7.0 Prosthetics equipment and supplies benefits list
Effective date: December 4, 2024
The following Medical Supplies and Equipment (MS&E) list contains prosthetics items and services eligible under the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) program for eligible First Nations and Inuit. Further you'll find information on coverage policies, item codes, requirements for prior approval and applicable recommended replacement guidelines.
Table of contents
- 7.1 General information
- 7.2 Head And torso
- 7.3 Upper limb
- 7.4 Lower limb
- 7.4.1 Diagnostic socket
- 7.4.2 Final diagnostic socket
- 7.4.3 Preparatory prosthesis
- 7.4.4 Definitive prosthesis
- 7.4.5 Information required for initial prosthesis
- 7.4.6 Information required for definitive prosthesis
- 7.4.7 Hip
- 7.4.8 Transfemoral
- 7.4.9 Knee
- 7.4.10 Transtibial
- 7.4.11 Ankle
- 7.4.12 Foot
- 7.4.13 Socket
- 7.5 Supplies
- 7.6 Servicing
7.1 General information
7.1.1 Benefit policies
General information common to all medical supplies and equipment (MS&E) can be found in the general policies.
7.1.2 Prescriber and provider requirements
Prescriptions or recommendations for coverage must be initiated by the health professionals identified as prescribers or recommenders of the specific item as listed in the tables. Items that are prescribed by prescribers/recommenders not recognized by NIHB for the specific item will lead to denials or reversal of claims.
The following is a list of NIHB-recognized prescriber/recommender abbreviations found in this segment of the benefits list. Please refer to the prescriber section of the item tables below to identify the eligible prescriber/recommender of a specific item:
- BCO — Board Certified Ocularist
- MD — Physician
- NP — Nurse Practitioner
- OD — Optometrist
- OPH — Ophthalmologist
- RN — Registered Nurse
The following is a list of NIHB-recognized provider abbreviations found in this segment of the benefits list. Please refer to the provider section of the item tables below to identify the eligible provider of a specific item:
- CP(c) — Certified Prosthetist
- CPO(c) — Certified Prosthetist Orthotist
- TOP — "Technicien en orthèses et prothèses" certified by the Canadian Board for the Certification of Prosthetists and Orthotists (CBCPO) or by "l'Ordre des technologues professionnels du Québec (OTPQ)" (Québec only)
- BCO — Board Certified Ocularist
- CMF — Provider must be or must employ a Certified Mastectomy Fitter
- GEN — Enrolled general MS&E or pharmacy provider
- GEN-CCGF — enrolled general MS&E or pharmacy provider with staff certified as a compression garment fitter
7.1.3 Prior approval requirements
General prior approval requirements can be found in the general policies.
To initiate the prior approval process, the Prosthetics Prior Approval Form, found on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website, must be completed in full and submitted to your NIHB regional office along with the following supporting documentation:
For all prostheses:
- the prescription/recommendation or referral form signed by an NIHB-recognized prescriber for the requested benefit
- the medical diagnosis
- the date of surgery
- a detailed assessment
- an itemized quote (including manufacturer name, item number and size if applicable, manufacturer description and cost)
- additional relevant information the provider or prescriber may have to support the request
- an explanation of benefits from any third-party coverage available to the client (for example, provincial plan, workers' compensation board, private insurance, education plans, etc.)
For limb prosthesis:
- information on the functional potential evaluation and the measures used (for example, predictive or functional measurements, standing balance, current mobility aids required, weight changes, volume changes, etc.) to support prior approval requests
- rationale to support that the requested modular components including prosthetic foot and/or knee are appropriate for the client's functional potential or abilities
- include all prosthetic components, adapters and prosthetic procedures requested (such as preparatory socket, definitive transtibial socket, definitive suction procedure, etc.) and include the foot selection and knee unit
Please note: The NIHB program provides coverage for cost-effective devices and components that meet the justified medical needs of the client. Cost-effective refers to the most economical device or component that is medically necessary to meet the client's essential functional needs.
