Table Summary of Changes - Consolidation of Transfer Payment Terms and Conditions

Existing Transfer Payment Terms and Conditions Consolidated Transfer Payment Terms and Conditions Modifications
Grants to Indians and Inuit to provide elementary and secondary educational support services

Contributions to provide elementary and secondary education programs and services to Indians living on reserve and Inuit students

Contributions for the Special Education Program for students living on reserve
Grants and Contributions for First Nations Elementary and Secondary Educational Advancement The following modifications have been made:
  • Maximum amounts payable to FNs Regional Management Organizations (FNRMO)/ Education Authorities increased from $20M to $25M as a result of additional $100M in Budget 2012;
  • Removed Inuit as Inuit do not receive funding under the Elementary/Secondary authority. Funding is provided through provinces, territories or through other AANDC treaty-related authorities;
  • Targeted programs like New Paths more prominently featured to enhance AANDC's response to audit recommendations; and
  • Eligible recipients for Educational Partnership Program (EPP) were clarified, reflecting interpretation of eligibility and parameters contained within program guidelines.
Grants to Indians and Inuit to support their post-secondary educational advancement
Contributions to support the post-secondary educational advancement of registered Indian and Inuit students
Grants and Contributions to support First Nations and Inuit Post-Secondary Educational Advancement The following modifications have been made:
  • Provisions related to funding for students attending foreign institutions have been included reflecting interpretation of eligibility and parameters contained within program guidelines.
Grants to Inuit to support their cultural advancement

Contributions to support Indian, Inuit and Innu cultural education centres

Contributions to First Nations and Inuit Governments and Organizations for initiatives under the Youth Employment Strategy Skills Link program and Summer Work Experience Program

Contributions to Indspire
Grants and Contributions to increase First Nations and Inuit Youth Participation in Education and Labour Market Opportunities The following modifications have been made:
  • Maximum amounts payable relating to Indspire have been expanded to reflect Budget 2013 funding of $10M over 2 years;
  • The K-12 Program under Indspire has been renamed to "Industry in the Classroom" to better conform to existing policy; and
  • The First Nation and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy has been modified to ensure greater clarity for the two programs under it, the Skills Link Program and the Summer Work Experience Program, and enhance alignment with Employment and Social Development Canada's (ESDC) new horizontal terms and conditions.
Grants to support First Nations, Inuit, Tribal Councils, Organizations or other levels of government for the implementation activities as stipulated in the various agreements

Payments to self-governing Aboriginal organizations, pursuant to comprehensive land claims agreements, self-government agreements or treaty legislation

Payments to Yukon First Nations pursuant to individual self-government agreements

Grant for Mi'kmaq Education in Nova Scotia

Grants to the Sechelt Indian Band pursuant to the Sechelt Indian Band Self-Government Act

Grant to the Westbank First Nation to support the implementation of the Westbank First Nation Self-Government Agreement

Payments to the Government of the Northwest Territories to facilitate the implementation of comprehensive land claim agreements
Grants to implement comprehensive land claims and self-government agreements The following modifications have been made:
  • Removed repetition in eligible recipients and eligible expenditures; and
  • Retained individual differences under a single grant.
Grants to First Nations to settle specific claims negotiated by Canada and/or awarded by the Specific Claims Tribunal

Grants to support the beneficiaries/organizations for the settlement of specific and special claims
Grants to First Nations to settle specific and special claims negotiated by Canada and/or awarded by the Specific Claims Tribunal The following modifications have been made:
  • Removed repetition in eligible recipients and eligible expenditures.
Contributions to beneficiaries and various implementing bodies for implementing comprehensive land claim agreements

Contributions to support the negotiation process for comprehensive, specific, and special claims and self-government initiatives

Contributions to First Nations, their organizations, provinces and third parties for Interim Measures and British Columbia Treaty Related Measures

Contributions to provincially and/or regionally based Treaty Commissions
Contributions to support the negotiation and implementation of Treaties, Claims and self-government agreements or initiatives The following modifications have been made:
  • Removed repetition in eligible recipients and eligible expenditures; and
  • Maximum amounts payable has been modified to include an increase of 25% to the previous amounts for self-government negotiations only which have not increased since 2002
Payments to support Indians, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supplying public services in Indian government support

Contributions to support the building of strong governance, administrative and accountability system

