National Assessment of First Nations Water and Wastewater Systems - British Columbia Regional Roll-Up Report - Appendices B,C,D

Appendix B System Summary

Appendix B.1 Water System Summary

Regional Roll-Up Summary: Water

Region: British Columbia
Total No. of First Nations: 198
Participating No. of First Nations: 188
Participation Level: 95%
No. of Community Reports Issued: 223

  Groundwater GUDI Surface MTA Totals
Total No. of Systems 155 15 48 72 290
System Age
0-5 years (2006 - 2010) 8 0 1 2 11
6-10 years (2001 - 2005) 9 0 6 2 17
10-15 years (1996 - 2000) 22 2 16 4 44
15 -20 years (1991 - 1995) 22 0 9 10 41
> 20 years (≤1990) 94 13 16 54 177
None - Direct Use 101 9 5 22 137
Disinfection only 41 3 11 2 57
Conventional Filtration 13 3 32 0 48
MTA 0 0 0 48 48
Classification - Treatment
Small system 96 8 18 0 122
Level I 5 0 3 0 8
Level II 4 1 15 0 20
Level III 2 0 7 0 9
Level IV 0 0 1 0 1
MTA 0 0 0 72 72
None 48 6 4 0 58
Classification - Distribution
Small system 138 13 23 41 215
Level I 13 2 18 5 38
Level II 1 0 6 0 7
Level III 0 0 1 0 1
MTA 0 0 0 25 25
None 3 0 0 1 4
Piped 154 15 48 70 287
Trucked 0 0 0 0 0
Self Haul 0 0 0 0 0
Combined 1 0 0 2 3
Water Quality
Fails Health
Yes, fails health due to: 56 6 21 11 94
Design 36 5 7 5 53
Operation 7 1 8 4 20
Combination 9 0 6 1 16
Unknown 4 0 0 1 5
Fails Aesthetic
Yes, fails aesthetic due to: 38 6 8 6 58
Design 30 6 3 2 41
Operation 1 0 2 0 3
Combination 4 0 3 0 7
Unknown 3 0 0 4 7
Primary Operator - Treatment
Not certified 41 2 7 0 50
No operator 3 0 1 0 4
Not required 48 6 4 72 130
Certified to Level 56 6 19 0 81
Certified 7 1 17 0 25
Back-up Operator - Treatment
Not certified 44 3 20 0 67
No operator 36 3 6 0 45
Not required 48 6 4 72 130
Certified to Level 22 3 7 0 32
Certified 5 0 11 0 16
Primary Operator - Distribution
Not certified 44 3 9 14 70
No operator 7 0 2 3 12
Not required 3 0 0 26 29
Certified to Level 93 12 31 28 164
Certified 8 0 6 1 15
Back-up Operator - Distribution
Not certified 53 7 25 17 102
No operator 54 3 8 16 81
Not required 3 0 0 26 29
Certified to Level 39 4 10 10 63
Certified 6 1 5 3 15
Risk (mean) Groundwater GUDI Surface MTA Mean Mean excluding MTA
Final 7.2 6.9 5.4 3.8 6.0 6.8
Source 6.0 8.5 8.9 1.9 5.6 6.8
Design 6.9 6.9 4.4 2.8 5.5 6.4
Operations 7.2 6.7 5.2 5.4 6.4 6.7
Reporting 7.3 5.9 5.0 5.6 6.4 6.7
Operator 3.2 2.9 2.1 2.0 2.7 2.9

Appendix B.2 Wastewater System Summary

Regional Roll-Up Summary: Wastewater

Region: British Columbia
Total No. of First Nations: 198
Participating No. of First Nations: 188
Participation Level: 95%
No. of Community Reports Issued: 223

