Gender-Based Analysis Plus

Institutional GBA+ capacity

During the 2019-20 fiscal year, Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) strengthened its departmental capacity to implement GBA+ through the establishment of a GBA+ focal point team within the Strategic Policy and Partnerships sector. This team will allow for increased support for GBA+ in all ISC program areas by providing expertise and advice, as well as strengthening departmental tools and emphasis on GBA+. This unit will also improve ISC’s ability to work with Women and Gender Equality Canada to enhance the Indigenous lens within GBA+ and ensure ISC’s active participation within the federal Interdepartmental GBA+ community.

In 2019-20, ISC in collaboration with Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs also began a renewal of departmental GBA+ forms used to support formal policy making. During 2019-20, ISC and the Advisory Committee on Indigenous Women’s Well-Being began discussions on existing Indigenous GBA+ tools and the path forward to developing distinctions-based, culturally competent GBA+ tools. These discussions were put on hold in early 2020 as the Committee advised ISC on the COVID-19 pandemic response, but have laid the ground work for ISC to support partners to further develop and advance the integration of Indigenous-first, distinctions-based GBA+ approaches during the 2020-21 fiscal year.

Highlights of GBA+ Results by Program

Non-Insured Health Benefit
  • The Non-Insured Health Benefit (NIHB) Program provides coverage to all eligible First Nation and Inuit clients regardless of sex, gender, age and other identity factors.
  • The third generation of the Health Information and Claims Processing Services system, which will come into effect in June of 2020, includes "Gender X" as a data field, which will allow sex/gender data to be further disaggregated in future years.
  • The Program routinely undertakes GBA+ analysis to consider potential differential impacts stemming from changes to Program delivery/coverage based on a variety of identity factors, and considers assumptions and data around the health status, behaviours and needs of various segments of the client population when developing policy designed to address differential impacts.
  • The benefits provided through the NIHB Program are expected to advance the Poverty Reduction, Health and Well-Being gender equality goal outlined in Canada’s Gender Results Framework (e.g., Reduced Poverty and Improved Health Outcomes, More Years in Good Health, Improved Mental Health and Improved Access to Contraception for Young People and Reduced Adolescent Birth Rate).
Individual Affairs
  • Removal of sex-based inequities in Indian Registration is expected to result in more than 270,000 women and their descendants gaining status under the Indian Act and, as a result, access to a range of health, social and economic benefits and services.
  • More than 25,000 applications are already being processed and additional applications are received daily.
  • The program is raising awareness about the changes to registration with clients and processing applications for the registration process for those who are newly eligible.
  • GBA+ highlighted that a persistent gap in education attainment exists for Indigenous populations in comparison to other Canadians, both at the K-12 and post-secondary levels.
  • This influenced the K-12 education transformation as ISC implemented a new formula-based funding model on April 1, 2019 to help address this gap. The transformation of the elementary and secondary program aims to ensure that all First Nations students living on reserve, including those living in remote communities and those with special education needs, are supported by education funding that is more comparable to the funding in provincial education systems. This creates more financially stability for First Nations education, enabling better quality and more consistent supports for students, schools, educators, communities and First Nations education organizations – conditions that help improve student outcomes.
  • GBA+ was used by the Education Program to ensure inclusive outcomes for Canada's Indigenous population with regard to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) related to "Quality Education", "Reduce Inequalities" and "Decent Work and Economic Growth" targets.
Indigenous Governance and Capacity
  • ISC provides First Nations with assistance to establish as well as maintain effective local governance and administrative systems, for the delivery of services to their communities.
  • Funding for governance capacity development can be used by First Nations and Inuit communities to fund projects that enhance the diversity and inclusion of community leadership such as the creation of women’s and youth councils.
Water and Wastewater
  • The work being done with the Assembly of First Nations on First Nation-led engagements to advance options on safe drinking water legislation and to inform the co-development of the long-term water and wastewater strategy is in line with GBA+ principles; it will lead to reliable and sustainable infrastructure that supports the well-being of Indigenous communities through closing gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities in terms of equal access to quality water.
Education Facilities
  • The impacts of GBA+ as it pertains to First Nations education infrastructure delivery lie in the provision of education facilities which enable quality programming for all children, regardless of gender and/or disabilities.
  • Gender neutral washrooms, ramps and larger washroom stalls for wheelchair accessibility and additional space for high-cost special needs students are all design elements which can be integrated into schools as circumstances dictate.
  • Within housing reform, ISC is working with its First Nations partners to co-develop a housing strategy in which women and other underrepresented groups will be included in data capture, comprehensive community planning, decision-making and implementation.
  • Linkages with federal departments leading education, income and trade sectors would be part of early phases of reform to ensure federal coherence in developing policies and programs, and to promote access to and active participation in training and employment initiatives.
  • This will ensure First Nation realities and perspectives are considered in the development of the short-, medium- and long-term objectives and outcomes of a First Nations Housing and Related Infrastructure Strategy and Implementation Plan.
