Registered Indian Population by Sex and Residence, 2020

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This publication was prepared by the Strategic Research and Statistics Directorate of Strategic Policy and Partnerships Sector in collaboration with the Indian Registration and Integrated Program Management Directorate, Regional Operations Sector, Indigenous Services Canada.

Should you require clarification or additional population statistics, please call 1-800-567-9604 or e-mail


The Registrar within the department of Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) is required by the Indian Act (Chapter I, Section 5 (1)) to record in the Indian Register the names of individuals who are registered under the act. The Indian Registration System (IRS) is a database which records individuals' names and a range of non-statutory data. The Registered Indian Population by Sex and Residence describes the IRS population as recorded at December 31, 2020. Descriptive statistics are developed from the IRS that include sex, residence, registry group, responsibility centre and region.

Difference from the 2019 edition

There were less than 10 individuals who identified their sex as "Other" in 2020. Following confidentiality guidelines, data for these individuals were suppressed including to any district, regional and national totals.

Data organization

Data are organized in 2 broad sections. The first section provides summary statistics that include age and gender distribution, and residency comparisons for all regions and Canada.

The second section presents information for each registry group arranged by sex, residence, responsibility centre and region. For purposes of the Privacy Act, data in this section are collapsed into 3 columns by rolling residency fields 1 through 5 into one "On reserve and on Crown land" category. This minimizes the presence of small numbers in order to preserve privacy and data confidentiality.

Entire registry groups with total membership of less than 40 people are suppressed from the Detailed tables section and indicated by a * in every cell. Furthermore, other techniques are in place such as suppression of individual cells smaller than 10 as well as suppression of adjacent cells to guard against residual disclosure. The counts of any suppressed cells, however, are included in aggregations to district, regional and national totals.

In total, data for 11 registry groups and general lists required suppression. In terms of registry groups, 4 in British Columbia were suppressed. As for general lists, there were 2 suppressions in Ontario, 1 in Manitoba, 2 in Saskatchewan, 1 in Yukon and 1 in the Northwest Territories.

Types of residence

There are 6 types of residence, all of which are active fields used in the Indian Register. They represent individuals registered under the Indian Act, or who are descendants of individuals registered under the Indian Act, whose residency is captured by any one of the following:

Unlike some other ISC and Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) systems, the Indian Register does not distinguish between Indian Act reserves and lands affiliated to First Nations operating under self-government agreements (SGAs). Technically, once a SGA is ratified, the lands are no longer considered Indian Reserves under the provisions of the Indian Act. Therefore, individuals in the "On reserve and on Crown land" category may reside on lands legally defined as Indian reserves, on Indian settlements usually represented by Crown Lands and on other lands affiliated to self-governing First Nations.

The "Off reserve" category represents individuals affiliated to First Nations who may reside neither on reserve nor on Crown land according to the Indian Register.

Distinction between the words "band," "registry group" and "reserve"

A band refers to a body of Indians for whose collective use and benefit lands have been set apart or money is held by the Crown, or declared to be a band for purposes of the Indian Act.

A registry group is an administrative term used in the Indian Register. For details, please refer to point 1 under Source of data.

A reserve, as defined in the Indian Act, means a tract of land, the legal title to which is vested in Her Majesty, that has been set apart by Her Majesty for the use and benefit of a band.

At December 31, 2020, there were 619 bands or 634 registry groups in Canada and 3,394 reserves, not all of which are inhabited.

Note to users

The Indian Register is meant to record individual names in accordance with specific sub-sections of the Indian Act. The Indian Register does not include all persons who are entitled to be registered according to the Indian Act, only those who have applied to be registered and whose entitlement has been verified. Therefore, data from the IRS may not fully meet the requirements of some statistical activities (e.g. demographic projections, migration patterns).

There is a reporting lag between the occurrence of a given life event and its being reported and recorded for updating of the Indian Register. This means that events occurring prior to December 31, 2020 may not be reflected in the Indian Register as documented on that date. The following examples illustrate this concept:

  1. Infants entitled to be registered at birth may not be registered by the December 31st reporting date. Parents often do not report the birth until a later year. It is estimated that of all births reported in 2020, approximately 90% had actually occurred prior to 2020.
  2. Individuals can remain on the Indian Register for some time after they are deceased. A certificate of death or a confirmation of presumed death is normally required to remove a name from the Indian Register.
  3. Residency codes are typically updated when a life event is reported, although some bands update them more frequently. Residency remains a voluntary field in that the information is not mandatory to collect.

Source of data

Individuals are considered Registered Indians if their names appear on the Indian Register. Names are added or deleted from the Indian Register based on legal sources of information such as provincial birth or death certificates.

The addition or removal of a name to or from any part of the Indian Register is approved by the Registrar as set out in the Indian Act.

The following concepts may affect interpretation and utility

  1. Data in the Detailed tables are presented by registry group. A registry group is an administrative term applied to a group of Indian Register individuals who have membership in a particular Indian band, or, are descendants from members of that band. A band usually relates to only 1 registry group except in the following 3 cases:
    1. Six Nations of the Grand River band in the Ontario Region consists of 13 registry groups (see the list of Canada's 25 largest bands below)
    2. Stoney band in the Alberta Region consists of 3 registry groups (Bearspaw, Chiniki and Wesley)
    3. the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations band in the Yukon Region consists of 2 registry groups (Aishihik and Champagne)

    The registry groups related to these bands are noted in the Detailed tables section of this publication.

  2. Affiliation of an individual with a particular registry group in the Indian Registration System is based on ancestry and may not equate to local band membership rules. Membership may be determined by other instruments operating outside of the Indian Act. For instance, as of December 31, 2020, 39 First Nations were part of various self-government agreements. As for Indian Act bands, they may choose to legally take control of their membership rules in accordance with Section 10 of the act. As at the 2020 year-end, 229 Indian Act bands, or about 40%, have done so.

    The statistics in this publication report the number of individuals who are registered under the Indian Act. They make no statement as to whether or not the individuals are band members, only that they are affiliated to a registry group.

  3. The "On reserve and on Crown land" category does not necessarily identify the specific geographic location of registrants. As for the "Off reserve" component, because the data are presented by affiliated registry group, the individuals may not reside in that particular region, or even inside Canada for that matter.

Administrative changes to the Indian Register in 2020

2019 groups affected by region 2020 changes by region
British Columbia region
Popkum (585)
Williams Lake (719)
Popkum First Nation (585)
Williams Lake First Nation (719)
Yukon region
Ross River (497) Ross River Dena Council (497)

Summary Statistics

Registered Indian population by region and type of residence, December 31, 2020

Region Number of bands On reserve
On Crown land
a + b + c
Atlantic 34 25,197 57 40,721 65,975
Quebec 40 57,402 1,603 33,757 92,762
Ontario * 126 97,056 1,983 122,783 221,822
Manitoba 63 93,975 1,079 69,062 164,116
Saskatchewan 70 77,770 1,559 84,694 164,023
Alberta * 45 76,793 3,224 53,034 133,051
British Columbia 199 62,700 398 87,163 150,261
Yukon * 16 555 3,409 5,665 9,629
Northwest Territories 26 394 12,364 6,959 19,717
Canada 619 491,842 25,676 503,838 1,021,356
* Consult Source of data for band / registry group affiliations

On reserve and/or on Crown land counts can include individuals living on lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements.

Registered Indian population by type of residence for All Canada, December 31, 1993 – 2020

Year Number of bands On reserve
On Crown land
Total a + b + c
1993 605 305,247 21,197 226,872 553,316
1994 607 314,843 21,800 237,014 573,657
1995 608 325,453 22,466 245,131 593,050
1996 609 331,289 23,080 256,505 610,874
1997 608 341,825 23,981 261,629 627,435
1998 609 351,671 24,056 266,687 642,414
1999 610 360,707 24,071 275,112 659,890
2000 612 368,556 23,437 283,506 675,499
2001 612 373,121 23,567 293,413 690,101
2002 614 380,067 23,270 301,514 704,851
2003 614 386,605 23,066 309,825 719,496
2004 614 391,459 23,963 318,204 733,626
2005 615 397,980 24,203 326,188 748,371
2006 615 404,117 24,329 335,109 763,555
2007 615 410,889 23,697 343,464 778,050
2008 615 419,647 23,956 350,437 794,040
2009 615 427,554 24,234 357,518 809,306
2010 616 434,730 24,429 365,182 824,341
2011 617 441,891 24,706 401,609 868,206
2012 617 448,690 25,352 427,011 901,053
2013 617 455,381 25,687 438,677 919,745
2014 617 462,184 25,878 448,163 936,225
2015 618 468,762 25,959 458,322 953,043
2016 618 476,223 25,789 468,550 970,562
2017 618 483,675 25,341 478,504 987,520
2018 618 486,928 25,351 482,388 994,667
2019 619 490,071 25,757 493,127 1,008,955
2020 619 491,842 25,676 503,838 1,021,356
On reserve and/or on Crown land counts can include individuals living on lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements.

The 25 largest bands in Canada, December 31, 2020

Band Name Region Indian Register population Change in ranking (from 2019)
Six Nations of the Grand River (121) 1 Ontario 27,703 No change
Qalipu Mi'kmaq First Nation (034) Atlantic 23,647 No change
Mohawks of Akwesasne (159) Ontario 12,959 No change
Blood (435) Alberta 12,724 No change
Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation (355) Saskatchewan 11,449 No change
Lac La Ronge (353) Saskatchewan 11,389 No change
Mohawks of Kahnawá:ke (070) Quebec 11,210 No change
Saddle Lake Cree Nation (462) Alberta 11,109 No change
Peguis (269) Manitoba 10,599 No change
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte (164) Ontario 10,181 No change
Samson (444) Alberta 9,085 No change
Cross Lake Band of Indians (276) Manitoba 9,025 No change
Norway House Cree Nation (278) Manitoba 8,533 No change
Bigstone Cree Nation (458) Alberta 8,392 Up 1 position
Wikwemikong (175) Ontario 8,387 Down 1 position
Fort Alexander (262) Manitoba 8,173 No change
Siksika Nation (430) Alberta 7,560 No change
Première Nation des Pekuakamiulnuatsh (076) Quebec 7,369 No change
Sandy Bay (283) Manitoba 6,958 No change
Onion Lake Cree Nation (344) Saskatchewan 6,553 No change
Oneida Nation of the Thames (169) Ontario 6,335 No change
Opaskwayak Cree Nation (315) Manitoba 6,327 No change
Little Red River Cree Nation (447) Alberta 6,041 No change
Stoney (471)2 Alberta 5,683 No change
Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation (313) Manitoba 5,346 No change
1 Six Nations of the Grand River consists of the following 13 registry groups: Bay of Quinte Mohawk, Bearfoot Onondaga, Delaware, Konadaha Seneca, Lower Cayuga, Lower Mohawk, Niharondasa Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga Clear Sky, Tuscarora, Upper Cayuga, Upper Mohawk and Walker Mohawk.

2 Stoney consists of the 3 registry groups: Bearspaw, Chiniki and Wesley.

Bands in Canada by size, December 31, 2020

Total population
Text description for figure 1: Total population
Total population
Population # %
<100 persons 17 3
100 – 249 persons 50 8
250 – 499 persons 97 16
500 – 999 persons 157 25
1,000 – 1,999 persons 139 22
2,000+ persons 159 26
On reserve and on Crown land population
Text description for figure 2: On reserve and on Crown land population
Population # %
<100 persons 85 14
100 – 249 persons 123 20
250 – 499 persons 133 21
500 – 999 persons 138 22
1,000 – 1,999 persons 82 13
2,000+ persons 58 9
"On reserve and on Crown land" includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements.

Registry groups in Canada by size, December 31, 2020

Total population
Text description for figure 3: Total population
Population # %
<100 persons 17 3
100 – 249 persons 51 8
250 – 499 persons 98 15
500 – 999 persons 163 26
1,000 – 1,999 persons 141 22
2,000+ persons 164 26
On reserve and on Crown land population
Text description for figure 4: On reserve and on Crown land population
Population # %
<100 persons 86 14
100 – 249 persons 126 20
250 – 499 persons 137 22
500 – 999 persons 140 22
1,000 – 1,999 persons 86 14
2,000+ persons 59 9
"On reserve and on Crown land" includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements.

Registered Indian population, on and off reserve by age and sex, December 31, 2020

In the following regional tables and charts, "On reserve" includes individuals living on Crown land and on other lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements.

