5.0 Oxygen equipment and supplies benefits list
Effective date: March 21, 2025
The following Medical Supplies and Equipment (MS&E) list contains oxygen items and services eligible under the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) program for eligible First Nations and Inuit. Further you'll find information on coverage policies, item codes, requirements for prior approval and applicable recommended replacement guidelines.
Table of contents
- 5.1 General information
- 5.2 Oxygen equipment and devices
- 5.2.1 Testing information
- 5.2.2 Medical indications
- 5.2.3 Adult resting hypoxemia
- 5.2.4 Adult exertional hypoxemia
- 5.2.5 Adult nocturnal desaturation
- 5.2.6 Cardiac conditions
- 5.2.7 Pediatric — for children 18 years of age or less
- 5.2.8 Palliative care
- 5.2.9 Cylinder rental
- 5.2.10 Concentrator purchase
- 5.2.11 Concentrator rental
- 5.3 Supplies
- 5.4 Servicing
5.1 General information
5.1.1 Benefit policies
General information common to all medical supplies and equipment (MS&E) can be found in the general policies. General information
- home oxygen may be considered for coverage by the NIHB program once the client's condition is stabilized and treatment regimen is optimized
- coverage is authorized for the primary residence only, except for additional oxygen requirements due to travel to attend a medical appointment
- while supplemental oxygen to attend medical appointments is assessed on a case-by-case basis, it is expected that the client will use the oxygen concentrator when possible
- NIHB covers oxygen portability away from the primary residence to complete essential activities in the client's home and community, for example, shopping for groceries or personal items (up to 12 cylinders per month)
- with medical justification, NIHB will consider additional portability (above 12 cylinders per month) on a case-by-case basis
- NIHB expects that the provider will optimize the client's oxygen supply with the use of an oxygen conserving devices (OCD), such as an OCD regulator for cylinders or the OCD moustache or pendant style nasal cannula
5.1.2 Prescriber and provider requirements
Prescriptions or recommendations for coverage must be initiated by the health professionals identified as prescribers or recommenders of supplemental oxygen therapy. Oxygen therapy prescribed by prescribers or recommenders not recognized by NIHB for the specific item will lead to denials or reversal of claims.
The following is a list of NIHB-recognized prescriber or recommender abbreviations found in this segment of the benefits list. Refer to the prescriber section of the item tables below to identify the eligible prescriber or recommender of a specific item:
- MD — Physician
- NP — Nurse Practitioner
- PA — Physician Assistant - applies to Manitoba only
The following is a list of NIHB-recognized provider abbreviations found in this segment of the benefits list. Refer to the provider section of the item tables below to identify the eligible provider of a specific item:
- GEN — Enrolled general medical supplies and equipment or pharmacy provider
- OP — Oxygen Provider with at least one of the required health care professionals on staff:
- LPN/RPN — Licensed Practical Nurse/Registered Practical Nurse when within their scope of practice in their province or territory
- RN — Registered Nurse
- RRT — Registered Respiratory Therapist
Please note: once the oxygen therapy is prescribed, the oxygen provider with at least one of the required health care professionals on staff, for example, RRT, RN, or LPN/RPN, can select the oxygen equipment and supplies that will meet the client's medical needs.
5.1.3 Prior approval requirements
General prior approval requirements can be found in the general policies.
To start the prior approval process, the Oxygen Prior Approval Form, found on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website, must be completed in full and submitted to your NIHB regional office along with the following documentation:
- a prescription detailing the oxygen flow, in litres per minute or pulse dose, signed and dated by an NIHB-recognized prescriber
- a titration prescription can be accepted if the provider includes the determined flow rate in litres per minute or the pulse dose
- the quantity of oxygen used in hours per day, must be submitted when oxygen is needed for exercise or sleep to determine cylinder portability, and may be requested to confirm eligibility
- diagnosis and medical indication
- testing information as listed in section 5.2 Oxygen equipment and devices, including arterial blood gas (ABG) results or 5-minute oximetry strips
- make, model and detailed cost breakdown of requested items
- any additional documentation to support the request
- an explanation of benefits from any third-party coverage available to the client, for example, provincial plan, workers' compensation board, private insurance, education plan, etc.
