a proper plan and path forward to ensure that true equality can take shape in Canada." Hansard, Oct. 23, 2020
  • Indian Act: "A number of questions were posed about the Indian Act itself. I can categorically say that it is a deeply flawed and deeply racist act that continues to subjugate First Nations people from coast to coast to coast in a very colonial setting." Hansard, Oct. 23, 2020
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
  • Bill C-8, An Act to amend the Citizenship Act (Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada's call to action number 94): "I just want to put on the record the importance of having this work within Bill C-8, the term "Constitution Act, 1982". It is very important in the sense that it recognizes some very specific rights of Indigenous people, defined in section 35. Bill C-8 is a document that had consultation through a number of different Indigenous organizations and peoples, and we believe it's an important outlet to reaffirm the importance of the Constitution and the constitutional rights of Indigenous peoples as enshrined therein." INAN, Feb. 4, 2021
  • COVID-19/Long-term care: "While Canada has done relatively well in handling the pandemic, our systemic failure within our long-term care homes is a national shame. I recognize and acknowledge that the long-term care homes are a provincial responsibility. In some respects, it is easy for us to say this and point fingers. Truth be told: no one cares about jurisdiction. Canadians want action and rightfully so. Decades of neglect have eroded the fragile foundations of these facilities. An absence of accountability and apathy toward oversight has shifted the culture from one of long-term care to one of long-term crisis." Hansard, Jan. 25, 2021
  • Human Rights/Sri Lanka: "This year is the 10th anniversary of the end of the armed conflict in Sri Lanka. Last June, Parliament unanimously passed a motion asking the United Nations to undertake an investigation into genocide on the island. Sadly, Sri Lanka has returned a war criminal to power with his cohorts of despotic military leaders, who have sent chills down the spine of civil society actors on the island and worldwide. Now more than ever truth, peace, accountability and reconciliation on the island seem far out of reach." Hansard, Dec. 11, 2019
General Issues Raised in the Media
  • Anti-Black Racism: "We cannot continue to afford to let history repeat itself. We must not only address Anti-Black racism and educate one another, but stand shoulder-to-shoulder with all our brothers and sisters across the globe to fight back against any form of racism and discrimination." Twitter, May 30, 2020
Written Questions
  • None.
Private Members' Business
  • M-24 (Tamil Heritage Month) (Motion Agreed To, Oct 5, 2016) - That, in the opinion of the House, the government should recognize the contributions that Tamil-Canadians have made to Canadian society, the richness of the Tamil language and culture, and the importance of educating and reflecting upon Tamil heritage for future generations by declaring January, every year, Tamil Heritage Month.

Jaime Battiste, Lib (Sydney-Victoria, NS)

Jaime Battiste

Biographical information

Born in Potlotek First Nation, NS, Mr. Battiste was first elected to the House of Commons in 2019.

Prior to his election, Mr. Battiste was a published writer on Mi'kmaq laws, history, and knowledge. After graduating from Dalhousie Law in 2004, he worked as a professor, senior advisor, citizenship coordinator and Assembly of First Nations Regional Chief.

Mr. Battiste has extensive volunteer experience in athletics, youth advocacy, community events, and advocacy for the Mi'kmaw Nation. He is a member of the Aboriginal Sport Circle and a part owner of the Eskasoni Junior B Eagles. He served as the Nova Scotia Youth council representative to the Assembly of First Nation National Youth Council from 2001-2006. In 2005, the National Aboriginal Healing Organization named him as one of the National Aboriginal Role Models in Canada. In 2006, as Chair of the Assembly of First Nations Youth Council, he became one of the founding members of the Mi'kmaq Maliseet Atlantic Youth Council (MMAYC), an organization that represents and advocates for Mi'kmaw and Maliseet youth within the Atlantic. In 2018, Mr. Battiste was recognized with the Sovereign's Medal for Volunteers.

Mr. Battiste is the first Mi'kmaw Member of Parliament.

Statements on Indigenous Issues
  • UNDRIP: "There is no doubt that the Indian Act is racist legislation. There is no doubt that we need to change it. I really hope we can do so with UNDRIP, being something that takes its place. My father is one of the initial drafters of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. It is an amazing document and we should move forward on it." Hansard, Oct. 23, 2020
  • Systemic Racism/Policing: "We have to understand that there is systemic racism in all levels of government and while we want the RCMP and police keepers, what we really want to see is more Mi'kmaq police keepers, peacekeepers and RCMP people to help protect." Hansard, Oct. 23, 2020
  • Education: "In Nova Scotia, the Mi'kmaq took control over their education system 20 years ago with Mi'kmaw Kina'matnewey, which we call MK, … and we saw a 30% graduation rate increase to where we are today at about 90%. The evidence seems to clear that First Nations-led and First Nations-governed education systems achieve better results for First Nations students. I also understand that there are 23 Anishinabek nations who have signed a historic self-government agreement on education." INAN, Feb. 20, 2020
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
  • UNDRIP: "today is a historic day for indigenous people: 13 years ago, the United Nations General Assembly voted to adopt the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Many scholars across several nations, including my father, Sákéj Youngblood Henderson, worked for decades on the UN declaration. Will the Minister of Justice update the House on the Liberal government's commitment to introduce a bill on the UN declaration before the end of 2020?" Hansard, Dec. 3, 2020
  • Bill C-8, An Act to amend the Citizenship Act (Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada's call to action number 94): "A lot of people focus on section 35 of the Constitution of Canada, which recognizes and affirms the aboriginal and treaty rights, but I don't feel that people acknowledge and put as much weight on section 52, the supremacy law that you were referring to that recognizes that aboriginal and treaty rights, which include inherent and aboriginal title and all of the things the AFN was talking about, are actually the supreme law of Canada." INAN, Feb. 2, 2021
  • Environment: "The Indigenous Leadership Initiative hosted the Land Needs Guardians conference in Ottawa to address the challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss; Indigenous nations are at the forefront of a growing movement to create indigenous protection in conserved areas." Hansard, Feb. 5, 2020
General Issues Raised in the Media
  • Domestic terrorism: "We are taking the threat posed by organizations and groups that traffic in hate, misogyny, and antisemitism seriously. Violent extremism has no place in Canada and must be treated appropriately." Twitter, Feb. 3, 2021
  • COVID-19 government response: "I sat down with Mayor McDougall to discuss how we'll work together on progressive policies that will support those who need it most, lay out the importance of investing in our local infrastructure on the federal level, and ferry Cape Bretoners through the post-COVID recovery." Twitter, Jan. 20, 2021
  • Health care: "One of the no. 1 things I heard at the doors was the need to improve access to health care in Cape Breton. I met with Hon. @PattyHajdu, Minister of Health, to discuss what matters most to Cape Bretoners when it comes to quality access to health care services. This will be one of my many priorities. I look forward to working with the Minister and improve access to the services we rely on every day." Twitter, Dec. 12, 2019
Written Questions
  • None.
Private Members' Business
  • M-35 (environment grading label) (Adopted in the HOC Feb. 24, 2021 and referred to ENVI, study date TBD.) - That: the House recognize that Canadians understand that climate change represents a threat to our way of life and are looking for opportunities where they can make a difference in their day-to-day lives, and that the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development be instructed to undertake a study to recommend a consumer-friendly environment grading label on all products available to Canadian consumers and to provide recommendations to the industry sector on ways to implement the labelling regime, and that the study examine, among other matters, the possibility of having the environment grading label include greenhouse gas emissions, water and energy usage, and waste creation.

