Registered Indian Population by Residence and Gender, 2012: Summary Statistics

Registered Indian Population by Residence and Gender, 2012
AANDC Region All Residences On Reserve &
Crown Land
Off Reserve
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Canada /
All Regions
901,053 442,831 458,222 474,042 240,900 233,142 427,011 201,931 225,080
Atlantic 60,928 29,801 31,127 22,739 11,355 11,384 38,189 18,446 19,743
Quebec 80,785 39,433 41,352 54,270 27,184 27,086 26,515 12,249 14,266
Ontario 195,139 94,723 100,416 91,754 46,401 45,353 103,385 48,322 55,063
Manitoba 143,758 71,468 72,290 86,834 44,458 42,376 56,924 27,010 29,914
Saskatchewan 141,379 69,734 71,645 69,204 35,211 33,993 72,175 34,523 37,652
Alberta 115,436 57,032 58,404 71,328 36,104 35,224 44,108 20,298 23,180
British Columbia 136,478 67,237 69,241 61,733 31,885 29,848 74,745 35,352 39,393
Yukon 8,940 4,443 4,497 3,980 2,130 1,850 4,960 2,313 2,647
Northwest Territories 18,210 8,960 9,250 12,200 6,172 6,028 6,010 2,788 3,222
Source: AANDC, Indian Register, December 31, 2012

For detailed information by individual First Nations, please contact


These counts were extracted from AANDC's Indian Registration System (IRS) as at December 31, 2012, and have not been adjusted for late reporting of births or deaths. Furthermore, they reflect residency codes for individuals affiliated with AANDC recognized First Nations only. As such, on reserve numbers for each Region should not be taken to represent the true population for the following reasons:

  1. They contain no information on any Non-Registered individuals who may be living on reserve or crown lands,
  2. They contain no information on any individuals registered with bands from outside the region who may be living on reserve or crown lands within the region, and
  3. Since "On Reserve & Crown Land" is a roll-up of residency fields 1 through 5, they may include counts pertaining to registrants affiliated to First Nations from within the region, but residing on reserve or crown lands belonging to other bands administered outside the region.
  4. In the Yukon, the "On Reserve & Crown Land" category includes individuals living on lands affiliated with First Nations operating under Self-Government Agreements.

Limitations on IR Data

An individual's information on the IRS is usually updated on the reporting of a life event to the First Nation's Indian Registry Administrator (IRA), although some bands may update the system more frequently. Perhaps the greatest limitation on Indian Register data involves the late reporting of these life events. According to recent history, nearly 70% of all births reported in any particular year actually occurred in a prior year. This is not out of the ordinary since it is common practice for children to be registered between the ages of 1 to 5. Besides births, individuals can remain on the Indian Register for some time after they are deceased. A certificate of death or a confirmation of presumed death is normally required to remove a name from the system.

A second major limitation involves residency codes. Similar to life events, residency codes tend to be updated by the IRA when a life event is reported (although some bands may again update the system more frequently). This makes it possible for an individual to move back and forth between on and off reserve, and never have his/her information updated if a life event was not reported. Furthermore, the residency field is optional when the IRA updates the system.

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