- note: for a change in funded equipment or quantity, a written explanation from an RRT, RN or LPN/RPN is accepted
Requests for oxygen coverage must be submitted within 1 month after testing. Rental coverage periods
There are 3 consecutive coverage periods for oxygen that applies to all medical indicationsFootnote 1. Requests should follow this order:
- initial request is for 3 months or 6 months for palliative care clients
- first renewal request is for 9 months
- all other renewal requests are for 12 months (annual basis)
The prior approval request must indicate the coverage period requested including the start and end dates.
When oxygen therapy is no longer required, please refer to section 5.1.9 End of supplemental oxygen therapy.
5.1.4 Exclusions
In addition to the general exclusion policy listed in the general policies, the following items are excluded from the oxygen benefit and are not considered for coverage or appeal under the NIHB program:
- oxygen for therapy treatment or therapy equipment, including but not limited to:
- pain relief, for example, migraines, cluster headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome
- topical or systemic hyperbaric treatment
- oxygen for angina in the absence of documented chronic hypoxemia
- oxygen benefits for outings while the client is an in-patient in an acute or long-term hospital setting
- oxygen to run nebulizers or compressors
- oxygen on a stand-by basis (PRN)
- room air humidifiers
5.1.5 Warranties
Providers must honour the manufacturer's warranty.
5.1.6 Repairs
All warranty coverage must be exhausted before requests for the payment of repairs are submitted to the NIHB program.
Repairs for purchased equipment that are not covered under the warranty are eligible for coverage when supported by proper documentation.
The following rules apply:
- prior approval is required for repairs
- request must include a description of all repairs with dates, a detailed cost breakdown of parts, labour time and rates
- repairs must have a minimum warranty of 90 days
Note: The NIHB program will not cover the labour cost for repairs that are covered under the warranty.
The NIHB program will not cover the cost to repair rented equipment.
5.1.7 Replacement requirements
Recommended replacement guidelines indicate the quantity and frequency at which an item may be eligible for coverage. Recommended replacement guidelines are based on a client's customary medical need and the typical device's lifespan.
Replacement is subject to the same process as the original purchase or rental.
All requests to replace purchased equipment or to renew the rental of oxygen equipment requires new testing and assessment results. A new prescription is required if the previous prescription has expired, if there is a change in the client's condition or if requested by the program.
Replacement of oxygen supplies does not require a new prescription. The existing prescription on file for oxygen therapy can be used for the oxygen supplies. The prescription does not need to list the required supplies. This prescription is valid for the lifespan of the purchased equipment or the length of the rental period.
For more general information, please see section 1.12 Recommended replacement guidelines. Early replacement requirements
Coverage requests for any early replacement requires prior approval and a new prescription or a written justification from an RRT, RN or RPN/LPN supporting the need for early replacement. The client must meet program and equipment-specific eligibility criteria.
Early replacement of items may be considered when 1 of the following has occurred:
- there is a substantial change in a client's medical condition, for example, substantial change in SpO2 levels, ejection fraction, pulmonary function, etc., or activity levels, and the current item no longer meets the client's needs
- the item is no longer working properly, has deteriorated during normal use and is no longer under warranty, where the cost of repair is higher than the cost of a new item
The program will not cover the replacement of lost items, stolen items, or items that are damaged due to misuse or negligence.
5.1.8 Services included in the NIHB price
The following services must be included in the NIHB price to be considered for coverage:
- initial assessment to determine the type of benefit required
- complete product set-up and dispensing of the item within 24 hours of authorization, except for ferry and remote site transportation limitations
- follow-ups: all ongoing care including follow-up assessments, telephone calls and correspondence
- client education and instructions on the effective use, safety and care of the equipment and supplies
- a respiratory therapist or nurse visit within 72 hours, after 3 months and every 6 months thereafter to ensure optimum oxygen therapy, for example, review prescription, review the use of equipment, educate the client on condition
- removal of rental equipment as soon as feasible after being informed that it is no longer required
5.1.9 End of Supplemental Oxygen Therapy
When oxygen equipment is no longer required, the following rules apply:
- a prescription to stop oxygen therapy is required unless the client:
- is deceased
- made an informed decision to stop oxygen therapy
- provider should retain a copy of the prescription or documentation of the client's decision for their records
- providers must inform the program, by call or fax, when supplemental oxygen is no longer required and submit the benefit end date
- claims submitted after the provider has been made aware that the client no longer requires the use of oxygen therapy and equipment are subject to recovery or reversal
5.1.10 Terminology
Item code
The item code is an 8-digit code that identifies the benefit being requested and is submitted to Express Scripts Canada for billing purposes.