Bob Bratina, Lib (Hamilton East — Stoney Creek, ON)

Bob Bratina

Biographical information

Born in Hamilton, ON, Mr. Bratina was first elected to the House of Commons in 2015, and again in 2019.

Prior to his election, Mr. Bratina worked in radio and broadcasting for local morning shows and sporting events. In 1998, he was inducted into the Football Reporters of Canada Hall of Fame. He was also a nominee for Hamilton Citizen of the Year, and won Hamilton Mountain Citizen of the Year. He also served on numerous Boards of Directors including; GO Transit, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Theatre Aquarius, and HECFI.

In 2004, he was elected as MPP for Hamilton Centre, and again in 2006. His concerns over high lead readings in city drinking water resulted in a lead water service replacement loan program and a lead blood screening program for young children. He was elected as Mayor of Hamilton in 2010, seeing the completion of a new stadium, development in the downtown core, and a move to solve the impasse in the local Randle Reed project.

Statements on Indigenous Issues
  • Wet'suwet'en Protests and the RCMP: "All communities should benefit from policing that is professional and dedicated, and indigenous communities are no exception. That is why we will co-develop a legislative framework for First Nations policing and expand the number of communities served by the First Nations policing program. We will ensure police officers and services have the necessary tools and resources to protect the vulnerable and increase community safety." Hansard, Feb. 20, 2020
  • Water Quality: "We can no longer take a reactive approach to combatting lead pipes and drinking water quality. The time has come for the federal government to work together with its provincial, territorial, municipal, and indigenous partners to create a unified cross-country solution to eradicate these issues, which affect the very young more than the old, and low-income families more than the affluent. Children in older, poorer neighbourhoods should not be exposed to a serious health hazard because of where they live or their family's economic status." Hansard, Feb. 7, 2017
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
  • Steel industry: "Despite the pandemic, many of the business sectors in Hamilton are performing well, contributing to wages and tax revenues, including the steel industry, which I am proud to help represent. With the current round of pre-budget consultations now under way, can the Associate Minister of Finance tell us how the government plans to ensure vibrancy and sustainability for steel and steel-related industries as we navigate the complex issues of a post-pandemic economy?" Hansard, Feb. 2, 2021
  • Automotive industry: "I am encouraged by the recent Unifor-Ford collective bargaining agreement and what this multi-billion dollar investment means for the future of Canadian auto manufacturing. As the member for Hamilton East—Stoney Creek, I represent Canada's biggest steel producer and hundreds of related manufacturing operations." Hansard, Oct. 8, 2020
  • Veterans: "Must keep investing in veterans' benefits and services. After 10 years of cuts to funding and staff, we are rebuilding the trust of veterans." Hansard, Sept. 25, 2018
General Issues Raised in the Media
  • COVID-19/Canadian Football League (CFL): "The CFL is unique. I think there's value in the league but I think it needs to be dealt with from (the perspective of) nine cities, six provinces and the federal government working together to come up with a plan which, really, shouldn't be that expensive in that context." CBC News Hamilton, May 14, 2020
  • Steel: "I've always supported steel all my life … I had steelworkers at the door thanking me for what I did. (Stelco) is working; pensioners are getting their pensions; we put millions of dollars to increase the production facility.", Oct 22, 2019
Written Questions
  • None.
Private Members' Business
  • M-69 (Water Quality) (Motion Agreed To, Feb. 7, 2017) - That, in the opinion of the House: (a) the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities should undertake a study on (i) the presence of lead in Canadian tap water, (ii) provincial, territorial and municipal efforts to date to replace lead water distribution lines, (iii) current federal efforts to support other levels of government in the provision of safe drinking water; (b) the Committee should report to the House no later than December 1, 2017; and (c) following the tabling of the said report, the federal government should engage with key stakeholders, such as provincial and territorial governments, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, as well as Indigenous partners, to discuss options for addressing lead drinking water service lines, including any potential role for the federal government.

Marcus Powlowski, Lib (Thunder Bay—Rainy River, ON)

Marcus Powlowski

Biographical information

Born in Fort William, ON, Mr. Powlowski was first elected to the House of Commons in 2019.

Prior to his election, Mr. Powlowski served as a physician in the Emergency Room at Thunder Bay Regional Health Science Centre. In addition to being a medical doctor, he has two law degrees - LL.B, LL.M from the universities of Toronto and Georgetown, respectively. He also attended Harvard University and obtained a Masters of Public Health in Health Law and Policy.

Mr. Powlowski worked as a doctor for two years in northern First Nations communities, and for seven years practicing medicine in several developing countries in Africa and Oceania. For several years, he worked as a consultant in health legislation for the World Health Organization. He also volunteered on a medical project in Ethiopia.

