Bearskin Lake

Installation of new cisterns at community centre, youth centre and arena complete

Project tracker

Projected lift date: TBD


Construction of new water treatment system for nursing station underway

Project tracker

Projected lift date: December 2025


Home to 489 people living on reserve, Bearskin Lake First Nation in Ontario installed new cisterns at the community centre, youth centre and arena and has installed a new water treatment system at the nursing station, with funding from Indigenous Services Canada (ISC).

There are 2 long-term drinking water advisories:

  • a boil water advisory for the Bearskin Lake Community Centre, Youth Centre, Arena and Daycare Semi-Public Water Systems (cisterns) was set in March 2006 and became long-term in 2007
  • a boil water advisory for the Bearskin Lake Nursing Station Semi-Public Water System was set in February 2020 and became long-term in February 2021

The First Nation's water treatment plant can produce clean drinking water. With installation of the new cisterns at the community centre, youth centre and arena complete, infrastructure is in place that can provide clean drinking water. Consistent maintenance, operations and monitoring of the water system, including the cisterns and delivery trucks, are required before the advisory can be lifted. Bearskin Lake receives operational support from the Centralized Water and Wastewater Hub, funded by ISC and delivered by Windigo First Nations Council.

The community has installed a new water treatment system to support lifting the advisory affecting the nursing station, with support from Windigo First Nations Council. Technical issues with the recently installed treatment system are currently being addressed. Once resolved, the community should be able to lift the advisory.

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