Atlantic region

Registered Indian population, by type of residence, age groups and sex, December 31, 2020
Age On reserve Off reserve Total - All residencies
Male Female Male Female Male Female
# % # % # % # % # % # %
0-4 810 3.2 770 3.0 319 0.8 298 0.7 1,129 1.7 1,068 1.6
5-9 1,153 4.6 1,189 4.7 910 2.2 887 2.2 2,063 3.1 2,076 3.1
10-14 1,234 4.9 1,214 4.8 1,384 3.4 1,260 3.1 2,618 4.0 2,474 3.7
15-19 1,156 4.6 1,057 4.2 1,337 3.3 1,301 3.2 2,493 3.8 2,358 3.6
20-24 1,139 4.5 1,128 4.5 1,432 3.5 1,411 3.5 2,571 3.9 2,539 3.8
25-29 1,175 4.7 1,153 4.6 1,574 3.9 1,575 3.9 2,749 4.2 2,728 4.1
30-34 1,027 4.1 953 3.8 1,440 3.5 1,466 3.6 2,467 3.7 2,419 3.7
35-39 846 3.3 872 3.5 1,456 3.6 1,430 3.5 2,302 3.5 2,302 3.5
40-44 747 3.0 742 2.9 1,326 3.3 1,387 3.4 2,073 3.1 2,129 3.2
45-49 721 2.9 704 2.8 1,526 3.7 1,522 3.7 2,247 3.4 2,226 3.4
50-54 727 2.9 744 2.9 1,559 3.8 1,631 4.0 2,286 3.5 2,375 3.6
55-59 605 2.4 662 2.6 1,468 3.6 1,678 4.1 2,073 3.1 2,340 3.5
60-64 488 1.9 513 2.0 1,253 3.1 1,531 3.8 1,741 2.6 2,044 3.1
65 + 728 2.9 997 3.9 2,801 6.9 3,559 8.7 3,529 5.3 4,556 6.9
All ages 12,556 49.7 12,698 50.3 19,785 48.6 20,936 51.4 32,341 49.0 33,634 51.0
Total - both sexes 25,254
Registered Indian population, by type of residence and selected age groups, December 31, 2020
Text description for figure 5: Registered Indian Population by Sex and Residence 2020: Atlantic region
Registered Indian population, by type of residence and selected age groups, December 31, 2020
Age group Populations Percentages
On reserve Off reserve On reserve Off reserve
0-24 10,850 10,539 43.0% 25.9%
25-34 4,308 6,055 17.1% 14.9%
35-64 8,371 17,767 33.1% 43.6%
65+ 1,725 6,360 6.8% 15.6%

Quebec region

Registered Indian population, by type of residence, age groups and sex, December 31, 2020
Age On reserve Off reserve Total - All residencies
Male Female Male Female Male Female
# % # % # % # % # % # %
0-4 1,378 2.3 1,330 2.3 309 0.9 296 0.9 1,687 1.8 1,626 1.8
5-9 2,427 4.1 2,332 4.0 708 2.1 701 2.1 3,135 3.4 3,033 3.3
10-14 2,954 5.0 2,749 4.7 904 2.7 854 2.5 3,858 4.2 3,603 3.9
15-19 2,684 4.5 2,410 4.1 946 2.8 913 2.7 3,630 3.9 3,323 3.6
20-24 2,534 4.3 2,414 4.1 1,101 3.3 1,099 3.3 3,635 3.9 3,513 3.8
25-29 2,694 4.6 2,507 4.2 1,313 3.9 1,321 3.9 4,007 4.3 3,828 4.1
30-34 2,245 3.8 2,128 3.6 1,200 3.6 1,295 3.8 3,445 3.7 3,423 3.7
35-39 1,928 3.3 1,845 3.1 1,209 3.6 1,184 3.5 3,137 3.4 3,029 3.3
40-44 1,755 3.0 1,700 2.9 1,093 3.2 1,173 3.5 2,848 3.1 2,873 3.1
45-49 1,836 3.1 1,787 3.0 1,074 3.2 1,210 3.6 2,910 3.1 2,997 3.2
50-54 1,723 2.9 1,738 2.9 1,115 3.3 1,245 3.7 2,838 3.1 2,983 3.2
55-59 1,614 2.7 1,619 2.7 1,286 3.8 1,544 4.6 2,900 3.1 3,163 3.4
60-64 1,256 2.1 1,467 2.5 1,126 3.3 1,434 4.2 2,382 2.6 2,901 3.1
65 + 2,604 4.4 3,347 5.7 2,427 7.2 3,677 10.9 5,031 5.4 7,024 7.6
All ages 29,632 50.2 29,373 49.8 15,811 46.8 17,946 53.2 45,443 49.0 47,319 51.0
Total - both sexes 59,005
Registered Indian population, by type of residence and selected age groups, December 31, 2020
Text description for figure 6: Registered Indian Population by Sex and Residence 2020: Quebec Region
Registered Indian population, by type of residence and selected age groups, December 31, 2020
Age group Populations Percentages
On reserve Off reserve On reserve Off reserve
0-24 23,212 7,831 39.3% 23.2%
25-34 9,574 5,129 16.2% 15.2%
35-64 20,268 14,693 34.3% 43.5%
65+ 5,951 6,104 10.1% 18.1%

Ontario Region

Registered Indian population, by type of residence, age groups and sex, December 31, 2020
Age On reserve Off reserve Total - All residencies
Male Female Male Female Male Female
# % # % # % # % # % # %
0-4 2,018 2.0 1,957 2.0 1,305 1.1 1,191 1.0 3,323 1.5 3,148 1.4
5-9 4,062 4.1 3,958 4.0 2,968 2.4 2,892 2.4 7,030 3.2 6,850 3.1
10-14 4,601 4.6 4,325 4.4 3,688 3.0 3,564 2.9 8,289 3.7 7,889 3.6
15-19 4,363 4.4 4,081 4.1 3,981 3.2 3,858 3.1 8,344 3.8 7,939 3.6
20-24 4,424 4.5 4,200 4.2 4,531 3.7 4,470 3.6 8,955 4.0 8,670 3.9
25-29 4,402 4.4 4,385 4.4 5,106 4.2 4,894 4.0 9,508 4.3 9,279 4.2
30-34 4,129 4.2 3,816 3.9 4,693 3.8 4,789 3.9 8,822 4.0 8,605 3.9
35-39 3,462 3.5 3,318 3.4 4,187 3.4 4,427 3.6 7,649 3.4 7,745 3.5
40-44 3,118 3.1 2,911 2.9 3,911 3.2 4,336 3.5 7,029 3.2 7,247 3.3
45-49 2,813 2.8 2,726 2.8 4,181 3.4 4,338 3.5 6,994 3.2 7,064 3.2
50-54 2,827 2.9 2,716 2.7 4,201 3.4 4,694 3.8 7,028 3.2 7,410 3.3
55-59 2,837 2.9 2,766 2.8 4,308 3.5 5,007 4.1 7,145 3.2 7,773 3.5
60-64 2,367 2.4 2,458 2.5 3,552 2.9 4,479 3.6 5,919 2.7 6,937 3.1
65 + 4,512 4.6 5,487 5.5 7,439 6.1 11,793 9.6 11,951 5.4 17,280 7.8
All ages 49,935 50.4 49,104 49.6 58,051 47.3 64,732 52.7 107,986 48.7 113,836 51.3
Total - both sexes 99,039
Registered Indian population, by type of residence and selected age groups, December 31, 2020
Text description for figure 7: Registered Indian Population by Sex and Residence 2020: Ontario Region
Registered Indian population, by type of residence and selected age groups, December 31, 2020
Age group Populations Percentages
On reserve Off reserve On reserve Off reserve
0-24 37,989 32,448 38.4% 26.4%
25-34 16,732 19,482 16.9% 15.9%
35-64 34,319 51,621 34.7% 42.0%
65+ 9,999 19,232 10.1% 15.7%

Manitoba Region

Registered Indian population, by type of residence, age groups and sex, December 31, 2020
Age On reserve Off reserve Total - All residencies
Male Female Male Female Male Female
# % # % # % # % # % # %
0-4 2,354 2.5 2,174 2.3 1,175 1.7 1,168 1.7 3,529 2.2 3,342 2.0
5-9 5,304 5.6 5,011 5.3 2,737 4.0 2,655 3.8 8,041 4.9 7,666 4.7
10-14 5,725 6.0 5,567 5.9 3,117 4.5 3,105 4.5 8,842 5.4 8,672 5.3
15-19 4,946 5.2 4,732 5.0 2,845 4.1 2,770 4.0 7,791 4.7 7,502 4.6
20-24 4,667 4.9 4,438 4.7 3,036 4.4 2,875 4.2 7,703 4.7 7,313 4.5
25-29 4,673 4.9 4,419 4.6 3,141 4.5 3,280 4.7 7,814 4.8 7,699 4.7
30-34 3,898 4.1 3,776 4.0 2,821 4.1 2,831 4.1 6,719 4.1 6,607 4.0
35-39 3,202 3.4 2,927 3.1 2,339 3.4 2,395 3.5 5,541 3.4 5,322 3.2
40-44 2,660 2.8 2,453 2.6 2,075 3.0 2,225 3.2 4,735 2.9 4,678 2.9
45-49 2,558 2.7 2,449 2.6 2,113 3.1 2,330 3.4 4,671 2.8 4,779 2.9
50-54 2,472 2.6 2,321 2.4 2,051 3.0 2,389 3.5 4,523 2.8 4,710 2.9
55-59 2,054 2.2 1,934 2.0 1,881 2.7 2,337 3.4 3,935 2.4 4,271 2.6
60-64 1,621 1.7 1,555 1.6 1,315 1.9 1,740 2.5 2,936 1.8 3,295 2.0
65 + 2,436 2.6 2,728 2.9 2,499 3.6 3,817 5.5 4,935 3.0 6,545 4.0
All ages 48,570 51.1 46,484 48.9 33,145 48.0 35,917 52.0 81,715 49.8 82,401 50.2
Total - both sexes 95,054
Registered Indian population, by type of residence and selected age groups, December 31, 2020
Text description for figure 8: Registered Indian Population by Sex and Residence 2020: Manitoba Region
Registered Indian population, by type of residence and selected age groups, December 31, 2020
Age group Populations Percentages
On reserve Off reserve On reserve Off reserve
0-24 44,918 25,483 47.3% 36.9%
25-34 16,766 12,073 17.6% 17.5%
35-64 28,206 25,190 29.7% 36.5%
65+ 5,164 6,316 5.4% 9.1%

Saskatchewan Region

Registered Indian population, by type of residence, age groups and sex, December 31, 2020
Age On reserve Off reserve Total - All residencies
Male Female Male Female Male Female
# % # % # % # % # % # %
0-4 2,289 2.9 2,251 2.8 1,512 1.8 1,443 1.7 3,801 2.3 3,694 2.3
5-9 4,273 5.4 4,304 5.4 3,256 3.8 3,113 3.7 7,529 4.6 7,417 4.5
10-14 4,606 5.8 4,391 5.5 4,274 5.0 4,065 4.8 8,880 5.4 8,456 5.2
15-19 3,958 5.0 3,920 4.9 3,966 4.7 3,961 4.7 7,924 4.8 7,881 4.8
20-24 3,870 4.9 3,707 4.7 3,861 4.6 3,958 4.7 7,731 4.7 7,665 4.7
25-29 4,034 5.1 3,835 4.8 3,830 4.5 4,032 4.8 7,864 4.8 7,867 4.8
30-34 3,478 4.4 3,300 4.2 3,750 4.4 3,772 4.5 7,228 4.4 7,072 4.3
35-39 2,738 3.5 2,562 3.2 3,082 3.6 3,219 3.8 5,820 3.5 5,781 3.5
40-44 2,271 2.9 2,010 2.5 2,670 3.2 2,853 3.4 4,941 3.0 4,863 3.0
45-49 2,016 2.5 1,933 2.4 2,431 2.9 2,846 3.4 4,447 2.7 4,779 2.9
50-54 1,957 2.5 1,801 2.3 2,432 2.9 2,803 3.3 4,389 2.7 4,604 2.8
55-59 1,553 2.0 1,561 2.0 2,041 2.4 2,533 3.0 3,594 2.2 4,094 2.5
60-64 1,228 1.5 1,243 1.6 1,431 1.7 1,924 2.3 2,659 1.6 3,167 1.9
65 + 2,061 2.6 2,179 2.7 2,055 2.4 3,581 4.2 4,116 2.5 5,760 3.5
All ages 40,332 50.8 38,997 49.2 40,591 47.9 44,103 52.1 80,923 49.3 83,100 50.7
Total - both sexes 79,329
Registered Indian population, by type of residence and selected age groups, December 31, 2020
Text description for figure 9: Registered Indian Population by Sex and Residence 2020 Saskatchewan Region
Registered Indian Population, by Type of Residence and Selected Age groups, December 31, 2020
Age group Populations Percentages
On reserve Off reserve On reserve Off reserve
0-24 37,569 33,409 47.4% 39.4%
25-34 14,647 15,384 18.5% 18.2%
35-64 22,873 30,265 28.8% 35.7%
65+ 4,240 5,636 5.3% 6.7%

