Emergency Management Non-Structural Mitigation and Preparedness Funding Guidelines

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Examples of activities supported through this program include:

Emergency management programming, training and plan development

First Nation communities can build and enhance their emergency management capabilities on reserve through activities such as emergency management training, all hazard risk assessments, emergency management response and evacuation plan reviews and updates, table top exercises that test and revise emergency response plans, community awareness of emergency management risks and response plans, collaboration with neighbouring communities and authorities.

Non-structural mitigation and preparedness measures

First Nation communities can consider mitigating against disasters through non-structural efforts such as flood plain mapping, environmental studies and landslide studies

Emergency management forums

First Nation organizations can plan and host regional forums on emergency management. Forums can focus on a specific aspect of emergency management, as prioritized by the regional First Nations, such as flood preparation and information sharing, or be more general such as all-hazard emergency management.

Application process

This funding source and process is managed jointly through ISC regional offices and headquarters. A national call for applications is posted by ISC Headquarters and regional offices then solicit for applications to First Nation communities within their region through a call out letter or email.

Regional offices will review applications and contact the applicants if necessary to support the process of completing the application for review. If an emergency management service agreement is in place within your region, existing programs and services may already be available to you, and therefore not funded under this program. Refer to your regional office for more details.

Applications are reviewed based on the following, unless otherwise stated by the applicable regional office:

Applicants will be notified by the regional office on the status of their application and eligibility.

Eligible expenditures

The following is a list of eligible expenditures to be used as an example of the types of expenditures that are eligible and frequently requested within community applications. Applicants may also refer to Emergency Management Assistance Program's Terms and Conditions and their regional office for additional information on eligible expenses.

Eligible expenditures may include, but are not limited to:

Ineligible expenses include, but are not limited to:


Transfer payments to funding recipients will be made in the form of a set or flexible contribution, depending on the eligibility of the recipient and the duration of the project. The funding approach used to transfer funds will be identified in the recipient's signed funding agreement. Your ISC regional office emergency management contact can inform you about eligibility for these different funding approaches.

Under set contribution funding all unexpended funds remaining at the end of each fiscal year will be reimbursed to ISC.

Under flexible contribution funding, during the period of the funding agreement or the program, service, project or activity, the recipient may retain unexpended funding remaining at the end of each fiscal year for use in the next fiscal year to further achieve results toward the program, service, project or activity objectives funded. Any unexpended funding remaining at the expiry of the funding agreement or the completion of the program, service project or activity will be reimbursed to ISC.

Monitoring and accountability

Projects must be completed in accordance with the provisions of the funding agreement and the program delivery requirements outlined in these national program guidelines. Funding recipients are required to ensure that project expenditures are within the eligible expenditures set out in these National Program Guidelines and the Emergency Management Assistance Terms and Conditions.

Reporting requirements

The reporting requirements are listed in the recipient's funding agreement. Details on these requirements are available in the Reporting Guide. Recipients are responsible for ensuring that their reporting requirements are met and reports are accurate and submitted on or before the due dates.

Contact information

For more information on non-structural mitigation and preparedness funding, please contact your ISC regional office emergency management contact.

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