Statements on Indigenous Issues
  • COVID-19: "H1N1, which was the last COVID-19-like virus to go around, disproportionately affected people in northern indigenous communities for the reasons … probably (because of) the usual social determinants of health, lack of water, overcrowding, those kinds of things. However, I think there was probably also a genetic component. Being a doctor in Thunder Bay regional hospital at the time, we had a lot of ICU beds occupied by people from northern communities. There were young people who got H1N1 and were ill enough that they had to be intubated and put on a ventilator. The ultimate concern with COVID-19 is the proportion of people who have more serious illnesses. The answer to that, if you're in one of the northern fly-in communities, is to fly them out. In the case of an epidemic, you're probably going to need more planes, better transportation systems. Is that being considered and prepared for?" INAN, Mar. 12, 2020
  • Wet'suwet'en Protests: "It is imperative to exhaust all peaceful means of resolving the rail blockades." Hansard, Feb. 18, 2020
  • Funding for Services: "A constant refrain that I hear in Thunder Bay is that we have this large community here, but we're not getting the funding to provide services for that community. I know there's Jordan's Principle there that says nobody falls between the cracks, but that seems like that's filling in the cracks, that's not really a plan. What is being done in order to assist indigenous people coming to these kinds of communities to get the services they need to integrate if they so choose, into the society?" INAN, Feb. 25, 2020
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
  • Food Security in the North: "Having lived for a couple of years in such communities, I have spent a lot of money at the Northern store and have had to pay whatever they were charging, four or five dollars, for a head of lettuce and those kinds of prices. Obviously in a lot of these communities, Northern store basically has a monopoly. There's no real competition. Do you think their prices are fair?" INAN, Jan. 26, 2021
  • COVID-19: "Over the years, because of a lack of infectious disease, we've become a lot more concerned about doing everything possible not to infringe on individual liberties, and we've been very reluctant to use any sort of coercive action to control the spread of infectious disease. This is public health academia. Although our government was criticized for it, it is the prevailing attitude in public health academia and public health circles in the western world… this was perhaps a mistake on the part of the public health community." HESA, Apr. 15, 2020
  • Housing: "Government has made a real investment in Canadian communities; cost of rent is going up everywhere; need for federal government to play a leadership role in the housing sector." Hansard, Jan. 29, 2020
General Issues Raised in the Media
  • LGBTIQ+ Discrimination: "LGBTIQ+ people still face serious challenges in their everyday life. When we stop pointing to the exceptions and start looking at how we can best support each other, we break the silence and continue the demand for systemic change." Twitter, May 17, 2020
  • Firearms: "Given that there is currently no legal definition for a 'military assault rifle in Canada, some community members I have spoken with are skeptical that a ban based on this term would make sense as a coherent firearm policy. Such a term, as they see it, is more political than policy oriented, and seeks to target certain firearms without a rational basis.", Jan. 21, 2020
  • Indigenous living conditions: "I fully support efforts to improve the living conditions of the Indigenous population - we can do better than we are doing now.", July 21, 2019
Written Questions
  • None.
Private Members' Business
  • None.

Adam van Koeverden, Lib (Milton, ON)

Adam van Koeverden

Biographical information

Born in Toronto, ON, Mr. van Koeverden was first elected to the House of Commons in 2019.

Prior to his election, Mr. van Koeverden was a professional sprint kayaker. He has won numerous Olympic medals, including the gold medal in men's canoeing at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, and has also won numerous medals at World Championship events, including the gold medal in 2007, and again in 2011.

Mr. van Koeverden has also worked as a managing consultant with Deloitte, and as a broadcaster, writer and producer with CBC Sports. He graduated as valedictorian from McMaster University in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology.

He has volunteered extensively for organizations like Right To Play, WaterAID, Special Olympics, Parkinson's Canada, and the David Suzuki Foundation. He has also served as Chair of the Canadian Olympic Athletes' Commission, and was a member of the federal government's working group for Gender Inclusion and Gender Based Violence in Sport.

Statements on Indigenous Issues
  • Bill C-10, An Act to amend the Broadcasting Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts: "As highlighted in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's calls to action and in the calls for justice issued by the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, broadcasting can play a key role in promoting and protecting Indigenous languages, arts, cultures, traditions and perspectives. The bill would support Indigenous creators so that they can tell their own stories in their own words. It emphasizes the need for Indigenous-run broadcasting services. …. Hearing them, allowing us to live the stories they tell, will not only have us in awe. It will contribute to reconciliation and mutual understanding." Hansard, Nov. 19, 2020
  • Food Security in the North: "I'm curious how the various harvester programs—and the programs that fund hunters, gatherers, fishers and traditional food suppliers—are interacting with the harvester grant. …. You mentioned how important these programs are for the mental health and vitality of people, enabling them to live on the land. Do you have any recommendations for how this program or these programs could continue to work better or work better together?" INAN, Feb. 23, 2021
  • Wet'suwet'en Protests: "We can certainly all agree, I hope, that a peaceful process and a resolution that results in no violence is in everyone's best interests. However, the language that we have heard from the Leader of the Opposition is anything but peaceful, as he suggested that Indigenous people 'check their privilege'" Hansard, Feb. 18, 2020
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
  • Environment: "Last week, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change released a list of the 325 conditions that the CN intermodal project must meet before it could proceed with any development in my riding of Milton. I recognize that these conditions address some of the concerns raised by my community and that this conditional approval is a technical assessment not an endorsement by the federal government. However, let me be very clear that these conditions do not change my position. I have always advocated for a rejection of this project and I remain strongly opposed." Hansard, Jan. 29, 2021
  • Energy: "As we all know, many communities continue to rely on diesel-fueled power as a primary energy source. We've heard from many communities that this is becoming increasingly challenging as the impacts of climate change affect their ability to access diesel, as well as the cost." INAN, Feb. 25, 2020
  • COVID-19: "the reason that I bring it up is that misinformation is actually incredibly damaging to the Canadian rhetoric. It is very dangerous. I had a call with seniors from my riding, just last night. They were really worried because they are listening to this anti-vaccine rhetoric and these notions that the number of deaths in Alberta has been inflated somehow. Misinformation is another pandemic, and we have to be very mindful of what we put out there. People rely on us for good information." Hansard, Dec. 3, 2020
  • Mental Health: "We need to ensure that workplaces across Canada have mental health standards in place. People who want to access mental health services should not have to wait months on end before they get the help they need. These are exactly the sorts of problems our government will tackle, by working to introduce relevant workplace mental health standards and ensuring Canadians can access services when they need them." Hansard, Jan. 27, 2020
  • Equality in Sport & Society: "Find solutions so all Canadians can access sport, recreation and physical activity; examine barriers that women in leadership roles face inside and outside the sport industry; work on expanding Canada's anti-racism strategy; ensure easier access to sports and community activities for newcomers to Canada." Hansard, Jan. 27, 2020
General Issues Raised in the Media
  • Racism and Discrimination: "Through Canada's Anti-Racism Strategy, we are funding projects to combat racism in all its forms. We will continue our work as allies and partners with racialized communities, religious minorities, and Indigenous peoples to combat racism as we build back better and more inclusive." News Release, Canadian Heritage, Nov. 9, 2020
  • Canada Child Benefit: "Canada is an example of what real action on poverty reduction looks like. With programs like the Canada Child Benefit - families in Milton, and across our country have more money each month. That's more money for healthy food, sports & recreation and quality time together." Twitter, Feb. 6, 2019
Written Questions
  • None.
Private Members' Business
  • None.

Lenore Zann, Lib (Cumberland—Colchester, NS)

Lenore Zann

Biographical information

Born in Sydney, Australia, Ms. Zann was first elected to House of Commons in 2019.

Prior to her election, Ms. Zann worked as a screen, television, stage, and voice actress, and appeared in numerous television shows, films, radio, and animated series.