  Septic Aerated Lagoon Facultative Lagoon Mechanical Other MTA Totals
Total No. of Systems 42 15 16 11 10 59 153
System Age
0-5 years
(2006 - 2010)
6 4 0 0 0 4 14
6-10 years
(2001 - 2005)
4 1 0 3 1 7 16
10-15 years
(1996 - 2000)
7 4 1 2 1 6 21
15 -20 years
(1991 - 1995)
7 0 3 1 2 6 19
20 years (≤ 1990)--> > 20 years
(≤ 1990)
18 6 12 5 6 36 83
Classification - Treatment
Small System 35 5 14 1 5 0 60
MTA 0 0 0 0 0 59 59
Level I 3 8 2 4 0 0 17
Level II 0 2 0 5 0 0 7
Level III 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
None 4 0 0 0 5 0 9
Classification - Collection
Small System 36 7 13 3 8 32 99
Level I 5 7 3 6 1 6 28
Level II 0 1 0 2 0 1 4
MTA 0 0 0 0 0 20 20
None 1 0 0 0 1 0 2
Piped 41 14 15 10 10 59 149
Trucked 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Combined 1 1 1 1 0 0 4
Effluent Quality
No data 15 3 2 1 6 28 55
Meets 20 11 13 5 1 31 81
Does not meet 7 1 1 5 3 0 17
Primary Operator - Treatment
Not certified 26 7 8 5 3 0 49
No operator 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Not required 4 0 0 0 5 59 68
Certified to Level 11 4 8 2 2 0 27
Certified 1 4 0 4 0 0 9
Back-Up Operator - Treatment
Not certified 21 8 5 5 3 0 42
No operator 15 4 7 2 2 0 30
Not required 4 0 0 0 5 59 68
Certified to Level 1 1 3 0 0 0 5
Certified 1 2 1 4 0 0 8
Primary Operator - Collection
Not certified 22 6 8 5 7 18 66
No operator 0 0 0 0 0 8 8
Not required 1 0 0 0 1 20 22
Certified to Level 18 5 7 2 2 11 45
Certified 1 4 1 4 0 2 12
Back-Up Operator - Collection
Not certified 18 7 5 7 7 16 60
No operator 15 4 7 2 2 18 48
Not required 1 0 0 0 1 20 22
Certified to Level 7 2 3 1 0 3 16
Certified 1 2 1 1 0 2 7
Other 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
River 0 5 2 1 0 0 8
Lake, reservoir 0 1 1 0 0 0 2
Open marine, enclosed bay 8 4 0 8 4 0 24
Wetland 0 1 6 0 0 0 7
Sub-surface / Ground 8 1 4 1 2 0 16
Tile field 25 2 1 1 4 0 33
Evaporation 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
MTA 0 0 0 0 0 59 59

Risk (mean) Septic Aerated Lagoon Facultative Lagoon Mechanical Other MTA Mean Mean excluding MTA
Final 4.6 4.6 3.9 5.1 5.8 3.4 4.2 4.7
Effluent Receiver 3.6 7.3 4.7 7.0 3.8 3.1 4.2 4.9
Design 4.2 2.7 2.6 4.6 4.5 2.0 3.1 3.8
Operations 5.8 5.0 5.0 5.3 8.1 5.2 5.4 5.6
Reporting 5.8 5.3 4.2 6.1 10.0 4.4 5.3 5.8
Operator 4.0 3.6 3.6 3.1 4.3 2.8 3.4 3.8

Appendix C Site Visit Methodology

Site Visits

Typical Day

Arrive in Community – Lead/Senior Inspector & Technical Support
  • Meet with Circuit Rider and/or DIAND representative and First Nation/Tribal Council Representatives to undergo introductions and provide a brief synopsis of the activities to be undertaken for the day. This is based on the assumption that the First Nation has been fully briefed by DIAND on the purpose, process and benefits for the First Nation to cooperate and collaborate with the project.
  • Confirm the various components that the First Nation uses to provide water to the entire community (i.e. number and types of distribution systems, source types, private wells, etc.) to help build assessment form for the community.
  • Pre-select areas to undertake private system evaluations on community map.
  • Confirm any missing background data that may be available allowing the First Nation time during the day to have Public Works Director/Supervisor/ Secretary/etc to locate such materials.
Lead/Senior – Inspector
  • Meet with Chief/Housing Manager/Band Manager/Finance Manager, to identify:
    • future servicing needs (planned development and population growth)
    • servicing constraints (source availability, soils, groundwater, bedrock, topography, etc.)
    • identify the extent to which non structural solutions or optimization strategies (water conservation, leak reduction, etc) have been previously investigated or implemented
    • confirm current population and housing numbers
    • obtain financial information not previously provided
    • note community concerns related to future servicing.
  • Complete a walk through of the water plant from source to storage.
  • Prepare a flow schematic (internal use).
  • Complete the assessment questionnaire on treatment/storage/operations/ operator(s) etc. with Operator/Circuit Rider.
  • Take photographs.
  • Travel to main sewage pumping station and wastewater treatment facility.
  • Complete a walk through of the plant from influent to effluent.
  • Prepare a flow schematic (internal use).
  • Complete assessment questionnaire.
  • Take photographs.
  • Complete ACRS update.
  • Repeat for additional water or wastewater facilities.
  • Review information collected by Technical Support
  • Gather all background/operational data gathered by First Nation.
  • Complete overall notes.
Technical Support
  • Gather any relevant operational data (water and wastewater), if not already provided and arrange with the First Nation to have copied/scanned that day.
  • Obtain GPS coordinates of source(s) and treatment.
  • Complete the source questions on the assessment questionnaire.
  • Undertake sampling of the raw and/or treated water, if necessary.
  • Take photographs.
  • Complete ACRS update.
  • Travel around community with First Nation representative and undertake private system assessments for water and/or septic including GPS coordinates, photographs, assessment forms and sampling.
  • Meet back with Lead/Senior Inspector at wastewater location and assist with sampling, if required.

