Substance use affecting First Nations and Inuit

Learn about community-based programs to help reduce and prevent problematic use of alcohol, drugs, solvents and other substances.

Services and information

National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program

Learn about culturally relevant programs for reducing and preventing problematic substance use within Indigenous communities.

National Youth Solvent Abuse Program

Learn about healing programs for First Nations and Inuit youth dealing with solvent use issues.

Problematic alcohol use

Find out about how alcohol use affects your health and how to responsibly consume alcohol

Smoking, vaping and tobacco

Learn about vaping, tobacco products, effects of smoking, second-hand smoke, prevention and quitting.


About cannabis, process of legalization, health effects, addiction, medical use, applying for industry licenses, consumer information, market data, travelling with cannabis, talk about cannabis, cannabis research


Opioids are medications that relieve pain. When used properly, they can help. But problematic use can cause dependence, overdose and death.

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