  • ISC with its federal partners have supported research and engagements with Indigenous organizations to collect data to better understand barriers faced by sub-population and to identify program and service gaps, and co-develop solutions to address them.
  • Findings will raise awareness to promote inclusivity and gender-based considerations in federal policy and program reform initiatives.
  • In 2020-21, work continues to complete the report and present findings on best practices applied across the country in support of housing and homelessness needs for people living with a disability, Indigenous women and families, youth, and 2SLGTBQ+ people.
Other Community Infrastructure and Activities
  • The department considers GBA+ principles as a core component of renewed, respectful, and inclusive nation-to-nation processes which will lead to reliable and sustainable infrastructure that supports the well-being of Indigenous communities through closing socio-economic gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities.
  • Local and community-driven infrastructure projects improve the overall social well-being and economic prosperity of First Nation communities on reserve and supports First Nations in their efforts to develop healthier, more sustainable communities.
Emergency Management Assistance
  • ISC supports the well-being of Indigenous communities through closing socio-economic gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities and in the realm of emergency management, the department works with First Nations as full and equal partners to have inclusive culturally-relevant Emergency Management systems. ISC is ensuring that culturally competent responses are provided during evacuations and is placing an emphasis on improved community planning during the recovery phase. This approach has resulted in communities that are more resilient to emergency events, evacuees returning home faster and the reduction of livelihood disruption.
Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Program
  • Through the Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Program (AEP), ISC has approved $499,749 in funding for the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) to deliver a project entitled "Finding Our Way Safely: Addressing the role of transportation safety in violence against Indigenous Women, girls, and gender-diverse people".
  • This project will develop and deliver training for transportation and hospitality services and operators, focusing on creating an understanding of the sexism and racism experienced by Indigenous women, Two Spirit and gender diverse people, risks they experience while travelling, signs of human trafficking and exploitation, as well as strategies to offer assistance and increased safety while travelling.
  • NWAC will also work with their Provincial and Territorial Member Associations to develop safety and awareness training for Indigenous women, Two-Spirit and gender diverse people.
  • For this project, NWAC will also run a nation-wide awareness and information campaign, sharing information on the programming, resource dissemination safety tips for Indigenous women, Two Spirit and gender diverse people across Canada.
  • Through the AEP, ISC has approved $149,739.58 in funding to NWAC to support the pivoting of their programming to online formats due to COVID-19 restrictions.
  • Costs will support piloting of new online initiatives where NWAC can learn new best practices as well as IT support and on-boarding of new employees to coordinate and deliver online programming.
Matrimonial Real Property Initiative
  • The Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act fills a legislative gap to provide equal legal protections for all individuals and families living on reserves regarding matrimonial rights and interests during the breakdown of a marriage or common-law partnership.
  • Program activities align to broader departmental efforts (e.g., family violence, access to justice, enforcement) through training and awareness opportunities for community members, enforcement officers, and legal professionals.
  • First Nations can enact community-specific laws under the Act to address Matrimonial Real Property needs in their community; anecdotally some First Nations have included additional consideration and protections for children when developing their own Matrimonial Real Property laws.
Strategic Policy
  • In 2019-20, the department relied on practices rooted in the co-developed principles of mutual accountability, including the co-development of a National Outcome-Based amework, which should allow for gender and age-disaggregated analysis at the national and regional levels.
  • Through co-development and engagement with First Nations and technical experts across the country on a National Outcomes-Based Framework, ISC continued to implement approaches based on gender considerations in reporting, with linkages to the United Nations SDGs, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action.
  • In addition, an analysis of the draft National Outcome-Based Framework examined linkages with the Calls for Justice from the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, including the identification of available data and by identifying data gaps relating to Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQ+.
  • Specific GBA+ indicators are being considered for inclusion in the National Outcome-Based Framework, such as specific indicators on violence against women.
  • Work also began with the Advisory Committee on Indigenous Women’s Well-being to develop and strengthen Indigenous approaches to GBA+. This work will continue into the 2020-21 fiscal year.
Human Resources
  • 2.5 Full-time equivalents (FTEs) (across 6 positions) supported a Senior Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) in her role as Departmental Champion of GBA+, and supported an ADM in her role as Departmental Champion of Gender Inclusive Services.
  • 1 FTE (across 2 positions) dedicated to GBA+ Annexes in Memoranda to Cabinet and Treasury Board Submissions pertaining to First Nations and Inuit Health.
  • 1 FTE (across several positions and sectors) dedicated to GBA+ Annexes in Memoranda to Cabinet and Treasury Board Submissions pertaining to other programs and services.
  • 1 FTE dedicated to GBA+ in performance measurement, evaluation, and strategic operational planning and analysis with respect to First Nations and Inuit Health.
  • 0.5 FTE (across several positions and sectors) dedicated to GBA+ in performance measurement, evaluation, and strategic operational planning and analysis pertaining to other programs and services.

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