Alberta Region

Registered Indian population, by type of residence, age groups and sex, December 31, 2020
Age On reserve Off reserve Total - All residencies
Male Female Male Female Male Female
# % # % # % # % # % # %
0-4 2,275 2.8 2,222 2.8 906 1.7 866 1.6 3,181 2.4 3,088 2.3
5-9 4,201 5.3 3,971 5.0 2,151 4.1 2,059 3.9 6,352 4.8 6,030 4.5
10-14 4,378 5.5 4,259 5.3 2,795 5.3 2,705 5.1 7,173 5.4 6,964 5.2
15-19 3,985 5.0 3,829 4.8 2,447 4.6 2,375 4.5 6,432 4.8 6,204 4.7
20-24 4,114 5.1 3,858 4.8 2,137 4.0 2,121 4.0 6,251 4.7 5,979 4.5
25-29 4,199 5.2 3,867 4.8 2,161 4.1 2,149 4.1 6,360 4.8 6,016 4.5
30-34 3,523 4.4 3,301 4.1 2,031 3.8 2,184 4.1 5,554 4.2 5,485 4.1
35-39 2,780 3.5 2,717 3.4 1,922 3.6 1,995 3.8 4,702 3.5 4,712 3.5
40-44 2,159 2.7 2,141 2.7 1,727 3.3 1,850 3.5 3,886 2.9 3,991 3.0
45-49 1,899 2.4 1,962 2.5 1,610 3.0 1,770 3.3 3,509 2.6 3,732 2.8
50-54 1,859 2.3 1,832 2.3 1,505 2.8 1,727 3.3 3,364 2.5 3,559 2.7
55-59 1,618 2.0 1,734 2.2 1,345 2.5 1,607 3.0 2,963 2.2 3,341 2.5
60-64 1,270 1.6 1,358 1.7 941 1.8 1,292 2.4 2,211 1.7 2,650 2.0
65 + 2,158 2.7 2,548 3.2 1,690 3.2 2,966 5.6 3,848 2.9 5,514 4.1
All ages 40,418 50.5 39,599 49.5 25,368 47.8 27,666 52.2 65,786 49.4 67,265 50.6
Total - both sexes 80,017
Registered Indian population, by type of residence and selected age groups, December 31, 2020
Text description for figure 10: Registered Indian Population by Sex and Residence 2020: Alberta Region
Registered Indian population, by type of residence and selected age groups, December 31, 2020
Age group Populations Percentages
On reserve Off reserve On reserve Off reserve
0-24 37,092 20,562 46.4% 38.8%
25-34 14,890 8,525 18.6% 16.1%
35-64 23,329 19,291 29.2% 36.4%
65+ 4,706 4,656 5.9% 8.8%

British Columbia Region

Registered Indian population, by type of residence, age groups and sex, December 31, 2020
Age On reserve Off reserve Total - All residencies
Male Female Male Female Male Female
# % # % # % # % # % # %
0-4 971 1.5 892 1.4 961 1.1 890 1.0 1,932 1.3 1,782 1.2
5-9 2,086 3.3 2,022 3.2 2,555 2.9 2,477 2.8 4,641 3.1 4,499 3.0
10-14 2,761 4.4 2,547 4.0 3,244 3.7 3,091 3.5 6,005 4.0 5,638 3.8
15-19 2,533 4.0 2,448 3.9 3,269 3.8 3,197 3.7 5,802 3.9 5,645 3.8
20-24 2,635 4.2 2,362 3.7 3,316 3.8 3,390 3.9 5,951 4.0 5,752 3.8
25-29 2,842 4.5 2,569 4.1 3,777 4.3 3,589 4.1 6,619 4.4 6,158 4.1
30-34 2,744 4.3 2,418 3.8 3,662 4.2 3,689 4.2 6,406 4.3 6,107 4.1
35-39 2,287 3.6 2,049 3.2 3,414 3.9 3,462 4.0 5,701 3.8 5,511 3.7
40-44 2,076 3.3 1,745 2.8 2,860 3.3 3,169 3.6 4,936 3.3 4,914 3.3
45-49 1,881 3.0 1,739 2.8 2,999 3.4 3,125 3.6 4,880 3.2 4,864 3.2
50-54 1,955 3.1 1,793 2.8 2,909 3.3 3,245 3.7 4,864 3.2 5,038 3.4
55-59 2,093 3.3 2,118 3.4 2,714 3.1 3,325 3.8 4,807 3.2 5,443 3.6
60-64 1,876 3.0 1,864 3.0 2,110 2.4 2,811 3.2 3,986 2.7 4,675 3.1
65 + 3,809 6.0 3,983 6.3 3,789 4.3 6,124 7.0 7,598 5.1 10,107 6.7
All ages 32,549 51.6 30,549 48.4 41,579 47.7 45,584 52.3 74,128 49.3 76,133 50.7
Total - both sexes 63,098
Registered Indian population, by type of residence and selected age groups, December 31, 2020
Text description for figure 11: Registered Indian Population by Sex and Residence 2020: British Columbia Region
Registered Indian population, by type of residence and selected age groups, December 31, 2020
Age group Populations Percentages
On reserve Off reserve On reserve Off reserve
0-24 21,257 26,390 33.7% 30.3%
25-34 10,573 14,717 16.8% 16.9%
35-64 23,476 36,143 37.2% 41.5%
65+ 7,792 9,913 12.3% 11.4%

Yukon Region

Registered Indian population, by type of residence, age groups and sex, December 31, 2020
Age On reserve Off reserve Total - All residencies
Male Female Male Female Male Female
# % # % # % # % # % # %
0-4 41 1.0 59 1.5 61 1.1 55 1.0 102 1.1 114 1.2
5-9 112 2.8 92 2.3 143 2.5 118 2.1 255 2.6 210 2.2
10-14 137 3.5 111 2.8 169 3.0 152 2.7 306 3.2 263 2.7
15-19 136 3.4 123 3.1 186 3.3 200 3.5 322 3.3 323 3.4
20-24 162 4.1 137 3.5 238 4.2 202 3.6 400 4.2 339 3.5
25-29 182 4.6 178 4.5 224 4.0 237 4.2 406 4.2 415 4.3
30-34 156 3.9 157 4.0 216 3.8 235 4.1 372 3.9 392 4.1
35-39 137 3.5 138 3.5 245 4.3 230 4.1 382 4.0 368 3.8
40-44 143 3.6 102 2.6 188 3.3 196 3.5 331 3.4 298 3.1
45-49 127 3.2 128 3.2 198 3.5 174 3.1 325 3.4 302 3.1
50-54 170 4.3 118 3.0 232 4.1 224 4.0 402 4.2 342 3.6
55-59 204 5.1 147 3.7 215 3.8 282 5.0 419 4.4 429 4.5
60-64 133 3.4 111 2.8 149 2.6 216 3.8 282 2.9 327 3.4
65 + 262 6.6 261 6.6 220 3.9 460 8.1 482 5.0 721 7.5
All ages 2,102 53.0 1,862 47.0 2,684 47.4 2,981 52.6 4,786 49.7 4,843 50.3
Total - both sexes 3,964
Registered Indian population, by type of residence and selected age groups, December 31, 2020
Text description for figure 12: Registered Indian Population by Sex and Residence 2020: Yukon Region
Registered Indian population, by type of residence and selected age groups, December 31, 2020
Age group Populations Percentages
On reserve Off reserve On reserve Off reserve
0-24 1,110 1,524 28.0% 26.9%
25-34 673 912 17.0% 16.1%
35-64 1,658 2,549 41.8% 45.0%
65+ 523 680 13.2% 12.0%

Northwest Territories Region

Registered Indian population, by type of residence, age groups and sex, December 31, 2020
Age On reserve Off reserve Total - All residencies
Male Female Male Female Male Female
# % # % # % # % # % # %
0-4 226 1.8 226 1.8 90 1.3 80 1.1 316 1.6 306 1.6
5-9 477 3.7 448 3.5 208 3.0 196 2.8 685 3.5 644 3.3
10-14 587 4.6 504 4.0 250 3.6 238 3.4 837 4.2 742 3.8
15-19 373 2.9 411 3.2 358 5.1 400 5.7 731 3.7 811 4.1
20-24 510 4.0 490 3.8 291 4.2 311 4.5 801 4.1 801 4.1
25-29 675 5.3 655 5.1 284 4.1 277 4.0 959 4.9 932 4.7
30-34 613 4.8 581 4.6 263 3.8 261 3.8 876 4.4 842 4.3
35-39 501 3.9 441 3.5 226 3.2 251 3.6 727 3.7 692 3.5
40-44 374 2.9 408 3.2 230 3.3 256 3.7 604 3.1 664 3.4
45-49 397 3.1 382 3.0 245 3.5 279 4.0 642 3.3 661 3.4
50-54 465 3.6 413 3.2 253 3.6 281 4.0 718 3.6 694 3.5
55-59 378 3.0 394 3.1 205 2.9 214 3.1 583 3.0 608 3.1
60-64 266 2.1 325 2.5 124 1.8 201 2.9 390 2.0 526 2.7
65 + 599 4.7 639 5.0 244 3.5 443 6.4 843 4.3 1,082 5.5
All ages 6,441 50.5 6,317 49.5 3,271 47.0 3,688 53.0 9,712 49.3 10,005 50.7
Total - both sexes 12,758
Registered Indian population, by type of residence and selected age groups, December 31, 2020
Text description for figure 13: Registered Indian Population by Sex and Residence 2020: Northwest Territories Region
Registered Indian population, by type of residence and selected age groups, December 31, 2020
Age group Populations Percentages
On reserve Off reserve On reserve Off reserve
0-24 4,252 2,422 33.3% 34.8%
25-34 2,524 1,085 19.8% 15.6%
35-64 4,744 2,765 37.2% 39.7%
65+ 1,238 687 9.7% 9.9%

Canada/all regions

Registered Indian population, by type of residence, age groups and sex, December 31, 2020
Age On reserve Off reserve Total - All residencies
Male Female Male Female Male Female
# % # % # % # % # % # %
0-4 12,362 2.4 11,881 2.3 6,638 1.3 6,287 1.2 19,000 1.9 18,168 1.8
5-9 24,095 4.7 23,327 4.5 15,636 3.1 15,098 3.0 39,731 3.9 38,425 3.8
10-14 26,983 5.2 25,667 5.0 19,825 3.9 19,034 3.8 46,808 4.6 44,701 4.4
15-19 24,134 4.7 23,011 4.4 19,335 3.8 18,975 3.8 43,469 4.3 41,986 4.1
20-24 24,055 4.6 22,734 4.4 19,943 4.0 19,837 3.9 43,998 4.3 42,571 4.2
25-29 24,876 4.8 23,568 4.6 21,410 4.2 21,354 4.2 46,286 4.5 44,922 4.4
30-34 21,813 4.2 20,430 3.9 20,076 4.0 20,522 4.1 41,889 4.1 40,952 4.0
35-39 17,881 3.5 16,869 3.3 18,080 3.6 18,593 3.7 35,961 3.5 35,462 3.5
40-44 15,303 3.0 14,212 2.7 16,080 3.2 17,445 3.5 31,383 3.1 31,657 3.1
45-49 14,248 2.8 13,810 2.7 16,377 3.3 17,594 3.5 30,625 3.0 31,404 3.1
50-54 14,155 2.7 13,476 2.6 16,257 3.2 18,239 3.6 30,412 3.0 31,715 3.1
55-59 12,956 2.5 12,935 2.5 15,463 3.1 18,527 3.7 28,419 2.8 31,462 3.1
60-64 10,505 2.0 10,894 2.1 12,001 2.4 15,628 3.1 22,506 2.2 26,522 2.6
65 + 19,169 3.7 22,169 4.3 23,164 4.6 36,420 7.2 42,333 4.1 58,589 5.7
All ages 262,535 50.7 254,983 49.3 240,285 47.7 263,553 52.3 502,820 49.2 518,536 50.8
Total - both sexes 517,518
Registered Indian population, by type of residence and selected age groups, December 31, 2020
Text description for figure 14: Registered Indian Population by Sex and Residence 2020: Canada
Registered Indian population, by type of residence and selected age groups, December 31, 2020
Age group Populations Percentages
On reserve Off reserve On reserve Off reserve
0-24 218,249 160,608 42.2% 31.9%
25-34 90,687 83,362 17.5% 16.5%
35-64 167,244 200,284 32.3% 39.8%
65+ 41,338 59,584 8.0% 11.8%

Detailed tables - Registered Indian population by sex and type of residence by group, responsibility centre and region, December 31, 2020