Sampling Requirements

Water Sampling

The terms of reference state, "The sampling program for public water systems should reflect the requirements of the most stringent regulations applicable in the Province in which the community is located. However, should an adequate sampling program already be in place, then existing data may be used. Bidders should assume sampling and testing will be required for 5% of total wells, septics, and cisterns identified in SW5. Septics and cisterns only require a visual inspection. All bidders are required to carry a $500,000 allowance for this purpose. Any variances should be identified in the Inception Report."

Health Canada data is anticipated to be available for the majority of the water systems. Where data is not available, sampling will be conducted as part of the inspection.

Minimum existing data required will include:

Community systems

  • bacteriological – monthly available for previous year
  • general chemistry – annually (treated)
  • full Volatile Organic Compound analysis – within 5 years

Private wells

  • bacteriological – one sample within past year
  • basic chemistry – one sample within past year

For public systems where data is not available, treated water samples will be obtained and submitted to a laboratory for testing that would include; Basic Chemistry, Full Metals Scan, Bacteria and Volatile Organic Compounds.

For public systems that include a piped distribution system and where distributed water quality data is not available, a sample will be taken from the most remote point in the distribution system and sampled for Disinfection By-Products.

For individual wells, samples will be obtained from a representative number of wells (5% of total wells) in the community. The testing will include; Basic Chemistry, Full Metals Scan and Bacteria.

Wastewater Sampling

For systems lacking existing discharge quality data, and that will be discharging at the time of the site visit, representative samples will be obtained and submitted to a laboratory for testing. This would include seasonal discharges at the time of the site visit and from plants with continuous discharge to a receiving body. Sewage treatment systems providing an equivalent to secondary treatment (lagoons, and mechanical facilities) for which effluent quality data does not include the parameters of BOD5, TSS, and E.Coli, will be sampled in the field, if they are in fact discharging at the time of site visit. Similarly, sewage treatment systems providing an equivalent to tertiary treatment for which effluent quality data does not include BOD5, TSS, Ammonia, Total Phosphorous and E.Coli, will be sampled in the field, if they are in fact discharging at the time of the site visit.