Ms. Zann was elected to the Nova Scotia House of Assembly in 2009, and again in 2013 for the Nova Scotia NDP. She was the NDP spokesperson for Education, Environment, Status of Women, Human Rights Commission, Aboriginal Affairs & Truth & Reconciliation, Agriculture, Advanced Education, African NS Affairs, and Gaelic Affairs. She served as the Ministerial Assistant for the Department of Tourism, Culture, and Heritage.

Ms. Zann also produces and directs a community theatre production for the Truro Theatre Society.

Statements on Indigenous Issues
  • UNDRIP: "The Government of Canada hopes to achieve what we began along the path of reconciliation, and we plan to introduce UNDRIP. I am looking forward to that. We committed to a renewed nation-to-nation, Inuit-to-Crown, government-to-government process with Indigenous peoples across Canada to make real progress on the issues that are most important to them. We have already started down this path and we will keep walking together. It is in my heart and it is in my mind, and I pledge that I will do everything that I can as a member of Parliament to make sure that this happens." Hansard, Oct. 19, 2020
  • MMIWG: "On domestic violence and gun control, I noted that at least 118 women and girls have been murdered across our country so far this year, according to the annual report from the Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability. More often than not, that is a result of domestic violence, and shooting was the most common method of killing. This report comes on the 30th anniversary of the École Polytechnique massacre at the university in Montreal. That shooting, which left 14 innocent young women dead, thrust the term "misogyny" into the public discourse in Canada. It still continues today, and it is a problem. Missing and murdered Indigenous women are still a huge issue that we need to address on all sides of this House and in all provinces across this nation." Hansard, Dec. 12, 2019
  • Bill C-230, An Act respecting the development of a national strategy to redress environmental racism: "I would contend that Indigenous and Black women have been building grassroots environmental and social justice movements for decades to challenge the legal, political and corporate agendas that sanction and enable environmental racism and other forms of colonial violence in their communities. Colonial gendered violence continues today and includes the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women, the displacement of Indigenous people from their lands by corporate resource-extraction projects, anti-Black and anti-Indigenous police violence and other forms of state-sanctioned violence that make it difficult for Indigenous and Black peoples and women to meet their basic needs with respect to employment, income, health care and other resources." Hansard, Dec. 8, 2020
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
  • Mi'Kmaq fisheries: "My constituents in Millbrook First Nation, as well as the Mi'kmaq across the province, would appreciate an update on the current nation-to-nation discussions under way between our government and the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi'kmaq Chiefs based on their treaty rights to fish for a moderate livelihood, which was upheld in a ruling on the Marshall decision…" Hansard, Oct. 2, 2020
  • COVID-19/Mental health: "We heard in the spring that the pandemic was having impacts on mental health across the country for Indigenous communities that were already vulnerable before the crisis. They are even more so now and will probably be more so afterwards… Can you please describe the impacts of the pandemic on the mental health of Mi'Kmaq communities in our area?" INAN, Nov. 26, 2020
  • New fiscal relationships: "…When Indigenous communities move toward self-governance and self-determination, they have better outcomes across the board…. Part of this includes developing fiscal relations with communities that allow them to make their own choices about where to invest and the government has proposed a new collaborative self-government fiscal policy as a better way to address the needs of self-governing First Nations." INAN, Feb. 25, 2020
General Issues Raised in the Media
  • Environmental Assessment: "An environmental assessment off the coast of Newfoundland could fast-track oil and gas exploration in an area that is home to sensitive corals and sponges, and includes important habitat for endangered whales. We have until Feb. 21 to take action" Twitter, Feb. 8, 2020
Written Questions
  • None.
Private Members' Business
  • C-230 (National Strategy to Redress Environmental Racism Act) (Introduced Feb. 26, 2020, 2nd hour of debate at 2nd reading anticipated on March 22, 2021) - An Act respecting the development of a national strategy to redress environmental racism.

Eric Melillo, CPC (Kenora, ON)

Eric Melillo

Biographical information

Born in Kenora, Ontario, Mr. Melillo was first elected to the House of Commons in 2019.

Prior to his election, Mr. Melillo studied economics at Lakehead University, worked for a non-partisan think tank in Thunder Bay (Northern Policy Institute) conducting policy analysis, served as an Associate for a Business Consulting firm, and worked as the campaign manager for Kenora—Rainy River MPP Greg Rickford.

Mr. Melillo is the Conservative Party's Shadow Minister for Northern Affairs and Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario.

Mr. Melillo is the first Generation Z MP, the youngest Conservative MP ever elected in Canada, and the youngest in the 43rd Canadian Parliament.

Statements on Indigenous Issues
  • MMIWG/Water: "I worry that this promise [MMIWG Action Plan] could follow a fate similar to the government's pledge to end all long-term drinking water advisories. We know the government had to walk that promise back very recently…" Hansard, Feb. 2, 2021
  • Water: "Today marks 26 years since the Neskantaga First Nation in my riding fell under a boil water advisory. Not only has the community had to overcome the advisory itself, but last year a malfunction with the water system caused residents to have to evacuate entirely. The government has stated that no relationship is more important to it than its relationship with Indigenous peoples; however, its inaction on this issue speaks far louder than its hollow words. All that community residents have been asking is for the government to keep the promise it made and put an end to this crisis." Hansard, Feb. 1, 2021
  • Housing: "the member across the way mentioned the rapid housing initiative and has been speaking of housing in the north more broadly. In my riding of Kenora in northwestern Ontario, we see many of these issues day after day. One of the things that concerned me when the rapid housing initiative was announced is that there seems to be a specific focus on urban centres when, meanwhile, northern rural regions and Indigenous communities seem to have to fight for the rest of the funds. I would ask the member why northern Canada and Indigenous communities, more specifically, weren't offered a specific stream as part of this initiative." Hansard, Nov. 5, 2020
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
  • Broadband: "In 2016, the government promised high-speed Internet to the communities of Madsen and Shoal Lake 39 in my riding. This funding was announced five years ago, yet these communities are still waiting for improved service. If it was not to deliver high-speed Internet as promised, where was this funding actually spent?" Hansard, Jan. 28, 2021
  • FedNor: "Municipalities across northern Ontario have been waiting over 100 days to find out whether they will receive funding through the community investment initiative to support economic development. The department claims to respond to funding applications within 80 days. I raised this issue with the minister two weeks ago, but as of this morning we are still waiting for an answer." Hansard, Dec. 9, 2020
  • Northern Infrastructure: "Many Canadians in my riding, across the territories and in other parts of northern Canada struggle with housing shortages, transportation difficulties and higher costs of goods and services. The north needs serious upgrades to infrastructure and transportation routes to ensure food security and lower the cost of living." Hansard, Sept. 25, 2020
General Issues Raised in the Media
  • Long-term boil water advisories on First Nations: "They've shown they can spend billions of dollars to address a crisis in short-notice during this pandemic, and there's no excuse to not have clean drinking water available for every single person living in Canada. That is something we will push them on." Twitter, Oct. 14, 2020
Written Questions
  • Q-119, Mercury poisoning issues at the Grassy Narrows – Dec. 9, 2019
  • Q-91, Drinking water advisories – Sept. 30, 2020
  • Q-92, Nutrition North Canada – Sept. 30, 2020
Private Members' Business
  • None.