7.1.4 Exclusions
In addition to the general exclusion policy listed in the general policies, the following items are excluded from the prosthetic benefit and are not considered for coverage or appeal under the NIHB program:
- eye prosthesis:
- a second ocular prosthesis for the same site when the first prosthesis is still functional and within recommended replacement guidelines
- modifications and adjustments for cosmetic reasons
- prosthetic implants (for example, hydroxyapatite) and attachment posts ocular
- prostheses fabricated by a non-certified provider
- breast prosthesis:
- temporary or swim prosthesis
- silicone implants used in breast reconstruction
- breast prosthesis for failed breast reconstruction, when the client has not had a mastectomy or lumpectomy
- breast prosthesis for cosmetic augmentation
- silicone nipples
- limb prosthesis:
- a prosthesis that includes any externally powered or microprocessor components (for example, myoelectric prosthesis). This exclusion also applies to the replacement of any components, client reimbursement, the coordination of benefits and repairs
- a second prosthesis for the same amputation site
- early replacement of a prosthetic device that has been used beyond manufacturer specifications (for example, for weightlifting or sports)
- testicular implants
- wigs and hairpieces
7.1.5 Warranties
Providers must honour the manufacturer's warranty.
In addition:
- for breast prostheses:
- the warranty must guarantee that the prosthesis will remain satisfactory for fit and defects for a minimum of 2 years
- for an eye prosthesis:
- no modifications or repairs will be covered to an ocular prosthetic device within 90 days of provision of the prosthetic device. The provider will provide all necessary follow-ups to ensure the device can be used for the purpose intended without additional cost to NIHB or the client
- during those 90 days, the provider must ensure that the fit of the ocular prosthesis remains satisfactory if there is no change in the client's ocular medical condition or growth/atrophy of the client's orbital cavity
- the warranty must guarantee against discoloration and delamination of the materials for one year from the date the completed ocular prosthesis is delivered to the client. In such situations, the provider must arrange any service, including repairs, cleaning or replacement of the device, free of charge
- for limb prostheses:
- no charge for necessary adjustments for 3 months after the final fitting provided that the individual's size or medical condition has not changed significantly, and the warranty must guarantee against breakage for 6 months
- components that are eligible for warranty (for example, feet, knees, vacuum pumps, liners, etc.) will be registered as required by the manufacturer by the provider. Documentation to support registration may be requested if early repair or replacement is requested
- components (for example, feet, knees, vacuum pumps, liners, etc.) that require repair or replacement that are covered under warranty must be serviced by the manufacturer
7.1.6 Repairs
The program will cover minor repairs to prosthetics under a special authorization process. When providers submit a prior approval for a new prosthesis or request a repair to an existing device, a special authorization will be created to allow the provider to directly claim up to the NIHB price listed in the MS&E price files for subsequent repairs. The special authorization will be effective from the device warranty expiration date to the device frequency limit. Repair prices include parts and labour.
Prior to performing a repair, the provider must communicate with Express Scripts Canada to confirm if prior approval is required. Repairs that are not covered under the warranty are eligible for coverage when supported by proper documentation.
The following rules apply:
- prior approval is required for repairs exceeding the NIHB price or frequency
- request must include detailed cost breakdown of parts, labour time and rates
- repairs must have a minimum warranty of 90 days
A description of all repairs with dates, detailed cost breakdown of parts, labour time and rates must be kept on file for each client.
Note: The NIHB program will not cover the labour cost for repairs that are covered under the warranty.
7.1.7 Replacement requirements
Recommended replacement guidelines indicate the quantity and frequency at which a benefit item will be eligible for coverage. Recommended replacement guidelines are based on a client's customary medical needs and the typical device's lifespan.
Replacement is subject to the same process as the original purchase.
An original prescription may be used for initial and replacement requests of both prosthesis and prosthetic supplies when ALL of the following criteria are met:
- the request is submitted by the same provider
- the prosthesis was initially covered by the NIHB program
- the prosthesis requested addresses the same medical condition as the original prosthesis
- the client's functional status remains the same
- the item is eligible for replacement as per its recommended replacement guidelines
A copy of the prescription and prescriber number must be kept in the client's file at the provider's office for all prosthetic replacements.
All other requests for replacement require a new prescription.
For more general information, please see section 1.12 Recommended replacement guidelines. Early replacement requirements
Coverage requests for any early replacement require prior approval, a new prescription as well as documentation supporting the need for early replacement. The client must meet program and equipment-specific eligibility criteria.
Early replacement of items may be considered when one of the following has occurred:
- the item is no longer functioning properly, has deteriorated during typical use and is no longer under warranty (where the cost of repair exceeds the cost of a new item)
- the orbit has experienced growth or atrophy, or there are changes in the medical condition of the orbital cavity which makes the current eye prosthesis unusable
- there is a substantial change in a client's medical condition (for example, substantial change in weight, body size and shape, etc.) and the item no longer meets the client's needs
Please note that for limb prostheses, simply stating "residual limb atrophy," "socket ill-fitting" or components are worn out or damaged is not a sufficient explanation for early replacement. As an example, the submission should also provide details including, but not limited to, the following:
- the ply of socks that the client is wearing
- the modifications that were completed to address socket fit
- the measured changes in limb volume due to atrophy or growth
- a description of a change in medical condition or a minor surgery
- a description of which parts are worn out and the nature of the wear or damage
The program will not cover the replacement of lost items, stolen items, or items that are damaged due to misuse or negligence.