Appendix D First Nation Water Summaries

Appendix D.1 Individual First Nation Water Summary

Table D.1 - 1: Water System Regional Summary of Water Treatment, Storage and Distribution Systems
First Nation Information Water System Information
Band # - Band Name System # System Name Water Source Treatment Class Const Year
684 - Adams Lake NEW001 SAHHALTKUM NO. 4 - ANTHONY ANDREW AND ARNOUSE Groundwater Small System 1995
684 - Adams Lake 6830 SAHHALTKUM NO. 4 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1987
684 - Adams Lake 6831 SWITSEMALPH NO. 6 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 0
659 - Ahousaht 6805 MARKTOSIS NO. 15 (Maaqtusiis Village) - Community Water Supply & Surface Water Level II 1999
604 - Akisqnuk First Nation   COLUMBIA LAKE NO. 3 - CENTRAL COMMUNAL WATER SYSTEM Groundwater Small System 2009
604 - Akisqnuk First Nation 6917 COLUMBIA LAKE NO. 3- Community Water Supply & Distribution Syste Groundwater Small System 1985
709 - Alexandria 7043 ALEXANDRIA NO. 3- Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1984
710 - Alexis Creek   MICHEL GARDENS NO. 36 - COMMUNITY WATER SYSTEM Groundwater GUDI None 0
710 - Alexis Creek 7044 REDSTONE FLAT NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syst Groundwater None 1984
685 - Ashcroft 6832 ASHCROFT NO. 2 & NO. 4 - Community Water Supply & Distribution S Groundwater Small System 1995
640 - Beecher Bay 6787 BEECHER BAY NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1972
547 - Blueberry River First Nations 6821 BLUEBERRY RIVER NO. 205 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Groundwater Level II 1994
686 - Bonaparte 6836 BONAPARTE NO. 3- Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater None 1981
700 - Boothroyd 6873 KAHMOOSE NO. 4- Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S Groundwater GUDI Small System 1988
701 - Boston Bar First Nation 6876 KOPCHITCHIN NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Surface Water Small System 1999
701 - Boston Bar First Nation 6875 TUCKKWIOWHUM NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syste Groundwater Small System 1993
590 - Bridge River 7028 BRIDGE RIVER NO. 1 (Main Village) - Community Water Supply & Dis Surface Water Small System 1990
590 - Bridge River 7030 BRIDGE RIVER NO. 1 (Orchard Springs) - Community Water Supply & Surface Water Small System 1990
619 - Burns Lake 7068 BURNS LAKE NO. 18- Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1967
549 - Burrard 6961 BURRARD INLET NO. 3- Community Water Supply & Distribution Syste MTA MTA 1971
622 - Campbell River 7125 CAMPBELL RIVER NO. 11- Community Water Supply & Distribution Sys MTA MTA 1972
713 - Canim Lake 9751 Canim Lake No. 1 (E. Subd) - Community Water Supply & Distributi Groundwater Small System 1984
713 - Canim Lake 9752 Canim Lake No. 1 (Main Village) - Community Water Supply & Distr Groundwater Small System 2002
713 - Canim Lake 9753 Canim Lake No. 1 (W. Subd) - Community Water Supply & Distributi Groundwater Small System 1984
723 - Canoe Creek 7053 CANOE CREEK NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1992
723 - Canoe Creek 7054 DOG CREEK NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1998
623 - Cape Mudge 9779 Cape Mudge No. 10 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1968
623 - Cape Mudge 9778 Quisam No. 12 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S MTA MTA 1975
591 - Cayoose Creek 9794 CAYOOSH CREEK No. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syst Groundwater Small System 1980
591 - Cayoose Creek 9795 PASHILQUA No. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater GUDI None 1990
583 - Chawathil 7017 CHAWATHIL NO. 4 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater None 1984
583 - Chawathil 7015 SCHKAM NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sy Groundwater None 1986
584 - Cheam   CHEAM NO. 1 - East Hillside Subdivision Water System Groundwater None 1997
584 - Cheam 7020 CHEAM NO. 1- Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Syst MTA MTA 1980
559 - Chehalis 6982 CHEHALIS NO. 5 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1970
641 - Chemainus First Nation 6789 CHEMAINUS NO. 13 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 2002
641 - Chemainus First Nation 6788 OYSTER BAY NO. 12 (North) - Community Water Supply & Distributio Groundwater Small System 2002
641 - Chemainus First Nation 12280 SQUAW-HAY-ONE NO.11 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syst MTA MTA 1990
620 - Cheslatta Carrier Nation 7069 CHESLATTA NO. 1 (3 Nations) Community Water Treatment System - S Surface Water Level III 2001