Gary Vidal, CPC (Desnethé—Missinippi—Churchill River, SK)

Gary Vidal

Biographical information

Born in Meadow Lake, SK, Mr. Vidal was elected to the House of Commons for the first time in 2019.

Prior to his election, Mr. Vidal served as Mayor of Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan from 2011 to 2019. He graduated from Carpenter High School in 1983 and went on to study at the University of Saskatchewan and Briercrest Bible College. He is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CGA) and is a partner in the accounting firm Pliska Vidal & Co. where he has been serving clients since 1988. He was also Vice Chair of Saskatchewan City Mayors' Caucus from 2016 to 2018. He was a member of the SaskWater Board of Directors from 2008 to 2017. In this position, he also served as Chair of the Governance and Corporate Responsibility Committee, Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee, and Chair of the Board from 2015 to 2017.

Mr. Vidal is currently the CPC critic for Indigenous Services.

Mr. Vidal has volunteered in a variety of leadership capacities in his local church as well as coaching and managing minor hockey, baseball, and soccer teams. In 2012, he was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.

Statements on Indigenous Issues
  • Indigenous Businesses: "An issue that has become near and dear to me, as I have served in the capacity as shadow minister over the past year, is Indigenous businesses. I strongly believe that without true economic reconciliation, Canada's relationship with Indigenous people will continue to be one of dependence. We need to put our effort and focus on supporting Indigenous entrepreneurs who remain so connected to their nations and allow them to reinvest in their communities to provide real and lasting positive outcomes. That means the Liberals making good on their promise of a 5% procurement target for Indigenous businesses." Hansard, Dec. 3, 2020
  • Indigenous Businesses: "We need to ensure that all Canadian businesses have the ability to prosper. With the Indigenous services file, one of the things we are looking for is partnerships between Indigenous communities and industry, allowing Indigenous people to be part of the private sector, to be part of the market so they create economic activity that will help them take care of the very demanding needs in their First Nations communities." Hansard, Jan. 30, 2020
  • Indigenous Youth Suicides: "If young people in northern Saskatchewan could look to the people they look up to, their parents, big brothers and sisters, and if they could look to the people they respect and see them succeed by being part of the industry in northern Saskatchewan, they would have hope. With that hope, they would not have to consider suicide as an outcome." Hansard, Jan. 30, 2020
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
  • Policing: "Would you agree that, in the context of that percentage of Indigenous people living off reserve in urban centres, declaring First Nation policing as an essential service may not represent the needs of that population as well as it would for some of the people who live out in the reserve settings?" SECU Committee meeting, July 24, 2020
  • COVID-19 legislation (Cont): "The standard model for First Nations in Canada to carry on business is through the use of limited partnerships. These limited partnerships operate businesses in all parts of the Canadian economy, including forestry, mining, manufacturing, construction and consumer sales. The effect of the COVID crisis on these companies mirrors that of the general Canadian economy. The brief indicates that this business model will not qualify for either of the amounts of the wage subsidy programs. If First Nations businesses, through their limited partnership models, are excluded from these benefits, I see this as a huge gap in the creation of this wage subsidy." FINA, Apr. 8, 2020
  • First Nations consultation: "…Why weren't the provinces consulted or engaged earlier on? The honest heart of the social service minister in Saskatchewan was an honest concern about no child falling through the cracks. Is there an intention to get the provincial departments more involved in the process going forward than they maybe were during the development of the legislation [Bill C-92, child and family services]?" INAN, Feb. 25, 2020
General Issues Raised in the Media
  • Indigenous Procurement/COVID-19: "Surprised to hear @ccab_national @BullTabatha tell our #INAN committee that no Indigenous businesses have secured any procurement contracts from the Government to produce PPE's when many are willing and able. The Government needs to do better." Twitter, May 30, 2020
  • COVID-19 Tax increases: "Today the Liberal's increased taxes on Canadians AGAIN! During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Justin Trudeau has increased his Carbon Tax, making everything more expensive for Canadians. So my colleagues and I from Saskatchewan wrote to the Minister of Finance, demanding he stop!" Twitter, Apr. 1, 2020
  • COVID-19 First Nations elections: "Minister Miller and his department need to be in direct contact with these Nations immediately and provide them clarification. These elections are dangerous and the Government needs to be doing all they can to prevent outbreaks in Indigenous communities." Twitter, Mar. 26, 2020
  • Firearms: "Here in Northern Saskatchewan, hunting and sport shooting are a way of life for a lot of people, including my son Alex. This is also an issue we commonly hear about when talking with voters. A Conservative government will protect the rights of law abiding gun owners." Twitter, Sept. 15, 2019
Written Questions
  • Q-186, Foreign takeovers and acquisitions of Canadian companies by foreign state-owned enterprises covered by the Investment Canada Regulations and the Investment Canada Act – Jan. 27, 2020
  • Q-187, Canadian Armed Forces members serving abroad – Jan. 27, 2020
  • Q-296, Commitments made in Budget 2019, Chapter 3 "Advancing Reconciliation" of the Budget Plan 2019 – Feb. 5, 2020
  • Q-349, How many visits to First Nations reserves were made by the Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs, the Minister of Indigenous Services and the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations – Feb. 20, 2020
Private Members' Business
  • None.

Arnold Viersen, CPC (Peace River—Westlock, AB)

Arnold Viersen

Biographical information

Born in Barrhead, AB, Mr. Viersen was first elected to the House of Commons in 2015, and again in 2019.

Prior to his election, Mr. Viersen apprenticed as an auto service technician and attained his journeyman ticket from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT). He has also earned a business degree from the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) while continuing his automotive career.

In the 42nd Parliament, Mr. Viersen was the CPC Deputy Critic of Rural Affairs. Since 2015, he has been a member of the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs.

Mr. Viersen is involved in a number of parliamentary caucuses; including the Indigenous Affairs Caucus, Outdoor Caucus, and the Pro-Life Caucus. He is also a member of the Canada-Netherlands Parliamentary Friendship Group, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament and the Parliamentary Friends of the Kurds.