Region 2 - Atlantic

Abegweit (001)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 394 233 161
Male 192 119 73
Female 202 114 88
Acadia (018)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,725 242 1,483
Male 844 113 731
Female 881 129 752
Annapolis Valley (020)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 304 124 180
Male 143 68 75
Female 161 56 105
Bear River (021)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 359 112 247
Male 169 49 120
Female 190 63 127
Buctouche MicMac (004)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 126 84 42
Male 70 51 19
Female 56 33 23
Eel Ground (007)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,070 592 478
Male 529 296 233
Female 541 296 245
Eel River Bar First Nation (008)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 789 362 427
Male 372 173 199
Female 417 189 228
Elsipogtog First Nation (003)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,475 2,719 756
Male 1,725 1,383 342
Female 1,750 1,336 414
Esgenoopetitj First Nation (005)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,946 1,386 560
Male 942 686 256
Female 1,004 700 304
Eskasoni (023)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 4,681 4,015 666
Male 2,301 1,991 310
Female 2,380 2,024 356
Fort Folly (009)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 136 36 100
Male 59 11 48
Female 77 25 52
Glooscap First Nation (030)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 392 98 294
Male 175 32 143
Female 217 66 151
Indian Island (010)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 207 112 95
Male 94 53 41
Female 113 59 54
Kingsclear (011)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,055 738 317
Male 496 344 152
Female 559 394 165
Lennox Island (002)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,020 404 616
Male 483 205 278
Female 537 199 338
Madawaska Maliseet First Nation (006)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 374 152 222
Male 189 78 111
Female 185 74 111
Membertou (026)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,579 984 595
Male 803 502 301
Female 776 482 294
Metepenagiag Mi'kmaq Nation (014)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 698 469 229
Male 335 235 100
Female 363 234 129
Miawpukek (047)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,064 831 2,233
Male 1,559 446 1,113
Female 1,505 385 1,120
Millbrook (027)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,050 960 1,090
Male 1,009 482 527
Female 1,041 478 563
Mushuau Innu First Nation (032)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,091 1,008 83
Male 523 489 34
Female 568 519 49
Oromocto First Nation (012)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 757 336 421
Male 366 175 191
Female 391 161 230
Pabineau (013)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 340 106 234
Male 176 58 118
Female 164 48 116
Paqtnkek Mi'kmaw Nation (019)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 593 450 143
Male 263 201 62
Female 330 249 81
Pictou Landing (024)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 673 512 161
Male 333 249 84
Female 340 263 77
Potlotek First Nation (022)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 786 631 155
Male 392 322 70
Female 394 309 85
Qalipu Mi'kmaq First Nation (034)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 23,647 14 23,633
Male 11,718 * *
Female 11,929 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Saint Mary's (015)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,986 934 1,052
Male 933 455 478
Female 1,053 479 574
Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation (033)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,823 1,640 183
Male 897 828 69
Female 926 812 114
Sipekne'katik (025)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,811 1,409 1,402
Male 1,328 662 666
Female 1,483 747 736
Tobique (016)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,561 1,596 965
Male 1,250 789 461
Female 1,311 807 504
Wagmatcook (028)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 904 711 193
Male 439 356 83
Female 465 355 110
We'koqma'q First Nation (029)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,038 954 84
Male 507 471 36
Female 531 483 48
Woodstock (017)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,142 300 842
Male 545 176 369
Female 597 124 473
General list - Atlantic region (810)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 379 0 379
Male 182 0 182
Female 197 0 197
Atlantic region - 2
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 65,975 25,254 40,721
Male 32,341 12,556 19,785
Female 33,634 12,698 20,936

Region 3 - Quebec

Quebec District

Algonquins of Barriere Lake (074)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 795 622 173
Male 396 315 81
Female 399 307 92
Bande des Innus de Pessamit (085)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 4,046 2,911 1,135
Male 1,927 1,414 513
Female 2,119 1,497 622
Communauté Anicinape de Kitcisakik (062)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 516 401 115
Male 255 199 56
Female 261 202 59
Conseil de la Première Nation Abitibiwinni (055)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,083 619 464
Male 518 285 233
Female 565 334 231
Cree Nation of Chisasibi (058)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 4,813 4,632 181
Male 2,403 2,328 75
Female 2,410 2,304 106
Cree Nation of Mistissini (075)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 4,139 3,893 246
Male 2,054 1,939 115
Female 2,085 1,954 131
Cree Nation of Nemaska (059)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 835 811 24
Male 419 * *
Female 416 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Cree Nation of Wemindji (060)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,647 1,506 141
Male 802 739 63
Female 845 767 78
Eagle Village First Nation - Kipawa (065)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,067 300 767
Male 522 152 370
Female 545 148 397
Eastmain (057)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 926 877 49
Male 471 450 21
Female 455 427 28
Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam (080)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 4,810 3,662 1,148
Male 2,361 1,817 544
Female 2,449 1,845 604
Innue Essipit (086)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 917 217 700
Male 442 115 327
Female 475 102 373
Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg (073)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,535 1,643 1,892
Male 1,682 822 860
Female 1,853 821 1,032
La Nation Innu Matimekush-Lac John (087)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,040 910 130
Male 523 454 69
Female 517 456 61
La Nation Micmac de Gespeg (053)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,143 0 1,143
Male 565 0 565
Female 578 0 578
Les Innus de Ekuanitshit (082)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 685 644 41
Male 324 304 20
Female 361 340 21
Listuguj Mi'gmaq Government (051)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 4,170 2,116 2,054
Male 1,999 1,070 929
Female 2,171 1,046 1,125
Long Point First Nation (067)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 935 529 406
Male 460 265 195
Female 475 264 211
Micmacs of Gesgapegiag (052)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,588 722 866
Male 779 379 400
Female 809 343 466
Montagnais de Pakua Shipi (088)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 398 * *
Male 208 * *
Female 190 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Montagnais de Unamen Shipu (084)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,232 1,174 58
Male 633 604 29
Female 599 570 29
Nation Naskapi de Kawawachikamach (081)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 796 725 71
Male 400 367 33
Female 396 358 38
Nation Anishnabe du Lac Simon (063)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,266 1,838 428
Male 1,128 931 197
Female 1,138 907 231
Nation Huronne Wendat (050)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 4,234 1,482 2,752
Male 2,017 724 1,293
Female 2,217 758 1,459
Odanak (072)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,641 290 2,351
Male 1,242 145 1,097
Female 1,399 145 1,254
Oujé-Bougoumou Cree Nation (089)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 934 817 117
Male 459 414 45
Female 475 403 72
Première Nation de Whapmagoostui (095)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,022 938 84
Male 524 479 45
Female 498 459 39
Première Nation des Abénakis de Wôlinak (071)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 530 113 417
Male 238 47 191
Female 292 66 226
Première Nation des Innus de Nutashkuan (083)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,215 1,113 102
Male 614 576 38
Female 601 537 64
Première Nation Wolastoqiyik (Malécite) Wahsipekuk (054)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,363 * *
Male 660 * *
Female 703 0 703
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
The Crees of the Waskaganish First Nation (061)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,900 2,442 458
Male 1,452 1,222 230
Female 1,448 1,220 228
Timiskaming First Nation (064)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,348 658 1,690
Male 1,101 329 772
Female 1,247 329 918
Waswanipi (056)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,302 1,811 491
Male 1,166 951 215
Female 1,136 860 276
Wolf Lake (068)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 244 * *
Male 122 * *
Female 122 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
General list - Quebec region - Quebec District (816)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 209 0 209
Male 104 0 104
Female 105 0 105
Responsibility Centre - Quebec District
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 63,324 40,812 22,512
Male 30,970 20,448 10,522
Female 32,354 20,364 11,990

Montreal District

Mohawks of Kahnawá:ke (070)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 11,210 7,967 3,243
Male 5,432 3,919 1,513
Female 5,778 4,048 1,730
Mohawks of Kanesatake (069)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,666 1,398 1,268
Male 1,247 658 589
Female 1,419 740 679
Responsibility Centre - Montreal District
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 13,876 9,365 4,511
Male 6,679 4,577 2,102
Female 7,197 4,788 2,409

Pointe-Bleue District

Atikamekw d'Opitciwan (079)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,118 2,551 567
Male 1,663 1,401 262
Female 1,455 1,150 305
Conseil des Atikamekw de Wemotaci (077)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,032 1,542 490
Male 1,036 797 239
Female 996 745 251
Les Atikamekw de Manawan (078)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,043 2,603 440
Male 1,511 1,325 186
Female 1,532 1,278 254
Première Nation des Pekuakamiulnuatsh (076)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 7,369 2,132 5,237
Male 3,584 1,084 2,500
Female 3,785 1,048 2,737
Responsibility Centre - Pointe-Bleue District
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 15,562 8,828 6,734
Male 7,794 4,607 3,187
Female 7,768 4,221 3,547
Quebec region - 3
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 92,762 59,005 33,757
Male 45,443 29,632 15,811
Female 47,319 29,373 17,946

Region 4 - Ontario

Sudbury District

Atikameksheng Anishnawbek (224)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,354 434 920
Male 640 210 430
Female 714 224 490
Aundeck-Omni-Kaning (180)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 870 386 484
Male 424 204 220
Female 446 182 264
Batchewana First Nation (198)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,068 849 2,219
Male 1,444 413 1,031
Female 1,624 436 1,188
Dokis (218)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,283 200 1,083
Male 649 105 544
Female 634 95 539
Garden River First Nation (199)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,132 1,356 1,776
Male 1,502 682 820
Female 1,630 674 956
Henvey Inlet First Nation (231)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 958 202 756
Male 486 104 382
Female 472 98 374
Magnetawan (174)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 287 81 206
Male 143 47 96
Female 144 34 110
M'Chigeeng First Nation (181)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,661 970 1,691
Male 1,290 490 800
Female 1,371 480 891
Mississauga (200)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,392 395 997
Male 677 188 489
Female 715 207 508
Nipissing First Nation (220)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,947 1,031 1,916
Male 1,412 522 890
Female 1,535 509 1,026
Sagamok Anishnawbek (179)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,064 1,622 1,442
Male 1,504 838 666
Female 1,560 784 776
Serpent River (201)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,471 401 1,070
Male 694 190 504
Female 777 211 566
Shawanaga First Nation (137)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 707 187 520
Male 325 84 241
Female 382 103 279
Sheguiandah (176)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 445 182 263
Male 213 92 121
Female 232 90 142
Sheshegwaning (178)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 449 122 327
Male 211 56 155
Female 238 66 172
Temagami First Nation (222)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 950 275 675
Male 466 143 323
Female 484 132 352
Thessalon (202)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 905 115 790
Male 439 61 378
Female 466 54 412
Wahnapitae (232)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 552 57 495
Male 252 30 222
Female 300 27 273
Whitefish River (230)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,420 446 974
Male 692 223 469
Female 728 223 505
Wikwemikong (175)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 8,387 3,289 5,098
Male 3,995 1,647 2,348
Female 4,392 1,642 2,750
Zhiibaahaasing First Nation (173)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 182 66 116
Male 89 33 56
Female 93 33 60
General list - Ontario region - Sudbury District (817)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 453 0 453
Male 205 0 205
Female 248 0 248
Responsibility Centre - Sudbury District
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 36,937 12,666 24,271
Male 17,752 6,362 11,390
Female 19,185 6,304 12,881

Southern District

Aamjiwnaang (172)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,493 989 1,504
Male 1,181 489 692
Female 1,312 500 812
Alderville First Nation (160)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,288 320 968
Male 615 151 464
Female 673 169 504
Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation (163)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,021 455 2,566
Male 1,450 226 1,224
Female 1,571 229 1,342
Bay of Quinte Mohawk (244) - Six Nations of the Grand River
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 818 369 449
Male 387 179 208
Female 431 190 241
Bearfoot Onondaga (248) - Six Nations of the Grand River
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 676 254 422
Male 323 127 196
Female 353 127 226
Beausoleil (141)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,925 686 2,239
Male 1,393 332 1,061
Female 1,532 354 1,178
Caldwell (165)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 448 * *
Male 202 0 202
Female 246 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Chippewas of Georgina Island (138)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 924 210 714
Male 445 97 348
Female 479 113 366
Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point (171)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,548 1,377 1,171
Male 1,240 714 526
Female 1,308 663 645
Chippewas of Nawash First Nation (122)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,758 752 2,006
Male 1,320 363 957
Female 1,438 389 1,049
Chippewas of Rama First Nation (139)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,035 749 1,286
Male 1,008 381 627
Female 1,027 368 659
Chippewas of the Thames First Nation (166)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,974 1,009 1,965
Male 1,398 504 894
Female 1,576 505 1,071
Curve Lake (161)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,580 804 1,776
Male 1,242 399 843
Female 1,338 405 933
Delaware (253) - Six Nations of the Grand River
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 719 236 483
Male 331 114 217
Female 388 122 266
Hiawatha First Nation (162)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 835 209 626
Male 376 92 284
Female 459 117 342
Konadaha Seneca (251) - Six Nations of the Grand River
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 596 209 387
Male 273 102 171
Female 323 107 216
Lower Cayuga (250) - Six Nations of the Grand River
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,829 2,417 1,412
Male 1,851 1,212 639
Female 1,978 1,205 773
Lower Mohawk (254) - Six Nations of the Grand River
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 4,330 2,147 2,183
Male 2,082 1,072 1,010
Female 2,248 1,075 1,173
Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation (140)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 248 53 195
Male 127 29 98
Female 121 24 97
Mississaugas of the Credit (120)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,618 993 1,625
Male 1,251 474 777
Female 1,367 519 848
Mohawks of Akwesasne (159)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 12,959 10,117 2,842
Male 6,288 4,938 1,350
Female 6,671 5,179 1,492
Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte (164)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 10,181 2,180 8,001
Male 4,824 1,049 3,775
Female 5,357 1,131 4,226
Moose Deer Point (135)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 509 141 368
Male 242 64 178
Female 267 77 190
Moravian of the Thames (167)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,326 609 717
Male 618 306 312
Female 708 303 405
Munsee-Delaware Nation (168)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 677 185 492
Male 325 94 231
Female 352 91 261
Niharondasa Seneca (252) - Six Nations of the Grand River
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 412 179 233
Male 196 89 107
Female 216 90 126
Oneida (246) - Six Nations of the Grand River
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,149 778 1,371
Male 1,014 388 626
Female 1,135 390 745
Oneida Nation of the Thames (169)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 6,335 2,232 4,103
Male 3,011 1,105 1,906
Female 3,324 1,127 2,197
Onondaga Clear Sky (247) - Six Nations of the Grand River
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 850 453 397
Male 414 219 195
Female 436 234 202
Saugeen (123)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,908 851 1,057
Male 939 429 510
Female 969 422 547
Tuscarora (245) - Six Nations of the Grand River
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,353 999 1,354
Male 1,135 508 627
Female 1,218 491 727
Upper Cayuga (249) - Six Nations of the Grand River
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,861 1,535 2,326
Male 1,896 791 1,105
Female 1,965 744 1,221
Upper Mohawk (257) - Six Nations of the Grand River
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 6,599 2,991 3,608
Male 3,106 1,498 1,608
Female 3,493 1,493 2,000
Wahta Mohawk (134)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 865 153 712
Male 413 86 327
Female 452 67 385
Walker Mohawk (255) - Six Nations of the Grand River
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 511 318 193
Male 250 159 91
Female 261 159 102
Walpole Island (170)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 4,968 2,386 2,582
Male 2,427 1,225 1,202
Female 2,541 1,161 1,380
Wasauksing First Nation (136)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,340 421 919
Male 654 216 438
Female 686 205 481
General list - Ontario region - Southern District (821)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total * * *
Male * * *
Female * * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Responsibility Centre - Southern District
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 96,473 40,772 55,701
Male 46,250 20,222 26,028
Female 50,223 20,550 29,673