693 - Coldwater 6854 COLDWATER NO. 1 (Kwinshatin) - Community Water Supply & Distribu Groundwater None 1993
693 - Coldwater 6855 COLDWATER NO. 1 (Lower Kwinshatin) - Community Water Supply & Di Groundwater None 1995
693 - Coldwater 6853 COLDWATER NO. 1 (Skugan) - Community Water Supply & Distribution Groundwater None 1991
624 - Comox 9758 COMOX IR #1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sys MTA MTA 1974
694 - Cook's Ferry 6857 KUMCHEEN NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1982
642 - Cowichan 9774 COWICHAN NO. 1 & IR NO. 9 Community Water Supply & Distribution MTA MTA 0
642 - Cowichan 9773 COWICHAN NO. 1 (Trestle /Miller Rd) - Community Water Supply & D Groundwater Small System 0
642 - Cowichan   COWICHAN NO.1 - Community Water Supply and Distribution MTA MTA 0
642 - Cowichan   COWICHAN NO.9 - (Peter Rd) - Community Water Supply & Distributi Groundwater Small System 0
642 - Cowichan   COWICHAN NO.9 - (River Bottom Rd) - Community Water Supply & Dis Groundwater Small System 0
642 - Cowichan   COWICHAN NO.9 - (Tommy Rd) - Community Water Supply & Distributi Groundwater Small System 0
642 - Cowichan 12259 THEIK NO. 2 & KIL- PAH-LAS NO. 3 - Community Water Supply & Distr MTA MTA 1969
635 - Da'naxda'xw First Nation 17018 DEAD POINT 5 Groundwater Small System 2002
662 - Ditidaht 6809 MALACHAN NO. 11 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1983
548 - Doig River 6822 Doig River NO. 206 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syst Groundwater Level III 1988
561 - Douglas 6984 PORT DOUGLAS ON DOUGLAS NO. 8 - Community Water Supply & Distrib Groundwater Small System 2004
561 - Douglas 6983 TIPELLA ON DOUGLAS NO. 8 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Groundwater Small System 1982
634 - Ehattesaht 9856 CHENAHKINT NO. 12 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Surface Water None 1950
634 - Ehattesaht 12239 EHATIS IR 11 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sy MTA MTA 1989
711 - Esketemc 7046 ALKALI LAKE NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1979
644 - Esquimalt 6790 ESQUIMALT - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Syst MTA MTA 1990
543 - Fort Nelson First Nation 6818 FORT NELSON NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1971
531 - Gitanmaax 6781 GITANMAAX NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Surface Water Level III 1994
537 - Gitanyow 6785 GITANYOW NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1992
535 - Gitsegukla 6784 GITSEGUKLA NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Surface Water Level II 1991
536 - Gitwangak 9782 Gitwangak 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sys Groundwater Small System 1972
672 - Gitxaala Nation 6953 DOLPHIN ISLAND NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Sys Surface Water Level II 1997
533 - Glen Vowell 6782 SIK-E-DAKH NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Surface Water Level II 1998
724 - GwaSala- Nakwaxdaxw 6825 TSULQUATE NO. 4 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1994
627 - Gwawaenuk Tribe 7124 HOPETOWN NO. 10A - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1989
534 - Hagwilget Village 6786 HAGWILGET NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1989
645 - Halalt 6791 HALALT NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sy Groundwater Small System 1990
546 - Halfway River First Nation 6820 HALFWAY RIVER NO. 168 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Sy Groundwater GUDI Small System 1984
675 - Hartley Bay 6956 KULKAYU (HARTLEY BAY) NO. 4 - Community Water Supply & Distribut Surface Water Level II 1997
538 - Heiltsuk 6957 BELLA BELLA NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Surface Water Level III 1965
661 - Hesquiaht 6808 REFUGE COVE NO. 6 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater None 1983
552 - Homalco 7098 HOMALCO NO. 9 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S MTA MTA 1993
664 - Hupacasath First Nation 6811 AHAHSWINIS NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1985
664 - Hupacasath First Nation 6812 KLEHKOOT NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Surface Water Small System 1989
663 - Huu-ay-aht First Nations 6810 ANACLA NO. 12 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S Groundwater Small System 1986
683 - Iskut 7072 ISKUT NO. 6 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sys Groundwater Small System 2009
638 - Ka:yu:kth/ Che:k:tles7eth First Nations 6829 HOUPSITAS NO. 6 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1984
688 - Kamloops 6839 KAMLOOPS NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Surface Water Level IV 1999