Statements on Indigenous Issues
  • UNDRIP: "yesterday, at the northern and aboriginal affairs committee, we had natural resources officials there. We are currently studying Bill C-262, on the implementation of UNDRIP and how all Canadian law is going to have to live within the framework of UNDRIP. We asked the natural resources officials if they had considered whether Bill C-69 lived within that framework, and they had not. That was their answer. I am just wondering if free, prior, and informed consent is to be held at all levels, particularly legislative, but also if the member thinks that Bill C-69 meets that threshold of free, prior, and informed consent." Hansard, Mar. 2, 2018
  • First Nations Financial Transparency Act: "The petitioners say that under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, every individual in Canada is equal before and under the law, and has the right to equal protection and benefit of the law without discrimination. To this end, they are hoping that the First Nations Financial Transparency Act be enforced to ensure the accountability and transparency of bands to their membership, for the receiving of federal funding so that every head counted in the official First Nations band membership numbers be included and that off-reserve members of the bands, who have been treated as aliens in the past, be included in the disbursement of funds and services. They call upon the Government of Canada to enforce the First Nations Financial Transparency Act to ensure that off-reserve band members get equal levels of service from their bands." Hansard, Nov. 3, 2020
  • Bill C-8, An Act to amend the Citizenship Act (Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada's call to action number 94): "I have the privilege of representing 14 First Nations in northern Alberta, all Cree people who speak Cree…These communities are vibrant. They are surviving very well in northern Alberta due to natural resource development. Many of them have road construction companies. They have logging companies. They have oil service companies. They have been blessed by the abundance of natural resources… While the bill is an important one, it will not necessarily bring the tangible results we are looking for on some of these major issues around employment in First Nations, around drinking water on reserve and around whether the Charter of Rights and Freedoms applies on reserves… When they signed the treaty, they became Canadian. The Charter of Rights, therefore, applies to them. It is a document that they should be able hold their own band leadership to account with, as well as the federal, provincial and municipal governments, depending which government they live under." Hansard, Nov. 23, 2020
  • Indigenous Victims of Trafficking: "it is well known that Indigenous women are by far the highest represented victim group in human trafficking in Canada while being only 4% of the women's population in Canada. A 2014 report by the Canadian Women's Foundation established that at least 50% of the female victims of sex trafficking in Canada were Indigenous. In Winnipeg it was more like 70% or 80% and in Edmonton, a city near where I live, 40% to 50% of sex crime victims are Indigenous women." INAN, Mar. 12, 2020
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
  • Métis settlements: "You talked about the $50 million that they're looking for in bridge funding. I wonder if you could outline a little around what has happened to the Métis settlements over the last five years, essentially, and where the revenues they normally have been funded with have dried up." INAN, Nov. 26, 2020
  • Pipelines: "To get the economy right in northern Alberta, we need pipelines. We need pipelines so that we can get our product to market. We need pipelines so we can get our oil off the railway and our grain on the railway to get it out. We need pipelines so we can get oil off the railway and get our lumber to market on the railway. We need pipelines. We need pipelines. We need pipelines." Hansard, May 2, 2019
  • Band election accountability: "One of the concerns that keeps coming out of my riding is around band elections and due process for band members when they feel there is an irregularity or a change of a date, these kinds of things. In one case where there is no quorum because people have resigned from the band council, there's no ability to make quorum anymore and there's an expectation that INAN step in to fill the void. Because at this point they can't make quorum, they can't sign cheques, people aren't getting paid. I'm speaking about Kapawe'no First Nation. What is the process for allaying some of these concerns around due process when it comes to elections?" INAN, Feb. 25, 2020
General Issues Raised in the Media
  • COVID-19 Assistance: "We are in this together. Whether you are a farmer, small business owner, oil and gas worker, front-line worker, or student - if you need assistance or help - please contact my office. We are here to help you get through this." Twitter, Apr. 15, 2020
  • Online sexual exploitation: "Parents must remain vigilant when it comes to the online activities of their children. As young people spend more time online during this time of confinement, the risks of online sexual exploitation increase." Twitter, Apr. 14, 2020
Written Questions
  • Q-113, New "For Glowing Hearts" logo unveiled by Destination Canada – Jan. 27, 2020
  • Q-112, Government's participation in the UN Climate Change Conference COP 25 in Madrid, Spain, in December 2019 – Jan. 27, 2020
  • Q-111, Government purchases of tickets or passes for Canada 2020 events during 2019
  • Q-110, Total amount of late-payment charges for telephone services since June 1, 2018 – Jan. 27, 2020
Private Members' Business
  • M-45 (National Human Trafficking Awareness Day) (Motion placed on notice August 10, 2020).
  • C-463 (Putting Victims First Act) (Bill introduced and read for the first time in the House of Commons, June 19, 2019) – An Act to amend the Criminal Code (orders of prohibition and orders restricting publication).
  • M-212 (National Human Trafficking Awareness Day) (Motion Placed on Notice, Feb. 20, 2019) - That, in the opinion of the House, the government should encourage Canadians to raise awareness of the magnitude of modern day slavery in Canada and abroad and to take steps to combat human trafficking, and should do so by designating the 22nd day of February each year as National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, to coincide with the anniversary of the unanimous declaration of the House on February 22, 2007, to condemn all forms of human trafficking and slavery.
  • M-47 (Instruction to the Standing Committee on Health (Violent and Sexual Online Material)) (Motion Agreed To, Dec. 6, 2016) - That the Standing Committee on Health be instructed to examine the public health effects of the ease of access and viewing of online violent and degrading sexually explicit material on children, women and men, recognizing and respecting the provincial and territorial jurisdictions in this regard, and that the said Committee report its findings to the House no later than July 2017.

Jamie Schmale, CPC (Haliburton – Kawartha Lakes – Brock, ON)

Jamie Schmale

Biographical information

Born in Brampton, ON, Mr. Schmale was elected to the House of Commons for the first time in 2015, and again in 2019.

Prior to his election to, Mr. Schmale he served as the executive assistant and campaign manager for former Conservative MP Barry Devolin (Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock, Ontario). He graduated from the Radio Broadcasting program at Loyalist College in Ontario, and started his career as a news anchor. He later became news director for CHUM media.

Mr. Schmale served as critic for Crown-Indigenous Relations under Andrew Scheer's leadership. Following the election of Erin O'Toole as CPC leader, he was appointed critic for Families, Children, and Social Development. On February 10, 2021, during a CPC critic shuffle, he was re-appointed critic for Crown-Indigenous Relations.

During his time as critic for Families, Children, and Social Development (2020), he was a member of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA).

In the 42nd Parliament, Mr. Schmale served as the opposition critic for Northern Economic Development, and Deputy Critic for Natural Resources. He was a member of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (2015-2017) and the Standing Committee on Natural Resources (2017-2019).