7.1.8 Services included in the NIHB price
The following services must be included in the NIHB price to be considered for coverage:
- assessment
- product or parts ordering and delivery from manufacturer/supplier to provider (including delivery costs, exchange rate)
- casting or scanning of the body part to design the prosthesis
- fabrication and aligning components of the prosthesis
- evaluation, any adjustments to optimize function or fit
- client education on prosthesis use and final dispensing of prosthesis
- follow-up visits, as per professional association guidelines
7.1.9 Terminology
Item code
The item code is an 8-digit code that identifies the benefit being requested and is submitted to Express Scripts Canada for billing purposes.
Prior approval
A program coverage confirmation is issued by an NIHB regional office to a provider to ensure that the client is eligible for specific medical supplies and equipment benefits. The approval is issued primarily for items identified as requiring prior approval before being billed to the program. All claims, including claims accompanied by prior approvals, are subject to claim verification.
Recommended replacement guidelines
The recommended replacement guidelines set a maximum number of each item a client may receive over a given period (frequency). Coverage of additional items may be considered on a case-by-case basis. For requests exceeding the recommended replacement guidelines, prior approval is required.
NIHB price
NIHB price information is listed in the MS&E price files, located on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website.
When an NIHB price is established for an item, it must not be claimed by default. To be eligible for payment, providers must adhere to the NIHB program's terms and conditions set out in their MS&E provider billing agreement and submit eligible claim amounts in accordance with the MS&E Claims Submission Kit and reimbursement policies.
7.2 Head and torso
7.2.1 Ocular
Coverage criteria:
- an eye prosthesis is covered to restore the anatomy of an eviscerated or enucleated socket
- a scleral shell is covered for a sightless, shrunken eye or severe dry eye
- a conformer is covered for treating children with anophthalmia or microphthalmia, after eye removal surgery (evisceration/enucleation), and adults with mild to severe socket contraction
- the enlargement, reduction, or refitting is covered to align with anatomical changes in the soft tissue of the orbit over time or to correct a poor fitting
- polishing/resurfacing of a scleral shell or ocular prosthesis is covered as a preventive measure to remove scratches and prevent the build-up of protein and other possible ocular irritants
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99401365 | Conformer, left | MD, OPH, OD, BCO (renewals only) | BCO | Yes | 6 per year | The fitting of the conformer is included in the NIHB price |
99401366 | Conformer, right | MD, OPH, OD, BCO (renewals only) | BCO | Yes | 6 per year | The fitting of the conformer is included in the NIHB price |
99401363 | Eye prosthesis, adjustment, reduction, left | BCO | No | 1 per year | ||
99401364 | Eye prosthesis, adjustment, reduction, right | BCO | No | 1 per year | ||
99401361 | Eye prosthesis, adjustment, built-up/enlargement, left | BCO | No | 1 per year | ||
99401362 | Eye prosthesis, adjustment, built-up/enlargement, right | BCO | No | 1 per year | ||
99400005 | Eye prosthesis, left | MD, OPH, OD, BCO (renewals only) | BCO | Yes | 1 every 5 years | Special consideration is given to children due to growth (clients under the age of 18), therefore early replacement can be requested but should not exceed one ocular prosthesis every 12 months when this cannot be resolved by an enlargement or reduction |
99400006 | Eye prosthesis, right | MD, OPH, OD, BCO (renewals only) | BCO | Yes | 1 every 5 years | |
99401184 | Eye prosthesis, polishing/resurfacing, left | BCO | No | 2 per year | ||
99401204 | Eye prosthesis, polishing/resurfacing, right | BCO | No | 2 per year | ||
99400802 | Scleral shell, left | MD, OPH, OD, BCO (renewals only) | BCO | Yes | 1 every 5 years | |
99400803 | Scleral shell, right | MD, OPH, OD, BCO (renewals only) | BCO | Yes | 1 every 5 years |
7.2.2 Breast
Note: Breast prosthesis is to be dispensed within 6 weeks from the date of the surgical procedure.