Contributions to First Nations Institutions for the purpose of enhancing good governance
Contributions to supply public services in Indian Government Support and to build strong governance and accountability systems The following modifications have been made:
  • Removed repetition in eligible recipients and eligible expenditures;
  • Increases to the maximum amount payable from $1M to $1.5M to address needs under Matrimonial Real Property;
  • Modified maximum amount payable to remove the $7M annually to the First Nations Governance Centre as it is no longer funded;
  • Maximum amount payable under the Tribal Council Funding Program was set at $500,000 which is a change from the formula based approach in the old Ts&Cs which ranged anywhere from $100K to $1M;
  • All references to the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act have been changed to reflect the new name, First Nations Fiscal Management Act;
  • All references to First Nations Statistical Institute have been removed, including eligible recipients, as the funding for this has ended; and
  • Removed ending dates (March 31, 2007 and 2008) from eligible recipients (FN Tax Commission, FN Financial Management Board, and FN Finance Authority) as funding for these has been extended.
Contribution for promoting the safe use, development, conservation and protection of the North's natural resources Contributions for promoting the safe use, development, conservation and protection of natural resources, and promoting scientific development in the North The following modifications have been made:
  • Removed repetition in eligible recipients and eligible expenditures;
  • Added the Scientific portion, including eligible recipients and expenditures, from the old authority, Contributions for promoting the political, social and scientific development of Canada's three territories; and
  • Removal of Northwest Territories following the recent signature of the Final Devolution Agreement with NWT.
Contributions for enhancing the financial management capability and networking facilities of the Government of Nunavut

Contributions for promoting the political, social and scientific development of Canada's three territories
Contributions to promote social and political development in the North The following modifications have been made:
  • Removed repetition in eligible recipients and eligible expenditures;
  • Removed the Scientific portion, including eligible recipients and expenditures, of the old authority, Contributions for promoting the political, social and scientific development of Canada's three territories and moved it to the new consolidated authority entitled Contributions for promoting the safe use, development, conservation and protection of natural resources, and promoting scientific development in the North; and
  • Decrease in the maximum amount payable for enhancing the financial management capability and networking facilities of the Government of Nunavut from $11M to $800,000 to reflect the level of funding available.
Payments to support Indians, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supplying public services in economic development

Contributions under the Aboriginal Business Canada Program

Contributions to implement the First Nations Land Management Act

Contributions to First Nations for the management of contaminated sites

Contributions to Indian Bands for Land Management Capacity Building

Contributions to Indian bands for land and estates management

Contributions to the Inuit Art Foundation for the purpose of assisting Inuit artists and artisans from the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Northern Quebec and Labrador in the development of their professional skills and marketing of their art
Contributions to support Land Management and Economic Development The following modifications have been made:
  • Removed repetition in eligible recipients and eligible expenditures;
  • Maximum amount payable increases to remove limitations are as follows:
    • Initiatives under the Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Program from $10M to $35M
    • Initiatives that support the activities of the Lands Advisory Board Resource Centre from $5M to $20M
    • First Nations who are signatories of FNLMA from $500,000 to $3M
    • Program management services in relation to AANDC's Community Economic Development component from $2M to $3M
    • Initiatives that support the activities of the Manitoba Treaty Land Entitlement Committee from $900,000 to $3M
    • Initiatives that support FNs participating in the Regional Lands Administration Program performing land management activities from $500,000 to $3M
    • Advocacy activities to educate and inform employers about the advantages of hiring Aboriginal peoples from $250,000 to $500,000
    • Activities to support partnerships with various stakeholders to increase the capacity of employers to recruit, promote and retain Aboriginal employees from $250,000 to $500,000
  • The Policy and Strategic Direction Sector's Contributions to the Inuit Art Foundation for the purpose of assisting Inuit artists and artisans from the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Northern Quebec and Labrador in the development of their professional skills and marketing of their art has been transferred to the Lands and Economic Development Sector and included in this consolidation; and
  • One set of application requirements and assessment criteria to reduce administrative burden.
Grants to students and their chaperons to promote fire protection awareness in band and federally operated schools.

Payments to support Indians, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supplying public services in capital facilities and maintenance

Payment of Contributions to First Nations under the First Nations Infrastructure Fund (FNIF) in the Provinces
Contributions to support the construction and maintenance of community infrastructure The following modifications have been made:
  • Removed repetition in eligible recipients and eligible expenditures;
  • Maximum amount payable has been modified for the FNIF to remove the lifetime limit of $10M and replaced with a maximum of $10M per recipient per year;
  • Transfer of the Grants to students and their chaperons to promote fire protection awareness in band and federally operated schools into the new consolidated contribution;
  • Eligible initiatives and projects amended to take into account  the First Nations Infrastructure Funds Program as well as the Fire Protection Awareness Program; and
  • Type and nature of eligible expenditures modified to include both eligible and ineligible expenditures.

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