Statements on Indigenous Issues
  • UNDRIP: "… we keep saying that we approve of the aspirational part of UNDRIP and of Bill C-15… What we are opposing and questioning, which is no secret, is the lack of due diligence in putting forward this legislation without coming to a common understanding of what free, prior and informed consent actually means." Hansard, Feb. 17, 2021
  • Development: "… we … are deeply disappointed that the Prime Minister, who campaigned on a promise of reconciliation with Indigenous communities, blatantly would allow and choose to deny our 31 First Nations and Métis communities their constitutionally-protected right to economic development….We aspire to help the world meet its energy needs and move to ever-cleaner fuel sources. We aim to reduce our carbon footprint. We want Indigenous reconciliation and long-term partnership. And we hope to maintain the standard of living we have come to enjoy. But without a balanced approach to harnessing our energy future, all of this is at risk." Hansard, Apr. 9, 2019
  • Water Quality in Indigenous Communities: "The minister's department [CIRNAC] and the Parliamentary Budget Officer are at odds over the true cost to get water and wastewater in Indigenous communities up to the same standards as the rest of Canada." Hansard, Dec. 9, 2019
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
  • COVID-19, rural communities: "more than one million tourism-related employees have been laid off. Summer festivals all over the country are being cancelled. Kids' camps are closed. For many restaurants, a recent study is telling us that the pandemic is going to devastate the industry. In rural communities, mom and pop businesses are being told to close, yet big-box stores are allowed to open. Rural Canadians are told to work from home, yet internet and cellular service is sketchy at best. Rural communities are going to be the hardest hit and, in many cases, the slowest to recover." Hansard, May 26, 2020
  • COVID-19: "The Indigenous services minister stated that his department sent packages of PPE supplies to First Nations across Canada. However, there are still First Nations communities that are reporting little access to this life-saving equipment. Can the minister report on how many First Nations communities are still waiting for their PPE?" Hansard, Apr. 20, 2020
  • Domestic Violence: "But as many of you mentioned in your testimony [COVID-19 self-isolation measures], it didn't take into account the women and children who face domestic abuse. There has been some recognition of this by the federal government. Some of you, in your comments and your testimony, said that more needs to be done." INAN, May 15, 2020
  • Indigenous housing: "This housing issue hasn't just started today, it's been going on for decades, so what is being done…? I know you mentioned what the government's doing, but what is the schedule to get these units built and actually functioning so you don't have these overcrowded situations." INAN, Feb. 25, 2020
General Issues Raised in the Media
  • Armed Forces: "Thank you to the men and women who serve or have served in our Navy, Army, and Air Force. Your dedication to your country and the Canadian Armed Forces is inspiring. I join all Canadians in saying 'Thank you' today." Twitter, June 7, 2020
  • Firearms: "After all, if you want to stop increasing gun crime, the answer lies in tackling criminals and gangs, not punishing law abiding gun owners." Twitter, Jan. 31, 2020
Written Questions
  • Q-193, Classified or protected documents since January 1, 2019 – Jan. 27, 2020
  • Q-188, Veterans Affairs Canada service standard of 16 weeks for decisions in relation to disability benefits applications – Jan. 27, 2020
  • Q-172, Purchase of carbon offset credits by the government – Jan. 27, 2020
Private Members' Business
  • None.

Sylvie Bérubé, BQ (Abitibi—Baie-James—Nunavik—Eeyou, QC)

Sylvie Bérubé

Biographical information

Ms. Bérubé was first elected to the House of Commons in 2019.

Prior to her election, Ms. Bérubé she spent 30 years with the CISSS de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue in human resources and information. She also acted as the Director of the social committee at l'Hôpital de Val-d'Or, administrator for Taxibus, was a member of the information security association of Québec, and was President of the Parti Québécois d'Abitibi-Est.

Ms. Bérubé is currently the critic for Indigenous Affairs.

Statements on Indigenous Issues
  • Key Indigenous issues: "Can we acknowledge the clear link between the spread of COVID-19 and the sanitary conditions of First Nations? Can we pass a bill to give effect to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples? Can we adopt framework legislation to replace the First Nations policing policy? Can we deploy resources to ensure this is carried on in the daily practice, languages, culture and traditions of Indigenous peoples? Can we fix the way Indigenous schools operate to address the education crisis?" Hansard, Oct. 6, 2020
  • Housing: "I want to point out that we need to implement a five-year plan to build 8,000 housing units for First Nations in Québec. Does the government have an update on that?" Hansard, Oct. 5, 2020
  • MMIWG: "For the sake of all the missing and murdered women, we need to move forward with solutions, such as immediately implementing the recommendations set out in the report from the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls." Hansard, Oct. 5, 2020
  • Wet'suwet'en Protests: "With every day that this crisis goes on, our economy suffers even more. This crisis is affecting workers and ordinary folks. Just look at the number of CN employees who have been temporarily laid off because of the rail blockade. If nothing is done right now, many more employees will join their ranks." Hansard, Feb. 20, 2020
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
  • Boil water advisories: "Je représente la circonscription de Abitibi—Baie-James—Nunavik—Eeyou et, actuellement, il y a des situations qui dégénèrent relativement à l'accès à l'eau potable et aussi en matière de logement. Vous dites que vous avez un groupe de travail mixte composé de l'Assemblée des Premières Nations. Qui, parmi les Premières Nations, siège au comité du groupe mixte?" INAN, Feb. 25, 2020
  • Québec Infrastructure: "Need to invest in transportation, telecommunications, airport infrastructure investments; transport of dangerous goods by rail ignored by Ottawa." Hansard, Jan. 28, 2020
  • Housing: "Large mining sector in riding causing housing shortage, need investments in water and sewer systems." Hansard, Jan. 28, 2020
General Issues Raised in the Media
  • Quebec-Federal Relations: "It's never easy with the federal government. We send money to Ottawa that we could keep here and the federal government puts obstacles in the wheels of Québec.", July 1, 2019
  • Quebec Issues: "On ne sera jamais aussi bien servis que par nous-mêmes. Plusieurs dossiers du fédéral m'agacent, dont la couverture internet, le financement de logement social, l'inaction concernant la Loi sur les Indiens et la taxe sur le bois d'œuvre qui affecte notre région.", July 1, 2019
Written Questions
  • Q-389, Consultations that the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations is currently holding in order to develop an action plan to implement the 231 calls for justice of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls – Mar. 5, 2020
  • Q-390, Drinking water situation in Kitigan Zibi – Mar. 5, 2020
  • Q-397 — UNDRIP – Feb. 15, 2021
Private Members' Business
  • C-223 (An Act to amend the Citizenship Act (adequate knowledge of French in Québec)) Bill introduced and read for the first time in the House of Commons, Feb. 25, 2020. Reinstated from the previous session, Sept. 23, 2020.