Western District

Albany (142)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 5,266 3,341 1,925
Male 2,632 1,691 941
Female 2,634 1,650 984
Animakee Wa Zhing #37 (152)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 509 202 307
Male 250 97 153
Female 259 105 154
Animbiigoo Zaagi'igan Anishinaabek (194)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 527 89 438
Male 257 49 208
Female 270 40 230
Anishinabe of Wauzhushk Onigum (153)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 798 391 407
Male 396 211 185
Female 402 180 222
Anishnaabeg of Naongashiing (125)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 429 206 223
Male 209 102 107
Female 220 104 116
Aroland (242)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 734 419 315
Male 380 223 157
Female 354 196 158
Attawapiskat (143)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,679 2,108 1,571
Male 1,807 1,081 726
Female 1,872 1,027 845
Big Grassy (124)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 823 302 521
Male 398 161 237
Female 425 141 284
Biigtigong Nishnaabeg (192)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,231 542 689
Male 594 258 336
Female 637 284 353
Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek (197)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 767 336 431
Male 377 172 205
Female 390 164 226
Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek (196)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 330 82 248
Male 175 44 131
Female 155 38 117
Brunswick House (228)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 870 220 650
Male 444 118 326
Female 426 102 324
Chapleau Cree First Nation (221)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 546 61 485
Male 297 32 265
Female 249 29 220
Chapleau Ojibway (229)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 40 * *
Male 20 * *
Female 20 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Constance Lake (182)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,785 899 886
Male 908 471 437
Female 877 428 449
Couchiching First Nation (126)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,715 762 1,953
Male 1,325 379 946
Female 1,390 383 1,007
Eabametoong First Nation (183)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,753 1,627 1,126
Male 1,437 887 550
Female 1,316 740 576
Eagle Lake (148)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 634 375 259
Male 321 195 126
Female 313 180 133
Flying Post (227)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 248 * *
Male 118 0 118
Female 130 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Fort William (187)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,590 1,005 1,585
Male 1,265 503 762
Female 1,325 502 823
Ginoogaming First Nation (185)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 981 229 752
Male 482 120 362
Female 499 109 390
Grassy Narrows First Nation (149)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,595 1,012 583
Male 780 499 281
Female 815 513 302
Gull Bay (188)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,471 402 1,069
Male 746 221 525
Female 725 181 544
Iskatewizaagegan #39 Independent First Nation (154)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 675 361 314
Male 345 187 158
Female 330 174 156
Lac Des Mille Lacs (189)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 619 * *
Male 302 * *
Female 317 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Lac La Croix (127)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 473 324 149
Male 238 173 65
Female 235 151 84
Long Lake No.58 First Nation (184)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,701 542 1,159
Male 838 272 566
Female 863 270 593
Martin Falls (186)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 819 394 425
Male 406 211 195
Female 413 183 230
Matachewan (219)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 919 58 861
Male 440 36 404
Female 479 22 457
Mattagami (226)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 602 179 423
Male 288 97 191
Female 314 82 232
Michipicoten (225)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,229 67 1,162
Male 590 36 554
Female 639 31 608
Missanabie Cree (223)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 528 * *
Male 275 * *
Female 253 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Mitaanjigamiing First Nation (133)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 186 129 57
Male 99 69 30
Female 87 60 27
Moose Cree First Nation (144)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 4,858 1,937 2,921
Male 2,434 1,027 1,407
Female 2,424 910 1,514
Naicatchewenin (128)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 519 324 195
Male 266 165 101
Female 253 159 94
Naotkamegwanning (158)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,294 773 521
Male 666 398 268
Female 628 375 253
Neskantaga First Nation (239)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 494 378 116
Male 246 191 55
Female 248 187 61
Nibinamik First Nation (241)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 539 396 143
Male 250 196 54
Female 289 200 89
Nigigoonsiminikaaning First Nation (129)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 413 181 232
Male 197 92 105
Female 216 89 127
Niisaachewan Anishinaabe Nation (147)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 481 186 295
Male 243 103 140
Female 238 83 155
Northwest Angle No.33 (151)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 577 263 314
Male 267 138 129
Female 310 125 185
Ojibways of Onigaming First Nation (131)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 817 488 329
Male 396 262 134
Female 421 226 195
Pays Plat (191)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 269 78 191
Male 136 46 90
Female 133 32 101
Pic Mobert (195)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,050 359 691
Male 537 191 346
Female 513 168 345
Rainy River First Nations (130)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,200 480 720
Male 556 215 341
Female 644 265 379
Red Rock (193)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,095 300 1,795
Male 1,027 145 882
Female 1,068 155 913
Seine River First Nation (132)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 805 375 430
Male 381 170 211
Female 424 205 219
Shoal Lake No.40 (155)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 662 306 356
Male 316 157 159
Female 346 149 197
Taykwa Tagamou Nation (145)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 637 156 481
Male 310 82 228
Female 327 74 253
Wabaseemoong Independent Nations (150)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,998 1,005 993
Male 971 491 480
Female 1,027 514 513
Wabauskang First Nation (156)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 345 139 206
Male 168 68 100
Female 177 71 106
Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation (157)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 802 191 611
Male 405 101 304
Female 397 90 307
Wahgoshig First Nation (233)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 383 164 219
Male 200 90 110
Female 183 74 109
Washagamis Bay (235)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 334 177 157
Male 161 90 71
Female 173 87 86
Webequie (240)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 929 802 127
Male 448 386 62
Female 481 416 65
Weenusk (146)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 605 292 313
Male 326 159 167
Female 279 133 146
Whitesand (190)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,312 399 913
Male 658 208 450
Female 654 191 463
General list - Ontario region - Western District (826)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total * * *
Male * * *
Female * * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Responsibility Centre - Western District
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 62,493 26,858 35,635
Male 31,004 13,789 17,215
Female 31,489 13,069 18,420

Sioux Lookout District

Bearskin Lake (207)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 942 489 453
Male 465 260 205
Female 477 229 248
Cat Lake (216)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 825 681 144
Male 428 361 67
Female 397 320 77
Deer Lake (237)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,367 1,125 242
Male 679 564 115
Female 688 561 127
Fort Severn (215)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 723 561 162
Male 355 281 74
Female 368 280 88
Kasabonika Lake (210)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,220 1,160 60
Male 602 574 28
Female 618 586 32
Kee-Way-Win (325)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 828 603 225
Male 407 307 100
Female 421 296 125
Kingfisher (212)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 630 572 58
Male 329 298 31
Female 301 274 27
Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (209)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,735 1,212 523
Male 881 611 270
Female 854 601 253
Lac Seul (205)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,602 977 2,625
Male 1,789 519 1,270
Female 1,813 458 1,355
McDowell Lake (326)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 57 22 35
Male 30 * *
Female 27 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Mishkeegogamang (203)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,995 1,248 747
Male 974 638 336
Female 1,021 610 411
Muskrat Dam Lake (213)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 473 261 212
Male 223 124 99
Female 250 137 113
North Caribou Lake (204)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,216 949 267
Male 558 436 122
Female 658 513 145
North Spirit Lake (238)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 493 430 63
Male 242 220 22
Female 251 210 41
Ojibway Nation of Saugeen (258)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 244 103 141
Male 127 58 69
Female 117 45 72
Pikangikum (208)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,150 3,040 110
Male 1,628 1,573 55
Female 1,522 1,467 55
Poplar Hill (236)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 697 677 20
Male 368 * *
Female 329 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Sachigo Lake (214)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 967 580 387
Male 474 290 184
Female 493 290 203
Sandy Lake (211)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,170 2,690 480
Male 1,621 1,389 232
Female 1,549 1,301 248
Slate Falls Nation (259)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 295 217 78
Male 158 119 39
Female 137 98 39
Wapekeka (206)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 514 501 13
Male 245 * *
Female 269 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Wawakapewin (234)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 71 44 27
Male 36 23 13
Female 35 21 14
Wunnumin (217)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 705 601 104
Male 361 309 52
Female 344 292 52
Responsibility Centre - Sioux Lookout District
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 25,919 18,743 7,176
Male 12,980 9,562 3,418
Female 12,939 9,181 3,758
Ontario region - 4
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 221,822 99,039 122,783
Male 107,986 49,935 58,051
Female 113,836 49,104 64,732

Region 5 - Manitoba

Barren Lands (308)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,195 522 673
Male 582 269 313
Female 613 253 360
Berens River (266)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,587 2,218 1,369
Male 1,821 1,187 634
Female 1,766 1,031 735
Birdtail Sioux (284)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 906 460 446
Male 435 227 208
Female 471 233 238
Black River First Nation (260)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,474 1,007 467
Male 752 504 248
Female 722 503 219
Bloodvein (267)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,936 1,181 755
Male 961 591 370
Female 975 590 385
Brokenhead Ojibway Nation (261)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,141 806 1,335
Male 1,050 423 627
Female 1,091 383 708
Buffalo Point First Nation (265)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 133 56 77
Male 63 27 36
Female 70 29 41
Bunibonibee Cree Nation (301)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,242 2,590 652
Male 1,618 1,341 277
Female 1,624 1,249 375
Canupawakpa Dakota First Nation (289)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 688 333 355
Male 334 171 163
Female 354 162 192
Chemawawin Cree Nation (309)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,993 1,613 380
Male 996 829 167
Female 997 784 213
Cross Lake Band of Indians (276)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 9,025 6,444 2,581
Male 4,535 3,262 1,273
Female 4,490 3,182 1,308
Dakota Plains (288)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 255 173 82
Male 120 86 34
Female 135 87 48
Dakota Tipi (295)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 441 269 172
Male 251 163 88
Female 190 106 84
Dauphin River (316)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 391 251 140
Male 175 110 65
Female 216 141 75
Ebb and Flow (280)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,243 1,917 1,326
Male 1,567 915 652
Female 1,676 1,002 674
Fisher River (264)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 4,081 1,515 2,566
Male 2,075 776 1,299
Female 2,006 739 1,267
Fort Alexander (262)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 8,173 3,688 4,485
Male 4,081 1,895 2,186
Female 4,092 1,793 2,299
Fox Lake (305)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,287 216 1,071
Male 607 107 500
Female 680 109 571
Gambler First Nation (294)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 326 70 256
Male 139 40 99
Female 187 30 157
Garden Hill First Nations (297)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 4,798 4,050 748
Male 2,437 2,084 353
Female 2,361 1,966 395
God's Lake First Nation (296)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,811 1,550 1,261
Male 1,444 820 624
Female 1,367 730 637
Hollow Water (263)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,048 1,070 978
Male 989 520 469
Female 1,059 550 509
Keeseekoowenin (286)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,319 481 838
Male 653 248 405
Female 666 233 433
Kinonjeoshtegon First Nation (268)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 801 371 430
Male 400 188 212
Female 401 183 218
Lake Manitoba (271)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,158 1,317 841
Male 1,086 675 411
Female 1,072 642 430
Lake St. Martin (275)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,883 1,706 1,177
Male 1,426 863 563
Female 1,457 843 614
Little Grand Rapids (270)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,763 1,370 393
Male 913 726 187
Female 850 644 206
Little Saskatchewan (274)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,347 727 620
Male 647 364 283
Female 700 363 337
Long Plain (287)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 4,652 2,538 2,114
Male 2,340 1,334 1,006
Female 2,312 1,204 1,108
Manto Sipi Cree Nation (302)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 968 832 136
Male 480 412 68
Female 488 420 68
Marcel Colomb First Nation (328)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 448 336 112
Male 238 174 64
Female 210 162 48
Mathias Colomb (311)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,912 2,487 1,425
Male 1,987 1,330 657
Female 1,925 1,157 768
Misipawistik Cree Nation (310)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,182 1,413 769
Male 1,067 693 374
Female 1,115 720 395
Mosakahiken Cree Nation (312)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,272 1,661 611
Male 1,127 847 280
Female 1,145 814 331
Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation (313)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 5,346 3,176 2,170
Male 2,619 1,645 974
Female 2,727 1,531 1,196
Northlands Denesuline First Nation (317)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,136 970 166
Male 549 466 83
Female 587 504 83
Norway House Cree Nation (278)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 8,533 6,572 1,961
Male 4,195 3,275 920
Female 4,338 3,297 1,041
O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation (279)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,233 500 733
Male 589 250 339
Female 644 250 394
Opaskwayak Cree Nation (315)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 6,327 3,409 2,918
Male 3,114 1,701 1,413
Female 3,213 1,708 1,505
O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation (318)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,703 1,114 589
Male 900 597 303
Female 803 517 286
Pauingassi First Nation (327)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 690 624 66
Male 360 332 28
Female 330 292 38
Peguis (269)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 10,599 3,723 6,876
Male 5,230 1,896 3,334
Female 5,369 1,827 3,542
Pinaymootang First Nation (272)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,416 1,440 1,976
Male 1,655 707 948
Female 1,761 733 1,028
Pine Creek (282)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,828 968 2,860
Male 1,915 516 1,399
Female 1,913 452 1,461
Poplar River First Nation (277)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,965 1,297 668
Male 977 660 317
Female 988 637 351
Red Sucker Lake (300)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,125 995 130
Male 550 495 55
Female 575 500 75
Rolling River (291)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,108 352 756
Male 557 180 377
Female 551 172 379
Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation Government (273)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,743 1,256 1,487
Male 1,359 654 705
Female 1,384 602 782
Sandy Bay (283)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 6,958 4,241 2,717
Male 3,563 2,239 1,324
Female 3,395 2,002 1,393
Sapotaweyak Cree Nation (314)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,619 955 1,664
Male 1,342 513 829
Female 1,277 442 835
Sayisi Dene First Nation (303)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 859 316 543
Male 426 175 251
Female 433 141 292
Shamattawa First Nation (307)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,645 1,462 183
Male 829 733 96
Female 816 729 87
Sioux Valley Dakota Nation (290)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,680 1,479 1,201
Male 1,286 756 530
Female 1,394 723 671
Skownan First Nation (281)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,571 770 801
Male 790 378 412
Female 781 392 389
St. Theresa Point (298)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 4,407 4,074 333
Male 2,248 2,101 147
Female 2,159 1,973 186
Swan Lake (293)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,476 425 1,051
Male 695 198 497
Female 781 227 554
Tataskweyak Cree Nation (306)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 4,034 2,481 1,553
Male 2,001 1,248 753
Female 2,033 1,233 800
Tootinaowaziibeeng Treaty Reserve (292)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,545 714 831
Male 745 350 395
Female 800 364 436
War Lake First Nation (323)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 329 132 197
Male 160 78 82
Female 169 54 115
Wasagamack First Nation (299)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,231 2,009 222
Male 1,125 1,031 94
Female 1,106 978 128
Waywayseecappo First Nation Treaty Four - 1874 (285)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,977 1,695 1,282
Male 1,464 839 625
Female 1,513 856 657
Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation (324)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 675 191 484
Male 336 110 226
Female 339 81 258
York Factory First Nation (304)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,472 476 996
Male 734 246 488
Female 738 230 508
General list - Manitoba region (804)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total * * *
Male * * *
Female * * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Manitoba region - 5
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 164,116 95,054 69,062
Male 81,715 48,570 33,145
Female 82,401 46,484 35,917