Prior approval
A program coverage confirmation is issued by an NIHB regional office to a provider to ensure that the client is eligible for specific medical supplies and equipment benefits. The approval is issued primarily for items identified as requiring prior approval before being billed to the program. All claims, including claims accompanied by prior approvals, are subject to claim verification.
Recommended replacement guidelines
The recommended replacement guidelines set a maximum number of each item a client may receive over a given period or frequency. Coverage of additional items may be considered on a case-by-case basis. For requests exceeding the recommended replacement guidelines, prior approval is required.
NIHB price
NIHB price information is listed in the MS&E price files, located on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website.
When an NIHB price is established for an item, it must not be claimed by default. To be eligible for payment, providers must adhere to the NIHB program's terms and conditions set out in their MS&E provider billing agreement and submit eligible claim amounts in accordance to the MS&E Claims Submission Kit and reimbursement policies.
5.2 Oxygen equipment and devices
5.2.1 Testing information
- new testing results and a new assessment are required for each coverage period. The same results and assessment cannot be used for 2 different coverage periods
- the testing and assessment can be performed in a clinical setting or at the client's residence by one of the following health professionals: MD, NP, RRT, RN or RPN/LPN
- testing and assessment should be performed and dated within 1 month of the start of the coverage period to provide up-to-date information on a client's respiratory condition
- results and assessments that are older than 1 month from the start of the coverage period may not be accepted
- requests for oxygen coverage should be submitted within 1 month after testing was performed
- please refer to the appropriate medical indication for a list of the specific testing information that must be submitted
Arterial blood gas (ABG) and its requirements:
- ABGs must be completed at rest on room air
- an ABG result obtained during an acute exacerbation is not accepted
- note: although an ABG result is not required, it may be requested to confirm eligibility
Capillary blood gas (CBG) and its requirements:
- may be submitted for funding consideration for neonatal and pediatric clients
Oximetry testing and its requirements:
- the oximetry test is performed both on room air and on supplemental oxygen while at rest and when applicable during exertion. This test should confirm that a client's medical condition improves when supplemental oxygen is administered
- the test results must be legible and include the:
- date of testing
- client name
- health professional's name and qualifications
- oxygen flow rate or pulse dose
- heart rate, pulse
- distance walked, when applicable
- level of shortness of breath using the Borg Scale, when applicable
- oxygen saturation (SpO2%)
- each printout or manually completed form must record at least 5 continuous minutes of monitoring if the client can tolerate it
- if the saturation is less than 89% for 2 continuous minutes within a 5-minute period of continuous monitoring on room air, then no further room air testing is required and the client can proceed to testing with supplemental oxygen
- in situations where testing cannot be completed, an explanation must be provided
- the Oximetry Instructions and Form, found on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website, is an optional tool for providers
Oxygen equipment requirements for oximetry testing:
- oximetry testing should be performed with the requested oxygen equipment, for example, with a portable oxygen concentrator
- testing results with the requested equipment must be submitted, with the exception of oxygen conserving devices (OCD) where the following applies:
- providers are not required to submit the oximetry testing results using an OCD regulator to support that the client can trigger the device
- oximetry test results must be kept in the client file and submitted if requested for verification purposes
- when the client is unable to activate the OCD regulator, providers are required to inform the regional office to update the prior approval
5.2.2 Medical indications
- adult resting hypoxemia
- adult exertional hypoxemia
- adult nocturnal desaturation
- cardiac conditions
- palliative care
- pediatric hypoxemia
5.2.3 Adult resting hypoxemia
Documentation required | Testing criteria - Client must meet 1 |
5.2.4 Adult exertional hypoxemia
Documentation required | Testing criteria - Client must meet A, BTable note 1 and C |
Note: Exercise testing should be completed while the client performs their primary means of mobility, for example, walking, wheelchair propulsion, transfers, etc. Any type of safe seated or standing exercise that meets the client's conditioning level and that increases their heart rate, for example, exercise bands or weights, arm raises, stationary bicycle, arm bicycle, elliptical, etc. will also be accepted. |
5.2.5 Adult nocturnal desaturation Nocturnal desaturation – without sleep-disordered breathing
Documentation required | Testing criteria - Client must meet A and B |
| Nocturnal desaturation – with sleep-disordered breathing
NIHB's nocturnal desaturation for adults with sleep-disordered breathing initial coverage period is for up to 3 months. Following renewal requests will be considered for a period of 12 months with different requirements from the initial coverage period. Initial request (3 months)
Documentation required | Testing criteria - Client must meet A, B and C |
| Renewal request (12 months)
Documentation required | Testing criteria - Client must meet A and B |
* Special consideration will be given to clients with sleep-disordered breathing who are unable to tolerate PAP therapy when accompanied by a written justification supporting the need. |
5.2.6 Cardiac conditions
Documentation required | Testing criteria - Client must meet A and B |
5.2.7 Pediatric - for children 18 years of age or less
Documentation required | Testing criteria - Client must meet 1 |
5.2.8 Palliative care
The client must have been diagnosed with a terminal illness or disease which is expected to be the primary cause of death within 6 months or less.