704 - Kanaka Bar 6877 NEKLIPTUM NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Surface Water Small System 1994
563 - Katzie 6991 BARNSTON ISLAND NO. 3 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Sy MTA MTA 1991
563 - Katzie 6986 KATZIE NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sy MTA MTA 1971
563 - Katzie 6989 KATZIE NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sy MTA MTA 1989
532 - Kispiox 6783 KISPIOX NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S Groundwater Level II 2005
676 - Kitamaat 6945 KITAMAAT NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater None 1977
540 - Kitasoo 6959 KITASOO NO. 1- Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sy Surface Water Level I 1992
680 - Kitselas 6946 KITSELAS NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater None 1991
681 - Kitsumkalum 6947 KITSUMKAYLUM NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syste Groundwater Level II 1963
553 - Klahoose First Nation 6962 TORK NO. 7 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Syst Groundwater Small System 1975
721 - Kluskus 7065 KLUSKUS NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S Groundwater Small System 2014
610 - Kwadacha First Nation 6944 Fort Ware NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 2014
626 - Kwakiutl 6824 FORT RUPERT NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1975
564 - Kwantlen First Nation 6992 MCMILLAN ISLAND NO. 6 - Community Water Distribution System MTA MTA 1987
625 - Kwicksutaineuk-ah-kwaw-ah-mish 6823 GWAYASDUMS NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Level III 1996
560 - Kwikwetlem First Nation 17023 KWIKWETLAM Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 2007
607 - Lake Babine Nation 6930 Babine NO. 25 (Tachet) - Community Water Supply & Distribution Surface Water Level II 2000
607 - Lake Babine Nation 6929 Babine NO. 6 (Fort Babine) - Community Water Supply & Distributi Surface Water Level II 2009
607 - Lake Babine Nation NEW001 WOYENNE NO. 27 - MTA WITH BURNS LAKE MTA MTA 1992
643 - Lake Cowichan First Nation 12281 COWICHAN LAKE - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1980
674 - Lax-kwalaams 6955 LAX KW'ALAAMS NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syst Surface Water Level II 1998
579 - Leq a: mel First Nation 7006 HOLACHTEN NO. 8 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater None 1979
579 - Leq a: mel First Nation 7008 LAKAHAHMEN NO. 11 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1990
579 - Leq a: mel First Nation 7007 SKWEAHM NO. 10 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1985
611 - Lheidli Tenneh 6926 FORT GEORGE NO. 2 (N. Shelly) - Community Water Supply & Distrib Groundwater GUDI Small System 1997
611 - Lheidli Tenneh 6925 FORT GEORGE NO. 2 ( S. Shelly) - Community Water Supply & Distrib Groundwater GUDI Small System 1983
689 - Little Shuswap Lake 6845 NORTH BAY NO. 5 (Tappen System) - Community Water Supply & Distr Groundwater Small System 1998
689 - Little Shuswap Lake 6840 QUAAOUT NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S Groundwater Small System 2007
689 - Little Shuswap Lake 6841 QUAAOUT NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S Groundwater Small System 2009
606 - Lower Kootenay 6920 CRESTON NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S Groundwater Small System 1987
695 - Lower Nicola 6864 Joeyaska No. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1980
695 - Lower Nicola 6860 Nicola Mameet No. 1 (Rockey Pines) - Community Water Supply & Di Groundwater Small System 2008
695 - Lower Nicola 6863 Nicola Mameet No. 1 (Shulus Springs) - Community Water Supply & Groundwater Small System 1995
695 - Lower Nicola 6865 Zoht No. 4 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Syst Groundwater Small System 1985
598 - Lower Similkameen 6909 ASHNOLA NO. 10 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater None 1982
598 - Lower Similkameen 6906 BLIND CREEK NO. 6 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater None 1987
598 - Lower Similkameen 6907 CHOPAKA NO. 7 & 8 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater None 1991
705 - Lytton 6885 KITZOWIT NO. 20 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Surface Water Small System 2000
705 - Lytton 6883 KLAHKAMICH NO. 17 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1975
705 - Lytton 6884 KLICKKUMCHEEN NO. 18 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Sys MTA MTA 1979
705 - Lytton 6882 LYTTON NO. 9A and NKAIH NO. 10) - Community Water Supply & Distr Surface Water Small System 1989