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400801 | Breast prosthesis, left | MD, NP, RN | CMF | Yes | 1 every 2 years | |
99400800 | Breast prosthesis, right | MD, NP, RN | CMF | Yes | 1 every 2 years | |
99400003 | Breast prosthesis, partial | MD, NP, RN | CMF | Yes | 1 every 2 years |
7.3 Upper limb
7.3.1 Fore quarter
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400039 | Fore quarter, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400040 | Fore quarter, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years |
7.3.2 Shoulder
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400037 | Shoulder disarticulation, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400038 | Shoulder disarticulation, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years |
7.3.3 Transhumeral
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400035 | Transhumeral above elbow, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400036 | Transhumeral above elbow, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years |
7.3.4 Elbow
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400033 | Elbow disarticulation, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400034 | Elbow disarticulation, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years |
7.3.5 Transradial
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400031 | Transradial below elbow, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400032 | Transradial below elbow, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years |
7.3.6 Wrist
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400029 | Wrist disarticulation, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400030 | Wrist disarticulation, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years |
7.3.7 Partial hand
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400025 | Partial hand, finger remaining, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400026 | Partial hand, finger remaining, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400027 | Partial hand, thumb remaining, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400028 | Partial hand, thumb remaining, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years |
7.3.8 Finger
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400835 | Finger, multiple digits, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400836 | Finger, multiple digits, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400837 | Finger, single digit, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400838 | Finger, single digit, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years |
7.4 Lower limb
Definitions used by the NIHB program regarding prosthetic care are based on the Compendium of Prosthetic and Orthotic Treatment (CPOT) Reference Manual, which can be found on the Orthotics Prosthetics Canada (OPC) website.
7.4.1 Diagnostic socket
- may also be referred to as interim, temporary, check or test socket
- may be dynamic or static, laminated or non-laminated, and made of various materials
- is used to assess and adjust/optimize socket/residuum interface for optimal comfort, function, and alignment
7.4.2 Final diagnostic socket
- is a finalized socket created for either a preparatory or definitive prosthesis
- serves as a template for the definitive treatment
- is coded with the applicable preparatory or definitive code
7.4.3 Preparatory prosthesis
- is provided during the early phase of rehabilitation for a short period (usually less than 1 year), until the residuum volume has stabilized
- consists of a prosthetic socket molded over the positive anatomical model of the patient's residuum and attached to components to allow ambulation
- includes modular components that are reused with a definitive prosthesis. Loaned components can be utilized with a preparatory prosthesis, but do not include an endoskeleton cover
- is a means to establish whether a patient will benefit from a definitive prosthesis
7.4.4 Definitive prosthesis
- is provided once residual limb volume has stabilized and the final prosthetic components and design have been determined via preparatory prosthesis use
- consists of a prosthetic socket, molded over the positive anatomical model of the patient's residuum and attached to components to allow ambulation
- may include an anatomical cover, depending on the patient's preference
7.4.5 Information required for initial prosthesis
Requesting an initial prosthesis requires supporting information, with an explanation beyond simply stating 'first or initial prosthesis'. The following details must be provided to explain the need for the initial prosthesis:
- the assessment that was used to determine that the client will be a successful prosthetic user
- the pertinent information regarding cognition, motivation, strength, range of motion and any contractures present
- information regarding gait and mobility for example, documented functional potential, standing balance, ability to hop 10 meters in parallel bars, mostly required for home use, or community use, only required for transferring
- special considerations for their current health, age, etc.
7.4.6 Information required for a definitive prosthesis
Request for a definitive prosthesis will be considered once prosthetic rehabilitation with a preparatory prosthesis has been completed, and the client is progressing in rehabilitation. The definitive prosthesis request should include an update on any changes in the client's level of function. Please note that the prosthetic foot, knee joint, and suitable modular components are expected to be reused when a client transitions to a definitive prosthesis.