Rachel Blaney, NDP (North Island—Powell River, BC)

Rachel Blaney

Biographical information

Ms. Blaney was first elected to the House of Commons in 2015 and again in 2019.

Prior to her election, Ms. Blaney was a non-profit professional. She was the Executive Director of the Immigrant Welcome Centre of North Vancouver Island.

Ms. Blaney is currently the Whip for the NDP and Spokesperson on Veteran's Issues.

She previously sat on INAN and was a Vice-Chair during the 42nd Parliament from May 28, 2018 until Parliament was dissolved.

Statements on Indigenous Issues
  • UNDRIP/Reconciliation: "one of the concerns I have is that this is the 94th call to action. With the passing of the bill before us, that would mean 10 of the 94 calls to action would have been implemented, which is very slow. I am also concerned that the government is now dragging its feet on moving forward with legislation around the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. I wonder if the member could speak to how long reconciliation needs to take with the current government in power." Hansard, Feb. 24, 2020
  • MMIWG: "That is why I have brought this serious issue forward. It is because so many families across this country want to see action now. They want to see preventative measures so that this does not happen again, when again and again, what we see are Indigenous women and girls murdered or missing, and not found. I also think it is important to recognize that all of these communities are coming together across Canada to get these voices heard. The red dress campaign continues to be a fight, but we want to see action, and we want to see the inquiry action items actually put into place. I am hoping to hear from the government today that there will finally be action." Hansard, Oct. 8, 2020
  • Bill C-14, Economic Statement Implementation Act 2020: "All of this really fits into the reason I put forward my Motion No. 53, principles for a sustainable and equitable future, in the fall. This motion requires the government to equitably distribute funds and programming among federal ridings and take into account UNDRIP, climate change and the prioritization of projects by small businesses that create diversity in local, long-term, well-paying jobs, because that is how we keep profits and benefits within the community." Hansard, Jan. 26, 2021
  • Housing: "I am still waiting for the Indigenous national housing strategy that the government said it would provide years ago. When I look at the numerous urban Indigenous communities that exist across the country, I can see that they need housing desperately. This is a huge gap in supports and services. It is heartbreaking when children are taken from their families, sometimes incredibly strong families, simply because they do not have adequate housing. Putting in a bill that we will not do that is not enough. Children should be kept safe: all children should be recognized and Indigenous communities, both off and on reserve, need the housing. We have to stop dithering. We have to take action." Hansard, Oct. 23, 2020
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
  • Public Transportation: "There are a lot of rural, remote and Indigenous communities in my riding that need accessible transportation. This has been an ongoing challenge. As we look at recovery, making sure people can get to their appointments and get out of their communities for opportunities, health and many other concerns is pivotal, so I hope to see some support for this." Hansard, Jan. 26, 2021
  • Bill C-7 (An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying)): "When we talk about the subject, the most important thing is the unnecessary suffering. We need to end that, not only for the person experiencing it but for the pressure of watching their loved ones go through that unnecessary suffering." Hansard, Oct. 9, 2020
  • Veterans: "The veterans minister seems to be okay telling 45,000 veterans in this country that they can wait another two and a half years to see their disability applications completed. Last week, the PBO provided a plan to get this done in one year and make sure this never happens again to our veterans. Instead of focusing on helping them, the Liberals spent over $200,000 in legal fees defending a Liberal minister and attacking a veteran. When will the government stand up for veterans and make sure that it is spending the money on the people who stood up to protect us in this country?" Hansard, Oct. 7, 2020
General Issues Raised in the Media
  • Speech from the Throne (Veterans): "Veterans are so far down this government's list of priorities they didn't even mention them in the speech that was over an hour long. Our service men and women give so much for this country. They are there when we need them, whether it's helping to keep our loved ones safe in long-term care homes during a pandemic or supporting our allies overseas. Our veterans deserve much better from this government." Powell River Peak, Sept. 24, 2020
  • Sterilization of Indigenous women: "This is more than just a gross violation of human rights and a product of systemic racism." "This is enough, enough apologies, enough talking points. How will this government make sure this never happens again?" "It's hard to find language to wrap around even the thought of one story of the woman who had given birth and they said, 'you cannot see your newborn child until you agree to being sterilized,'" "Imagine any Canadian woman thinking that's an okay conversation after you've just given birth. This story is horrifying. It's inhumane and it really goes against the rights of all Canadians." Powell River Peak, Nov. 24, 2018
Written Questions
  • None.
Private Members' Business
  • M-53 (Principles for a Sustainable and Equitable Future) (Motion placed on Notice – November 12, 2020) – That: (a) the House recognize and honour that, (i) Canada, as a nation, has a rich history of resource-dependent rural communities providing the economic prosperity many Canadians have benefited from, (ii) this prosperity has often been at the expense of or specifically excluded local Indigenous peoples and communities, (iii) the future of these resource-dependent communities is at risk due to climate change, the movement of rural residents to urban centres, the loss of ecological diversity and integrity, and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, (iv) the majority of the landscape in Canada is remote and sparsely populated and rural communities are crucial in our understanding and management of localized climate change impacts; and (b) in the opinion of the House, for all federal COVID-19 relief and recovery funding, programming and legislation, the government should abide by the following principles: (i) be in harmony with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, (ii) it be applied and distributed equitably by federal riding, geographic region, and province or territory, (iii) prioritize and incentivize projects that reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions or waste, (iv) prioritize and incentivize initiatives that improve the water-retentive capacities of soils and that facilitate the recharge of groundwaters, (v) prioritize and incentivize projects that can be built and managed by local businesses and agencies to create a diversity of local, long-term, well-paying employment opportunities and small business initiatives that keep profits and benefits within the community.
  • M-224 (Guaranteed Income Supplement) (Motion placed on Notice – March 28, 2019)- That, in the opinion of the House, the government should consider helping seniors who risk having their Guaranteed Income Supplement benefits suspended by amending the Old Age Security Act to: (a) require the Minister of Employment and Social Development to estimate the income of a pensioner who was unable to make the required statement for up to one year so that the most vulnerable Canadian seniors can have a reliable, secure income; and (b) require the Minister to provide the information and resources necessary to reduce the administrative burden on the pensioner with respect to declaring their income so that daunting paperwork prevents no one from accessing the services they need and are entitled to by Canadian law.
  • C-449 (An Act to amend the Old Age Security Act (monthly guaranteed income supplement)) (Bill introduced and read for the first time in the House of Commons, May 16, 2019).
  • C-325 (An Act to amend the Canadian Bill of Rights (right to housing)) (Bill introduced and read for the first time in the House of Commons, Dec. 5, 2016).

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