RLEMP Delegated Authority Compliance Framework Checklist

(First Nation)
Description Always meets
Sometimes meets
Rarely meets
Does Not Meet
Explanation mandatory - please provide reason for rating Mitigation mandatory - For rating less than 3. Please include timelines.
  First Nation retains a PLMCP certified Land Manager.            
  First Nation has an established* Land Office for Land Manager to perform land and environmental duties on behalf of their First Nation.            
  The First Nation prepares and finalizes land management instruments, such as leases, BCR allotments, individual land holding transactions, etc. using ISC standard templates.            
  The First Nation executes/approves all land instruments and submits to ISC for registration.            
  The First Nation confirms survey requirements are met.            
  The First Nation ensures appraisals are conducted as necessary.            
  The First Nation prepares reports and provides them to ISC, such as: Land Transaction Information Report, Land Inspection Report, Locatee Consent and/or Transaction Checklist (if required).            
  The First Nation completes the registration requirements checklist, enters information into ILRS Pending file and forwards necessary documents to the Indian Land Registry.            
  The First Nation manages environmental management processes associated with each of the RLEMP key functions.            
  The First Nation monitors and ensures compliance with the terms and conditions of each registered land transaction.            
  The First Nation notifies ISC of rental arrears, outstanding permit fees over 30 days in arrears, any breaches of lease/permit terms and conditions and any other issues.            
  The First Nation ensures that an appropriate environmental management process is carried out prior to the preparation of land instruments, such as (Environmental Assessment (EA), Environmental Site Assessment (ESA))            
  The First Nation ensures all copies of land and environment management transactions are retained and kept on file for reference.            
  ISC has ensured the FN has access to the appropriate tools, documents, templates, related to land and environment management            
  ISC has ensured that the appropriate environmental information is documented in departmental environmental system.            
  ISC has ensured the Certified First Nation has remains compliant** with the terms and conditions of the RLEM program            
Self Assessment ***

* Land office includes: Phone line, filing cabinet, Certified Land Manager, computer with internet access, access to ILRS
** Compliance: Certified Land Manager on Staff, Land Office established.
***ISC will provide the guidance, advice and intervene when necessary to FNs to ensure FNs are able to efficiently and effectively manage land and environment activities in accordance with the Indian Act, RLEMP Manual, Land Management Manual. ISC employees should be ensuring FNs have adequate access to tools, guidance and advice, on an as required basis.

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