Region 6 - Saskatchewan

North Central District

Ahtahkakoop (406)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,716 1,988 1,728
Male 1,848 988 860
Female 1,868 1,000 868
Beardy's and Okemasis (369)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,595 1,439 2,156
Male 1,795 723 1,072
Female 1,800 716 1,084
Big Island Lake Cree Nation (399)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,273 1,045 228
Male 600 499 101
Female 673 546 127
Big River (404)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,686 2,678 1,008
Male 1,833 1,365 468
Female 1,853 1,313 540
Birch Narrows First Nation (403)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 854 481 373
Male 414 232 182
Female 440 249 191
Black Lake (359)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,283 1,676 607
Male 1,130 850 280
Female 1,153 826 327
Buffalo River Dene Nation (398)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,518 835 683
Male 764 425 339
Female 754 410 344
Canoe Lake Cree First Nation (394)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,658 1,166 1,492
Male 1,348 604 744
Female 1,310 562 748
Clearwater River Dene (401)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,580 1,064 1,516
Male 1,303 529 774
Female 1,277 535 742
Cumberland House Cree Nation (350)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,810 1,017 793
Male 882 513 369
Female 928 504 424
English River First Nation (400)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,657 827 830
Male 809 403 406
Female 848 424 424
Flying Dust First Nation (395)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,497 591 906
Male 719 299 420
Female 778 292 486
Fond du Lac (351)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,178 1,164 1,014
Male 1,055 581 474
Female 1,123 583 540
Hatchet Lake (352)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,911 1,474 437
Male 948 736 212
Female 963 738 225
James Smith (370)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,715 2,043 1,672
Male 1,845 1,058 787
Female 1,870 985 885
Kinistin Saulteaux Nation (377)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,101 411 690
Male 538 219 319
Female 563 192 371
Lac La Ronge (353)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 11,389 7,267 4,122
Male 5,624 3,645 1,979
Female 5,765 3,622 2,143
Little Pine (340)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,189 1,069 1,120
Male 1,069 541 528
Female 1,120 528 592
Lucky Man (341)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 115 26 89
Male 57 15 42
Female 58 11 47
Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation (396)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,772 1,281 491
Male 905 660 245
Female 867 621 246
Ministikwan Lake Cree Nation (397)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,357 1,098 259
Male 655 526 129
Female 702 572 130
Mistawasis Nêhiyawak (374)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,887 1,259 1,628
Male 1,429 643 786
Female 1,458 616 842
Montreal Lake (354)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 4,209 2,499 1,710
Male 2,135 1,320 815
Female 2,074 1,179 895
Moosomin (342)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,066 1,275 791
Male 999 626 373
Female 1,067 649 418
Mosquito, Grizzly Bear's Head, Lean Man First Nations (343)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,487 813 674
Male 747 423 324
Female 740 390 350
Muskeg Lake Cree Nation #102 (375)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,204 407 1,797
Male 1,056 216 840
Female 1,148 191 957
Muskoday First Nation (371)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,990 644 1,346
Male 960 342 618
Female 1,030 302 728
One Arrow First Nation (373)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,090 869 1,221
Male 1,035 442 593
Female 1,055 427 628
Onion Lake Cree Nation (344)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 6,553 4,245 2,308
Male 3,199 2,089 1,110
Female 3,354 2,156 1,198
Pelican Lake (405)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,722 1,308 414
Male 913 694 219
Female 809 614 195
Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation (355)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 11,449 7,346 4,103
Male 5,724 3,745 1,979
Female 5,725 3,601 2,124
Poundmaker (345)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,819 994 825
Male 851 500 351
Female 968 494 474
Red Earth (356)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,959 1,673 286
Male 976 835 141
Female 983 838 145
Red Pheasant (346)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,529 831 1,698
Male 1,242 434 808
Female 1,287 397 890
Saulteaux (347)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,354 706 648
Male 677 361 316
Female 677 345 332
Shoal Lake Cree Nation (357)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,147 932 215
Male 583 472 111
Female 564 460 104
Sturgeon Lake First Nation (360)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,030 1,917 1,113
Male 1,514 995 519
Female 1,516 922 594
Sweetgrass (348)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,069 837 1,232
Male 1,007 422 585
Female 1,062 415 647
Thunderchild First Nation (349)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,953 1,354 1,599
Male 1,475 690 785
Female 1,478 664 814
Wahpeton Dakota Nation (358)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 559 365 194
Male 271 180 91
Female 288 185 103
Waterhen Lake (402)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,085 993 1,092
Male 1,024 503 521
Female 1,061 490 571
Whitecap Dakota First Nation (372)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 682 331 351
Male 309 151 158
Female 373 180 193
Witchekan Lake (407)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 802 567 235
Male 404 307 97
Female 398 260 138
Yellow Quill (376)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,087 995 2,092
Male 1,549 534 1,015
Female 1,538 461 1,077
General list - Saskatchewan region - North Central District (831)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total * * *
Male * * *
Female * * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Responsibility Centre - North Central District
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 113,594 63,800 49,794
Male 56,224 32,335 23,889
Female 57,370 31,465 25,905

South District

Carry The Kettle (378)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,949 951 1,998
Male 1,413 481 932
Female 1,536 470 1,066
Cote First Nation 366 (366)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 4,130 1,167 2,963
Male 1,965 594 1,371
Female 2,165 573 1,592
Cowessess (361)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 4,308 932 3,376
Male 2,060 474 1,586
Female 2,248 458 1,790
Day Star (389)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 526 193 333
Male 280 106 174
Female 246 87 159
Fishing Lake First Nation (390)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,860 569 1,291
Male 907 287 620
Female 953 282 671
George Gordon First Nation (391)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,802 1,300 2,502
Male 1,919 715 1,204
Female 1,883 585 1,298
Kahkewistahaw (362)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,172 724 1,448
Male 1,042 361 681
Female 1,130 363 767
Kawacatoose (393)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,273 1,274 1,999
Male 1,620 653 967
Female 1,653 621 1,032
Keeseekoose (367)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,553 783 1,770
Male 1,250 415 835
Female 1,303 368 935
Little Black Bear (379)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 608 227 381
Male 297 117 180
Female 311 110 201
Muscowpetung (381)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,529 409 1,120
Male 751 223 528
Female 778 186 592
Muskowekwan (392)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,989 653 1,336
Male 978 333 645
Female 1,011 320 691
Nekaneet (380)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 565 247 318
Male 286 123 163
Female 279 124 155
Ocean Man (408)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 565 203 362
Male 279 110 169
Female 286 93 193
Ochapowace (363)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,914 703 1,211
Male 929 356 573
Female 985 347 638
Okanese (382)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 739 305 434
Male 377 164 213
Female 362 141 221
Pasqua First Nation #79 (383)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,479 803 1,676
Male 1,247 407 840
Female 1,232 396 836
Peepeekisis Cree Nation No.81 (384)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,094 727 2,367
Male 1,495 371 1,124
Female 1,599 356 1,243
Pheasant Rump Nakota (409)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 449 188 261
Male 210 90 120
Female 239 98 141
Piapot (385)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,544 781 1,763
Male 1,263 427 836
Female 1,281 354 927
Standing Buffalo (386)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,305 520 785
Male 659 259 400
Female 646 261 385
Star Blanket Cree Nation (387)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 719 289 430
Male 345 141 204
Female 374 148 226
The Key First Nation (368)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,434 333 1,101
Male 707 166 541
Female 727 167 560
White Bear (365)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,809 941 1,868
Male 1,377 458 919
Female 1,432 483 949
Wood Mountain (388)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 315 * *
Male 155 * *
Female 160 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Zagimé Anishinabek (364)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,797 300 1,497
Male 886 162 724
Female 911 138 773
General list - Saskatchewan region - South District (834)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total * * *
Male * * *
Female * * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Responsibility Centre - South District
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 50,429 15,529 34,900
Male 24,699 7,997 16,702
Female 25,730 7,532 18,198
Saskatchewan region - 6
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 164,023 79,329 84,694
Male 80,923 40,332 40,591
Female 83,100 38,997 44,103

Region 7 - Alberta

District Alberta

Alexander (438)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,336 1,162 1,174
Male 1,194 598 596
Female 1,142 564 578
Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation (437)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,096 1,253 843
Male 1,075 647 428
Female 1,021 606 415
Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (463)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,361 256 1,105
Male 664 127 537
Female 697 129 568
Bearspaw (473) - Stoney
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,089 1,920 169
Male 1,022 936 86
Female 1,067 984 83
Beaver First Nation (445)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,254 490 764
Male 632 246 386
Female 622 244 378
Bigstone Cree Nation (458)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 8,392 3,596 4,796
Male 4,087 1,797 2,290
Female 4,305 1,799 2,506
Blood (435)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 12,724 8,752 3,972
Male 6,276 4,391 1,885
Female 6,448 4,361 2,087
Chiniki (433) - Stoney
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,746 1,592 154
Male 873 804 69
Female 873 788 85
Chipewyan Prairie First Nation (470)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 983 400 583
Male 491 216 275
Female 492 184 308
Dene Tha' (448)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,257 2,185 1,072
Male 1,588 1,106 482
Female 1,669 1,079 590
Driftpile Cree Nation (450)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,002 1,039 1,963
Male 1,537 565 972
Female 1,465 474 991
Duncan's First Nation (451)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 353 145 208
Male 183 75 108
Female 170 70 100
Enoch Cree Nation #440 (440)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,850 1,865 985
Male 1,392 939 453
Female 1,458 926 532
Ermineskin Tribe (443)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 4,957 3,771 1,186
Male 2,475 1,901 574
Female 2,482 1,870 612
Fort McKay First Nation (467)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 924 437 487
Male 454 216 238
Female 470 221 249
Fort McMurray #468 First Nation (468)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 913 291 622
Male 423 137 286
Female 490 154 336
Horse Lake First Nation (449)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,279 519 760
Male 633 274 359
Female 646 245 401
Kapawe'no First Nation (452)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 409 144 265
Male 209 76 133
Female 200 68 132
Little Red River Cree Nation (447)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 6,041 5,349 692
Male 3,038 2,708 330
Female 3,003 2,641 362
Loon River Cree (476)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 668 550 118
Male 333 274 59
Female 335 276 59
Louis Bull (439)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,396 1,901 495
Male 1,192 958 234
Female 1,204 943 261
Lubicon Lake (453)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 772 436 336
Male 402 233 169
Female 370 203 167
Mikisew Cree First Nation (461)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,217 802 2,415
Male 1,568 397 1,171
Female 1,649 405 1,244
Montana (442)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,068 794 274
Male 530 394 136
Female 538 400 138
O'Chiese (431)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,471 1,001 470
Male 727 498 229
Female 744 503 241
Paul (441)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,170 1,463 707
Male 1,064 733 331
Female 1,106 730 376
Peerless Trout First Nation (478)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 979 859 120
Male 475 416 59
Female 504 443 61
Piikani Nation (436)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,917 2,473 1,444
Male 1,910 1,231 679
Female 2,007 1,242 765
Samson (444)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 9,085 6,863 2,222
Male 4,534 3,444 1,090
Female 4,551 3,419 1,132
Sawridge First Nation (454)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 543 50 493
Male 271 27 244
Female 272 23 249
Siksika Nation (430)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 7,560 4,336 3,224
Male 3,760 2,190 1,570
Female 3,800 2,146 1,654
Smith's Landing First Nation (477)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 367 161 206
Male 190 84 106
Female 177 77 100
Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation (455)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,553 1,554 1,999
Male 1,719 797 922
Female 1,834 757 1,077
Sucker Creek (456)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,031 801 2,230
Male 1,467 426 1,041
Female 1,564 375 1,189
Sunchild First Nation (434)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,439 946 493
Male 712 477 235
Female 727 469 258
Swan River First Nation (457)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,510 453 1,057
Male 707 232 475
Female 803 221 582
Tallcree Tribal Government (446)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,407 592 815
Male 702 306 396
Female 705 286 419
Tsuut'ina Nation (432)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,439 2,227 212
Male 1,150 1,065 85
Female 1,289 1,162 127
Wesley (475) - Stoney
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,848 1,650 198
Male 945 844 101
Female 903 806 97
Whitefish Lake (459)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,954 1,648 1,306
Male 1,478 825 653
Female 1,476 823 653
Woodland Cree First Nation (474)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,186 868 318
Male 596 429 167
Female 590 439 151
General list - Alberta region - Alberta District (838)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,007 * *
Male 460 * *
Female 547 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Responsibility Centre - Alberta District
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 111,553 67,598 43,955
Male 55,138 34,040 21,098
Female 56,415 33,558 22,857