NIHB's palliative care home initial oxygen coverage period is for up to 6 months of palliative oxygen. Following renewal requests will be considered for a period of 9 months and then 12 months with the same testing requirements as the initial coverage period.
Documentation required | Testing criteria - Client must meet 1 |
5.2.9 Cylinder rental
The different elements needed to rent an oxygen cylinder each have their own item code:
- the gas or liquid oxygen content
- the system which includes
- a regulator
- a carrying device, for example, cart or cylinder bag, that is appropriate and safe for the client's usual mode of mobility
- the cylinder (empty container)
As part of the monthly rental fees, providers should request the combination of item codes needed.
If the oxygen system is rented, the disposables are automatically included in the price of the rental. Oxygen content
The following items codes refer only to the gas or liquid oxygen content and must correspond to the cylinder size.
Item code | Item name | PrescriberTable note 1 | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400221 | Cylinder D/M9 (356 L), oxygen content | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | 12 per month | |
99400226 | Cylinder E (622 L), oxygen content | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | 12 per month | |
99400229 | Cylinder S/M (5260 L), oxygen content | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | 12 per month | |
99400230 | Cylinder H/K (6900 L), oxygen content | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | 12 per month | |
99400233 | Liquid oxygen (in kg), content | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | ||
| Oxygen system
The oxygen system item code must correspond to the rented cylinder size and includes the following components:
- standard regulator
- 2-wheeled cylinder cart
- cylinder bag with one or more handles or straps
The standard regulator may be replaced by the oxygen conserving device regulator or the low flow oxygen meter listed in section 5.3 Supplies.
For clients who require an oxygen holder that is mounted to a mobility device, for example, wheelchair, walker, refer to section 11.0 Mobility equipment and supplies benefits list.
Item code | Item name | PrescriberTable note 1 | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400227 | Cylinder D/M9 (356 L), system rental | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | 12 per month | |
99400228 | Cylinder E (622 L), system rental | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | 12 per month | |
99400231 | Cylinder S/M (5260 L), system rental | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | 12 per month | |
99400232 | Cylinder H/K (6900 L), system rental | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | 12 per month | |
99400544 | Oxygen conserving device, regulator, rental | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | This device replaces the standard regulator This item cannot be used with the moustache or pendant oxygen conserving device: item code 99401424 |
99400225 | Liquid O2, portable, system rental | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | Includes:
| Oxygen cylinder
The following item codes refer only to the empty cylinder container used to contain the oxygen gas. The size of the cylinder must meet the client's oxygen flow needs, continuous vs. pulsed, portability requirements and ambulation requirements (ability to safely carry).
NIHB covers up to 12 cylinders per month for portability away from the primary residence to complete essential activities in the client's home and community. Requests above 12 cylinders per month requires medical justification and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Additional information may be requested to support review.
Item number | Item name | PrescriberTable note 1 | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400631 | Cylinder D/M9 (356 L), rental | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | 12 cylinders per month | |
99400632 | Cylinder E (622 L), rental | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | 12 cylinders per month | |
99400633 | Cylinder S/M (5260 L), rental | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | 12 cylinders per month | |
99400634 | Cylinder H/K (6900 L), rental | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | 12 cylinders per month | |
5.2.10 Concentrator purchase
If the oxygen system is purchased, the disposables may be billed only if they are not included in the maintenance agreement for the oxygen system.