Specific justification/rationale is required for the following situations:
- when modular components from a preparatory prosthesis are not being reused with a definitive prosthesis
- when more than 2 diagnostic sockets (regardless of static or dynamic design) are requested with a preparatory or definitive prosthesis. This may include but is not limited to physiological change, growth, and change in medical condition or minor surgery. Physiological change must be specifically stated and quantified as appropriate
7.4.7 Hip
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400022 | Hemipelvectomy or hip disarticulation definitive, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400023 | Hemipelvectomy or hip disarticulation definitive, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400561 | Hemipelvectomy or hip disarticulation preparatory, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | ||
99400562 | Hemipelvectomy or hip disarticulation preparatory, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes |
7.4.8 Transfemoral
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99401439 | Diagnostic socket transfemoral definitive, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 2 per prosthesis | |
99401440 | Diagnostic socket transfemoral definitive, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 2 per prosthesis | |
99401437 | Diagnostic socket transfemoral preparatory, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 2 per prosthesis | |
99401438 | Diagnostic socket transfemoral preparatory, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 2 per prosthesis | |
99400020 | Transfemoral, definitive, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400021 | Transfemoral, definitive, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400559 | Transfemoral preparatory, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | ||
99400560 | Transfemoral preparatory, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes |
7.4.9 Knee
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400018 | Knee disarticulation (thru knee), definitive, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400019 | Knee disarticulation (thru knee), definitive, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400557 | Knee disarticulation, preparatory, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | ||
99400558 | Knee disarticulation, preparatory, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes |
7.4.10 Transtibial
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99401435 | Diagnostic socket transtibial definitive, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 2 per prosthesis | |
99401436 | Diagnostic socket transtibial definitive, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 2 per prosthesis | |
99401433 | Diagnostic socket transtibial preparatory, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 2 per prosthesis | |
99401434 | Diagnostic socket transtibial preparatory, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 2 per prosthesis | |
99400016 | Transtibial, definitive, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400017 | Transtibial, definitive, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400555 | Transtibial, preparatory, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | ||
99400556 | Transtibial, preparatory, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes |
7.4.11 Ankle
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400014 | Ankle disarticulation, definitive, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400015 | Ankle disarticulation, definitive, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400553 | Ankle disarticulation, preparatory, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | ||
99400554 | Ankle disarticulation, preparatory, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes |
7.4.12 Foot
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400831 | Replacement foot for above knee and below knee, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400832 | Replacement foot for above knee and below knee, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400008 | Partial foot, shoe insert, definitive, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400009 | Partial foot, shoe insert, definitive, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400010 | Partial foot, tibial tube, definitive, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400011 | Partial foot, tibial tube, definitive, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400012 | Partial foot, patella tendon, definitive, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400013 | Partial foot, patella tendon, definitive, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years |
7.4.13 Socket
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400833 | Replacement socket for above knee and below knee, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years | |
99400834 | Replacement socket for above knee and below knee, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 3 years |
7.5 Supplies
7.5.1 Sleeves
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99401189 | Suction seal suspension sleeve, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 6 per year | |
99401209 | Suction seal suspension sleeve, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 6 per year | |
99401188 | Suspension sleeve, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 10 per year | |
99401208 | Suspension sleeve, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 10 per year |
7.5.2 Liners
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99401190 | Prosthesis liners gel, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 3 per year | |
99401210 | Prosthesis liners gel, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 3 per year | |
99401191 | Pin system suspension liner, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 3 per year | |
99401211 | Pin system suspension liner, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 3 per year |
7.5.3 Sheaths
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99401192 | Prosthesis sheaths regular, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 12 per year | |
99401212 | Prosthesis sheaths regular, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 12 per year | |
99401193 | Prosthesis silo sheath, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 8 per year | |
99401213 | Prosthesis silo sheath, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 8 per year |
7.5.4 Socks
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99401197 | Filler cotton socks, 1 ply, left | MD, NP | GEN, CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 12 per year | |
99401217 | Filler cotton socks, 1 ply, right | MD, NP | GEN, CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 12 per year | |
99401199 | Gel stump sock, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 2 per year | |
99401219 | Gel stump sock, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 2 per year | |
99401196 | Prosthesis stump sock, regular, left | MD, NP | GEN, CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 12 per year | |
99401216 | Prosthesis stump sock, regular, right | MD, NP | GEN, CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 12 per year |
7.5.5 Other
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400002 | Mastectomy bra | MD, NP, RN | CMF | Yes | 3 per year | |
99401195 | Prosthesis stump shrinker, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP, GEN-CCGF | Yes | 4 per year | |
99401215 | Prosthesis stump shrinker, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP, GEN-CCGF | Yes | 4 per year | |
99401194 | Replacement, cosmetic hose, left | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 2 per year | |
99401214 | Replacement, cosmetic hose, right | MD, NP | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 2 per year | |
99401198 | Prosthetic glove, standard, left | MD, NP | GEN, CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 3 per year | |
99401218 | Prosthetic glove, standard, right | MD, NP | GEN, CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 3 per year |
7.6 Servicing
7.6.1 Repairs
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99401187 | Repair, prosthetic, upper limb, left | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 2 years | ||
99401207 | Repair, prosthetic, upper limb, right | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every 2 years | ||
99401186 | Repair, prosthetic, lower limb, left | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every year | ||
99401206 | Repair, prosthetic, lower limb, right | CP(c), CPO(c), TOP | Yes | 1 every year |
7.6.2 Delivery
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99401264 | Delivery, prosthetics | Yes |
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