St. Paul District

Beaver Lake Cree Nation (460)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,284 438 846
Male 645 231 414
Female 639 207 432
Cold Lake First Nations (464)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,017 1,395 1,622
Male 1,492 752 740
Female 1,525 643 882
Frog Lake (465)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,440 2,167 1,273
Male 1,704 1,095 609
Female 1,736 1,072 664
Heart Lake (469)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 374 226 148
Male 199 120 79
Female 175 106 69
Kehewin Cree Nation (466)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,274 1,288 986
Male 1,134 684 450
Female 1,140 604 536
Saddle Lake Cree Nation (462)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 11,109 6,905 4,204
Male 5,474 3,496 1,978
Female 5,635 3,409 2,226
Responsibility Centre - St. Paul District
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 21,498 12,419 9,079
Male 10,648 6,378 4,270
Female 10,850 6,041 4,809
Alberta region - 7
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 133,051 80,017 53,034
Male 65,786 40,418 25,368
Female 67,265 39,599 27,666

Region 9 - British Columbia

?Akisq'nuk First Nation (604)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 278 155 123
Male 144 84 60
Female 134 71 63
?aqam (602)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 395 218 177
Male 195 108 87
Female 200 110 90
?Esdilagh First Nation (709)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 258 60 198
Male 133 42 91
Female 125 18 107
Adams Lake (684)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 815 422 393
Male 397 221 176
Female 418 201 217
Ahousaht (659)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,200 839 1,361
Male 1,071 418 653
Female 1,129 421 708
Aitchelitz (558)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 42 24 18
Male 25 * *
Female 17 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Ashcroft (685)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 338 77 261
Male 180 42 138
Female 158 35 123
Beecher Bay (640)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 264 115 149
Male 120 55 65
Female 144 60 84
Binche Whut'en (730)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 210 93 117
Male 115 57 58
Female 95 36 59
Blueberry River First Nations (547)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 517 241 276
Male 262 129 133
Female 255 112 143
Bonaparte (686)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 970 201 769
Male 465 103 362
Female 505 98 407
Boothroyd (700)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 315 86 229
Male 165 50 115
Female 150 36 114
Boston Bar First Nation (701)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 277 89 188
Male 147 48 99
Female 130 41 89
Bridge River (590)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 474 245 229
Male 233 114 119
Female 241 131 110
Burns Lake (619)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 151 46 105
Male 81 26 55
Female 70 20 50
Campbell River (622)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 850 406 444
Male 404 205 199
Female 446 201 245
Canim Lake (713)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 608 430 178
Male 302 216 86
Female 306 214 92
Cape Mudge (623)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,170 366 804
Male 563 197 366
Female 607 169 438
Cayoose Creek (591)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 204 88 116
Male 99 43 56
Female 105 45 60
Chawathil (583)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 641 383 258
Male 311 190 121
Female 330 193 137
Cheam (584)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 562 257 305
Male 284 131 153
Female 278 126 152
Cheslatta Carrier Nation (620)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 376 169 207
Male 170 81 89
Female 206 88 118
Coldwater (693)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 867 381 486
Male 421 187 234
Female 446 194 252
Cook's Ferry (694)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 358 78 280
Male 174 41 133
Female 184 37 147
Cowichan (642)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 5,160 2,902 2,258
Male 2,554 1,477 1,077
Female 2,606 1,425 1,181
Da'naxda'xw First Nation (635)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 234 53 181
Male 113 25 88
Female 121 28 93
Ditidaht (662)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 775 234 541
Male 378 125 253
Female 397 109 288
Doig River First Nation (548)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 319 151 168
Male 162 83 79
Female 157 68 89
Douglas (561)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 357 124 233
Male 169 66 103
Female 188 58 130
Dzawada'enuxw First Nation (636)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 546 147 399
Male 270 77 193
Female 276 70 206
Ehattesaht (634)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 527 166 361
Male 261 83 178
Female 266 83 183
Esk'etemc (711)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,049 444 605
Male 538 230 308
Female 511 214 297
Esquimalt (644)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 335 199 136
Male 157 99 58
Female 178 100 78
Fort Nelson First Nation (543)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 984 446 538
Male 494 235 259
Female 490 211 279
Gitanmaax (531)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,483 793 1,690
Male 1,234 403 831
Female 1,249 390 859
Gitanyow (537)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 873 412 461
Male 457 208 249
Female 416 204 212
Gitga'at First Nation (675)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 780 159 621
Male 369 78 291
Female 411 81 330
Gitsegukla (535)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,032 468 564
Male 523 238 285
Female 509 230 279
Gitwangak (536)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,397 447 950
Male 692 240 452
Female 705 207 498
Gitxaala Nation (672)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,031 479 1,552
Male 993 260 733
Female 1,038 219 819
Glen Vowell (533)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 422 204 218
Male 227 117 110
Female 195 87 108
Gwa'Sala-Nakwaxda'xw (724)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,049 608 441
Male 532 327 205
Female 517 281 236
Gwawaenuk Tribe (627)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 41 12 29
Male 24 * *
Female 17 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Hagwilget First Nation Government (534)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 807 231 576
Male 410 120 290
Female 397 111 286
Haisla Nation (676)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,976 673 1,303
Male 957 372 585
Female 1,019 301 718
Halalt (645)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 216 99 117
Male 114 52 62
Female 102 47 55
Halfway River First Nation (546)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 299 147 152
Male 158 81 77
Female 141 66 75
Heiltsuk (538)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,476 1,229 1,247
Male 1,265 661 604
Female 1,211 568 643
Hesquiaht (661)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 749 153 596
Male 353 86 267
Female 396 67 329
High Bar (703)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 193 * *
Male 92 * *
Female 101 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Homalco (552)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 479 236 243
Male 250 130 120
Female 229 106 123
Hupacasath First Nation (664)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 349 153 196
Male 178 70 108
Female 171 83 88
Huu-ay-aht First Nations (663)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 738 136 602
Male 359 67 292
Female 379 69 310
Iskut (683)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 789 364 425
Male 401 195 206
Female 388 169 219
Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k:tles7et'h' First Nations (638)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 582 185 397
Male 287 90 197
Female 295 95 200
Kanaka Bar (704)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 241 79 162
Male 134 44 90
Female 107 35 72
Katzie (563)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 606 317 289
Male 293 159 134
Female 313 158 155
Kispiox (532)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,683 680 1,003
Male 819 360 459
Female 864 320 544
Kitasoo (540)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 505 307 198
Male 249 164 85
Female 256 143 113
Kitselas (680)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 698 319 379
Male 324 148 176
Female 374 171 203
Kitsumkalum (681)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 784 256 528
Male 384 133 251
Female 400 123 277
Klahoose First Nation (553)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 420 84 336
Male 206 41 165
Female 214 43 171
K'ómoks First Nation (624)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 345 109 236
Male 165 45 120
Female 180 64 116
Kwadacha (610)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 581 315 266
Male 284 159 125
Female 297 156 141
Kwakiutl (626)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 841 363 478
Male 420 189 231
Female 421 174 247
Kwantlen First Nation (564)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 317 106 211
Male 160 58 102
Female 157 48 109
Kwaw-kwaw-Apilt (580)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 49 34 15
Male 28 * *
Female 21 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Kwiakah (628)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total * * *
Male * * *
Female * * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Kwikwasut'inuxw Haxwa'mis (625)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 311 75 236
Male 168 42 126
Female 143 33 110
Kwikwetlem First Nation (560)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 125 49 76
Male 75 33 42
Female 50 16 34
Lake Babine Nation (607)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,555 1,401 1,154
Male 1,232 718 514
Female 1,323 683 640
Lax Kw'alaams (674)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,990 743 3,247
Male 1,949 400 1,549
Female 2,041 343 1,698
Leq'á:mel First Nation (579)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 434 146 288
Male 201 70 131
Female 233 76 157
Lheidli T'enneh (611)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 541 101 440
Male 278 52 226
Female 263 49 214
Lhoosk'uz Dene Nation (721)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 241 57 184
Male 113 31 82
Female 128 26 102
Lhtako Dene Nation (715)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 184 90 94
Male 71 36 35
Female 113 54 59
Lil'wat Nation (557)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,263 1,579 684
Male 1,149 820 329
Female 1,114 759 355
Little Shuswap Lake (689)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 361 240 121
Male 192 130 62
Female 169 110 59
Lower Kootenay (606)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 246 122 124
Male 116 61 55
Female 130 61 69
Lower Nicola (695)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,318 553 765
Male 616 282 334
Female 702 271 431
Lower Similkameen (598)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 544 279 265
Male 258 134 124
Female 286 145 141
Lyackson (646)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 218 37 181
Male 102 19 83
Female 116 18 98
Lytton (705)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,044 928 1,116
Male 1,004 485 519
Female 1,040 443 597
Malahat Nation (647)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 348 190 158
Male 187 104 83
Female 161 86 75
Mamalilikulla First Nation (629)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 440 67 373
Male 220 31 189
Female 220 36 184
Matsqui First Nation (565)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 263 113 150
Male 126 55 71
Female 137 58 79
McLeod Lake (618)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 575 141 434
Male 269 74 195
Female 306 67 239
Metlakatla First Nation (673)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,004 110 894
Male 490 49 441
Female 514 61 453
Mowachaht/Muchalaht (630)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 624 258 366
Male 339 149 190
Female 285 109 176
Musqueam (550)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,430 791 639
Male 687 389 298
Female 743 402 341
Nadleh Whuten (612)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 576 277 299
Male 299 151 148
Female 277 126 151
Nak'azdli Whut'en (614)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,012 777 1,235
Male 1,009 409 600
Female 1,003 368 635
Namgis First Nation (631)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,923 966 957
Male 941 487 454
Female 982 479 503
Nanoose First Nation (649)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 268 188 80
Male 124 85 39
Female 144 103 41
Nazko First Nation (720)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 408 130 278
Male 208 76 132
Female 200 54 146
Nee-Tahi-Buhn (726)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 152 55 97
Male 72 33 39
Female 80 22 58
Neskonlith (690)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 659 317 342
Male 339 167 172
Female 320 150 170
New Westminster (566)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total * * *
Male * * *
Female * * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Nicomen (696)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 133 65 68
Male 75 35 40
Female 58 30 28
Nisga'a Village of Gingolx (671)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,027 476 1,551
Male 1,035 261 774
Female 992 215 777
Nisga'a Village of Gitwinksihlkw (679)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 393 210 183
Male 189 96 93
Female 204 114 90
Nisga'a Village of Laxgalt'sap (678)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,836 666 1,170
Male 925 372 553
Female 911 294 617
Nisga'a Village of New Aiyansh (677)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,861 923 938
Male 955 497 458
Female 906 426 480
Nooaitch (699)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 236 126 110
Male 117 63 54
Female 119 63 56
N'Quatqua (556)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 366 205 161
Male 183 104 79
Female 183 101 82
Nuchatlaht (639)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 164 32 132
Male 71 14 57
Female 93 18 75
Nuxalk Nation (539)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,763 946 817
Male 841 481 360
Female 922 465 457
Okanagan (616)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,076 910 1,166
Male 1,020 472 548
Female 1,056 438 618
Old Massett Village Council (669)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,124 767 2,357
Male 1,540 416 1,124
Female 1,584 351 1,233
Oregon Jack Creek (692)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 70 23 47
Male 30 * *
Female 40 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Osoyoos (596)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 555 396 159
Male 278 209 69
Female 277 187 90
Pacheedaht First Nation (658)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 290 126 164
Male 123 59 64
Female 167 67 100
Pauquachin (652)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 405 260 145
Male 181 134 47
Female 224 126 98
Penelakut Tribe (650)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,015 599 416
Male 517 308 209
Female 498 291 207
Penticton (597)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,084 637 447
Male 539 317 222
Female 545 320 225
Peters First Nation (586)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 169 48 121
Male 85 25 60
Female 84 23 61
Popkum First Nation (585)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total * * *
Male * * *
Female * * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Prophet River First Nation (544)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 292 109 183
Male 147 60 87
Female 145 49 96
Qualicum First Nation (651)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 132 57 75
Male 55 29 26
Female 77 28 49
Quatsino (633)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 587 262 325
Male 292 139 153
Female 295 123 172
Saik'uz First Nation (615)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 983 346 637
Male 460 182 278
Female 523 164 359
Samahquam (567)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 376 115 261
Male 182 63 119
Female 194 52 142
Saulteau First Nations (542)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,176 406 770
Male 559 200 359
Female 617 206 411
Seabird Island (581)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,053 666 387
Male 510 326 184
Female 543 340 203
Sechelt (551)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,445 650 795
Male 733 351 382
Female 712 299 413
Semiahmoo (569)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 99 57 42
Male 46 27 19
Female 53 30 23
Shackan (698)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 133 75 58
Male 74 44 30
Female 59 31 28
Shuswap (605)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 270 115 155
Male 128 59 69
Female 142 56 86
Shxwhá:y Village (570)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 450 124 326
Male 227 61 166
Female 223 63 160
Shxw'ow'hamel First Nation (587)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 205 108 97
Male 104 56 48
Female 101 52 49
Simpcw First Nation (691)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 739 241 498
Male 350 122 228
Female 389 119 270
Siska (706)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 330 112 218
Male 165 58 107
Female 165 54 111
Skatin Nations (562)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 419 136 283
Male 228 83 145
Female 191 53 138
Skawahlook First Nation (582)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 94 14 80
Male 43 * *
Female 51 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Skeetchestn (687)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 544 252 292
Male 272 131 141
Female 272 121 151
Skidegate (670)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,685 686 999
Male 818 328 490
Female 867 358 509
Skin Tyee (729)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 190 59 131
Male 111 31 80
Female 79 28 51
Skowkale (571)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 278 201 77
Male 128 92 36
Female 150 109 41
Skuppah (707)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 129 63 66
Male 57 35 22
Female 72 28 44
Skwah (573)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 671 270 401
Male 320 133 187
Female 351 137 214
Snuneymuxw First Nation (648)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,867 722 1,145
Male 922 369 553
Female 945 353 592
Soda Creek (716)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 442 169 273
Male 219 88 131
Female 223 81 142
Songhees Nation (656)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 603 388 215
Male 294 189 105
Female 309 199 110
Soowahlie (572)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 399 198 201
Male 190 103 87
Female 209 95 114
Splatsin (600)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 919 406 513
Male 441 218 223
Female 478 188 290
Spuzzum (708)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 337 51 286
Male 167 32 135
Female 170 19 151
Sq'éwlets (568)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 279 118 161
Male 146 67 79
Female 133 51 82
Squamish (555)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 4,328 2,404 1,924
Male 2,104 1,176 928
Female 2,224 1,228 996
Squiala First Nation (574)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 222 148 74
Male 127 85 42
Female 95 63 32
Stellat'en First Nation (613)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 577 229 348
Male 288 122 166
Female 289 107 182
Sts'ailes (559)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,105 564 541
Male 553 299 254
Female 552 265 287
Stswecem'c Xgat'tem First Nation (723)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 781 301 480
Male 414 167 247
Female 367 134 233
Stz'uminus First Nation (641)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,377 874 503
Male 671 454 217
Female 706 420 286
Sumas First Nation (578)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 355 183 172
Male 167 86 81
Female 188 97 91
Tahltan (682)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,996 335 1,661
Male 981 176 805
Female 1,015 159 856
Takla Nation (608)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 858 222 636
Male 401 120 281
Female 457 102 355
T'it'q'et (593)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 442 209 233
Male 221 102 119
Female 221 107 114
Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc (688)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,405 667 738
Male 660 330 330
Female 745 337 408
Tl'etinqox Government (712)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,656 591 1,065
Male 810 330 480
Female 846 261 585
Tla'amin Nation (554)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,178 629 549
Male 579 313 266
Female 599 316 283
Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations (660)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,177 442 735
Male 581 225 356
Female 596 217 379
Tlatlasikwala (632)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 64 43 21
Male 31 * *
Female 33 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Tl'azt'en Nation (617)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,616 514 1,102
Male 819 280 539
Female 797 234 563
Tlowitsis Tribe (637)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 440 70 370
Male 218 38 180
Female 222 32 190
Tobacco Plains (603)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 218 94 124
Male 113 57 56
Female 105 37 68
Toosey (718)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 387 173 214
Male 174 84 90
Female 213 89 124
Toquaht (666)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 154 19 135
Male 78 * *
Female 76 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Tsal'alh (595)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 728 380 348
Male 376 197 179
Female 352 183 169
Tsartlip (653)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,014 659 355
Male 526 356 170
Female 488 303 185
Tsawout First Nation (654)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 952 647 305
Male 456 326 130
Female 496 321 175
Tsawwassen First Nation (577)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 396 198 198
Male 191 100 91
Female 205 98 107
Tsay Keh Dene (609)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 512 252 260
Male 259 124 135
Female 253 128 125
Tseshaht (665)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,227 488 739
Male 576 239 337
Female 651 249 402
Tseycum (655)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 199 125 74
Male 98 63 35
Female 101 62 39
Tŝideldel First Nation (710)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 704 342 362
Male 335 179 156
Female 369 163 206
Ts'kw'aylaxw First Nation (594)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 587 272 315
Male 294 149 145
Female 293 123 170
Tsleil-Waututh Nation (549)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 616 340 276
Male 296 178 118
Female 320 162 158
T'Sou-ke First Nation (657)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 294 127 167
Male 132 59 73
Female 162 68 94
Ts'uubaa-asatx (643)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total * * *
Male * * *
Female * * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Tzeachten (575)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 570 291 279
Male 268 137 131
Female 302 154 148
Uchucklesaht (667)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 231 33 198
Male 105 * *
Female 126 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Ucluelet First Nation (668)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 672 221 451
Male 347 121 226
Female 325 100 225
Ulkatcho (722)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,068 655 413
Male 514 329 185
Female 554 326 228
Union Bar First Nation (588)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 143 10 133
Male 73 * *
Female 70 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Upper Nicola (697)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 982 414 568
Male 503 209 294
Female 479 205 274
Upper Similkameen (599)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 220 73 147
Male 95 30 65
Female 125 43 82
West Moberly First Nations (545)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 360 131 229
Male 182 69 113
Female 178 62 116
Westbank First Nation (601)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 908 461 447
Male 459 232 227
Female 449 229 220
Wet'suwet'en First Nation (725)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 256 94 162
Male 126 38 88
Female 130 56 74
Whispering Pines/Clinton (702)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 188 47 141
Male 95 26 69
Female 93 21 72
Williams Lake First Nation (719)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 857 280 577
Male 399 134 265
Female 458 146 312
Witset First Nation (530)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 2,062 721 1,341
Male 1,040 377 663
Female 1,022 344 678
Wuikinuxv Nation (541)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 291 83 208
Male 143 37 106
Female 148 46 102
Xaxli'p (592)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,068 412 656
Male 532 215 317
Female 536 197 339
Xeni Gwet'in First Nations Government (714)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 453 245 208
Male 216 117 99
Female 237 128 109
Yakweakwioose (576)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 78 41 37
Male 30 20 10
Female 48 21 27
Yale First Nation (589)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 179 68 111
Male 89 36 53
Female 90 32 58
Yekooche First Nation (728)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 233 112 121
Male 118 60 58
Female 115 52 63
Yunesit'in Government (717)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 497 274 223
Male 245 136 109
Female 252 138 114
General list - British Columbia region (848)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 300 * *
Male 161 0 161
Female 139 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
British Columbia region - 9
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 150,261 63,098 87,163
Male 74,128 32,549 41,579
Female 76,133 30,549 45,584