Item code | Item name | PrescriberTable note 1 | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400473 | Stationary concentrator, purchase | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | 1 every 5 years | |
99400828 | Homefill concentrator, purchase | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | 1 every 5 years | |
99400862 | Portable concentrator +2 batteries, purchase | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | 1 every 5 years | Portable oxygen concentrator (POC) includes 2 batteries, 1 that comes with the purchased device plus 1 extra interchangeable battery |
5.2.11 Concentrator rental
Item code | Item name | PrescriberTable note 1 | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400863 | Concentrator portable + 2 batteries, rental | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | Portable oxygen concentrator (POC) includes 2 batteries, 1 that comes with the rented device plus 1 extra interchangeable battery | |
99400224 | Stationary concentrator + backup cylinder, rental | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | ||
99400636 | Liquid oxygen reservoir with content, rental | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | ||
99400635 | Liquid oxygen reservoir without content, rental | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | ||
99400829 | Homefill concentrator, rental | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | ||
5.3 Supplies
To be eligible for the coverage of oxygen supplies, the client must meet section 5.1.3 Prior approval requirements for supplemental oxygen therapy. The existing prescription for supplemental oxygen therapy can be used for the oxygen supplies. The prescription does not need to list the required supplies. This prescription is valid for the lifespan of the purchased equipment or the length of the rental period.
Note: supplies can be selected by an RRT, RN, or LPN/RPN (when within their scope of practice).
The term disposables refers to all oxygen supplies with the exception of the battery replacement for the portable oxygen concentrator, the distilled water (4L), the rental of the low flow oxygen meter, and the moustache or pendant style oxygen conserving device.
- If the oxygen system is rented, the disposables are automatically included in the price of the rental.
- If the oxygen system is purchased, the disposables may be billed only if they are not included in the maintenance agreement for oxygen system.
Item code | Item name | PrescriberTable note 1 | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400864 | Battery replacement, portable oxygen concentrator | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | 2 per year | For purchased POC only. Year 1: not eligible for coverage since the POC purchase includes 2 batteries. Year 2 onwards: replacement is eligible annually once the battery warranty has expired. |
99400220 | Concentrator filter | MD, NP, PA | OP | No | 12 per year | |
99400626 | Distilled water (4L) | MD, NP, PA | GEN | No | 55 per year | For use with the bubble humidifier: item code 99400237 |
99400235 | Ear cushions for oxygen tubing | MD, NP, PA | OP | No | 24 pairs per year | Tubular foam pieces which wrap around tubing or straps to protect the integrity of the skin behind the ears and of the face. Can be used with:
99400237 | Humidifier (bubble) | MD, NP, PA | OP | No | 6 per year | A reusable water container that is connected to an oxygen system, such as a concentrator, to provide humidified oxygen to the user. |
99400244 | Low flow oxygen meter, rental | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | ||
99400238 | Oxygen, simple face mask | MD, NP, PA | OP | No | 24 per year | |
99400239 | Nasal cannula | MD, NP, PA | OP | No | 24 per year | |
99401424 | Oxygen conserving device, moustache or pendant | MD, NP, PA | OP | Yes | 24 per year | This item cannot be used with the oxygen conserving device regulator: item code 99400544 |
99400207 | Oxygen connector and adaptor | MD, NP, PA | OP | No | 6 per year | |
99400234 | Oxygen tubing, 25 ft. extension | MD, NP, PA | OP | No | 4 per year | |
99400214 | Oxygen tubing, 50 ft. extension | MD, NP, PA | OP | No | 4 per year | |
99400545 | Water trap | MD, NP, PA | OP | No | 2 per year | For clients using oxygen humidification. |
5.4 Servicing
5.4.1 Repairs and maintenance
Item code | Item name | PrescriberTable note 1 | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400638 | Maintenance agreement, for purchased oxygen system | OP | Yes | If the oxygen system is rented, the disposables are automatically included in the price of the rental. If the oxygen system is purchased, the disposables may be billed only if they are not included in the maintenance agreement for oxygen system. | ||
99400243 | Oxygen system, repairs | OP | Yes |
5.4.2 Delivery
Item code | Item name | Prescriber | Provider | Prior approval required | Recommended replacement guidelines | Additional details |
99400262 | Delivery, oxygen | OP | Yes |