Management Letter - Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation (SIFN)

Chief Andrew Penashue
Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation
P.O. Box 160


Ref: 2012-13 Recipient Audit Results and Follow-Up

Dear Chief Penashue:

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) conducted a number of recipient audits in fiscal year 2012-13, including an audit of the Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation. Attached please find a copy of the full audit report and a summary of the report. The summary will be published on the department's website in the coming weeks, along with this management letter. Should you wish to, you may provide a written response to the audit to me within 30 days. Your response will also be posted along with the summary report.

No recoverable amount has been identified as a result of this recipient audit. The audit report included the following recommendations which we advise you and your organization to address:

Please contact your local AANDC representative to follow up on any questions or concerns you may have.



Susan MacGowan, CMA
Chief Financial Officer

c.c.:  Ian Gray, Regional Director General
Ron Hallman, Senior ADM Regional Operations
Brahim Achtoutal, Acting Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive
Ms. Melinda Baikie, Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation
Samson & Associates


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