Region 8 - Yukon

Aishihik (490) - Champagne and Aishihik First Nations
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 192 96 96
Male 84 48 36
Female 108 48 60
Carcross/Tagish First Nations (491)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 702 247 455
Male 353 135 218
Female 349 112 237
Champagne (493) - Champagne and Aishihik First Nations
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 734 255 479
Male 352 129 223
Female 382 126 256
Dease River (504)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 184 63 121
Male 99 34 65
Female 85 29 56
First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun (495)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 550 160 390
Male 259 75 184
Female 291 85 206
Kluane First Nation (503)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 175 76 99
Male 78 36 42
Female 97 40 57
Kwanlin Dun First Nation (500)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,017 608 409
Male 528 321 207
Female 489 287 202
Liard First Nation (502)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,225 509 716
Male 651 302 349
Female 574 207 367
Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation (492)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 685 313 372
Male 315 149 166
Female 370 164 206
Ross River Dena Council (497)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 552 354 198
Male 283 194 89
Female 269 160 109
Selkirk First Nation (498)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 665 339 326
Male 326 173 153
Female 339 166 173
Ta'an Kwach'an (508)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 285 101 184
Male 137 45 92
Female 148 56 92
Taku River Tlingit (501)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 429 85 344
Male 201 48 153
Female 228 37 191
Teslin Tlingit Council (499)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 597 245 352
Male 310 137 173
Female 287 108 179
Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in (494)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 891 193 698
Male 448 100 348
Female 443 93 350
Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation (496)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 583 268 315
Male 288 149 139
Female 295 119 176
White River First Nation (506)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 161 52 109
Male 74 27 47
Female 87 25 62
General list - Yukon region (808)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total * * *
Male * * *
Female * * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Yukon region - 8
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 9,629 3,964 5,665
Male 4,786 2,102 2,684
Female 4,843 1,862 2,981

Region 1 - Northwest Territories

Acho Dene Koe First Nation (758)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 712 562 150
Male 350 283 67
Female 362 279 83
Aklavik (755)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 439 258 181
Male 212 132 80
Female 227 126 101
Behdzi Ahda' First Nation (771)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 259 215 44
Male 134 109 25
Female 125 106 19
Dechi Laot'i First Nations (774)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 192 174 18
Male 90 * *
Female 102 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Deh Gáh Got'ie Dene First Nation (760)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,110 804 306
Male 550 408 142
Female 560 396 164
Deline First Nation (754)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,069 915 154
Male 526 456 70
Female 543 459 84
Deninu K'ue First Nation (762)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 970 480 490
Male 489 253 236
Female 481 227 254
Dog Rib Rae (765)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 3,292 2,535 757
Male 1,658 1,308 350
Female 1,634 1,227 407
Fort Good Hope (752)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 924 593 331
Male 453 304 149
Female 471 289 182
Gameti First Nation (773)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 364 347 17
Male 187 * *
Female 177 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Gwichya Gwich'in (753)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 490 230 260
Male 246 122 124
Female 244 108 136
Inuvik Native (780)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 652 220 432
Male 275 87 188
Female 377 133 244
Jean Marie River First Nation (770)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 163 127 36
Male 75 56 19
Female 88 71 17
Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation (768)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 73 50 23
Male 39 27 12
Female 34 23 11
K'atlodeeche First Nation (761)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 663 412 251
Male 327 201 126
Female 336 211 125
Liidlii Kue First Nation (757)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,375 770 605
Male 700 397 303
Female 675 373 302
Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation (764)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 811 534 277
Male 402 273 129
Female 409 261 148
Nahanni Butte (766)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 140 120 20
Male 65 * *
Female 75 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Pehdzeh Ki First Nation (756)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 346 259 87
Male 163 114 49
Female 183 145 38
Salt River First Nation #195 (759)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,020 281 739
Male 513 137 376
Female 507 144 363
Sambaa K'e First Nation (767)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 120 103 17
Male 50 * *
Female 70 * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Teetl'it Gwich'in Band Council (751)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,437 920 517
Male 711 464 247
Female 726 456 270
Tulita Dene (750)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 724 397 327
Male 345 204 141
Female 379 193 186
West Point First Nation (772)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 76 37 39
Male 37 15 22
Female 39 22 17
Wha Ti First Nation (769)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 674 636 38
Male 349 333 16
Female 325 303 22
Yellowknives Dene First Nation (763)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,616 779 837
Male 762 397 365
Female 854 382 472
General list - Northwest Territories region (809)
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total * * *
Male * * *
Female * * *
* Data Suppressed due to low counts
Northwest Territories region - 1
Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 19,717 12,758 6,959
Male 9,712 6,441 3,271
Female 10,005 6,317 3,688

Canada/ All regions

Sex Total
(a + b)
On reserve and on Crown land (includes lands affiliated with First Nations operating under self-government agreements) (a) Off reserve
Total 1,021,356 517,518 503,838
Male 502,820 262,535 240,285
Female 518,536 254,983 263,553

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