705 - Lytton 6878 NICKEL PALM NO. 4 & 4A - Community Water Supply & Distribution S Surface Water Small System 1987
705 - Lytton 6886 NICKEYEAH NO. 25 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Surface Water Small System 1990
705 - Lytton 6887 PAPYUM NO. 27 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S Groundwater Small System 1985
705 - Lytton 6880 SEAH NO. 5 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Syst Groundwater Small System 1985
705 - Lytton 6881 STRYEN NO. 9, NUUAUTIN NO. 2, INKLUCKCHEEN NO. 21 - Community Wa Surface Water Small System 1997
647 - Malahat First Nation 6792 MALAHAT NO. 11 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater None 1990
565 - Matsqui 6993 MATSQUI MAIN NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syste MTA MTA 1990
618 - McLeod Lake 6927 MCLEOD LAKE NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater GUDI Small System 0
673 - Metlakatla 6954 S1/2 TSIMPSEAN NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Sys Surface Water Level II 1993
530 - Moricetown 6780 MORICETOWN NO. 1- Community Water Supply & Distribution System Surface Water Level II 1989
557 - Mount Currie 6981 MOUNT CURRIE IR's: 10, 1, 8, 3 - Community Water Supply & Distri Groundwater Level I 1970
557 - Mount Currie 6980 MOUNT CURRIE NO. 6 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syste Groundwater Level I 1984
630 - Mowachaht/Muchalaht 9784 TSA XANA NO. 18 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater None 1995
550 - Musqueam 7070 MUSQUEAM NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1971
612 - Nadleh Whuten 6923 NAUTLEY NO. 1 (Fort Fraser) - Community Water Supply & Distribut Groundwater Small System 0
612 - Nadleh Whuten 6924 SEASPUNKUT NO. 4 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1958
614 - Nakazdli 6937 NAK'AZDLI - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Syste MTA MTA 1984
614 - Nakazdli 6939 WILLIAMS PRAIRIE MEADOW NO. 1A - Community Water Supply & Distri Groundwater Small System 1990
631 - Namgis First Nation 6826 ALERT BAY NO. 1 & NO. 1A - Community Water Supply & Distribution Groundwater Level I 1955
649 - Nanoose First Nation 6796 NANOOSE IR - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 2008
720 - Nazko 7064 NAZKO NO. 20 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sy Groundwater Small System 1985
690 - Neskonlith 7116 NESKONLITH NO 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1974
690 - Neskonlith 6846 NESKONLITH NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Surface Water Level II 2002
690 - Neskonlith 6847 SWITSEMALPH NO. 3 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1994
696 - Nicomen 6866 NICOMEN NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S Groundwater Small System 1984
671 - Nisgaa Village of Gingolx 9669 KINCOLITH NO. 14 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1984
679 - Nisgaa Village of Gitwinksihlkw 9665 GITWINKSIHLKW NO. 7 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syst Surface Water Small System 1981
678 - Nisgaa Village of Laxgaltsap 9663 LACHKALTSAP NO. 9 (Village) - Community Water Supply & Distribut Groundwater GUDI Small System 1984
677 - Nisgaa Village of New Aiyansh 9667 NEW AIYANSH NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Surface Water Level II 1994
699 - Nooaitch 6871 NOOAITCH NO. 10 (Main Community) - Community Water Supply & Dist Groundwater None 1997
556 - NQuatqua 6976 NEQUATQUE NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater None 1984
556 - NQuatqua 6977 NEQUATQUE NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater None 1985
639 - Nuchatlaht 9792 OCLUCJE NO. 7 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S Groundwater Small System 1987
539 - Nuxalk Nation 6958 BELLA COOLA NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Level I 1981
616 - Okanagan 6893 OKANAGAN NO. 1 (Bradley Creek) - Community Water Supply & Distri Groundwater GUDI None 1983
616 - Okanagan 6898 OKANAGAN NO. 1 (Irish Creek) - Community Water Supply & Distribu Groundwater GUDI None 1977
616 - Okanagan 6896 OKANAGAN NO. 1 (Round Lake) - Community Water Supply & Distribut Groundwater None 1975
616 - Okanagan 6900 OKANAGAN NO. 1 (Salmon River) - Community Water Supply & Distrib Groundwater None 1960
616 - Okanagan 6894 OKANAGAN NO. 1 (Six Mile) - Community Water Supply & Distributio Groundwater None 1982
616 - Okanagan 6895 OKANAGAN NO. 1 (Whiteman Creek) - Community Water Supply & Distr Groundwater None 1980
669 - Old Massett Village Council 6951 MASSET NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sy MTA MTA 1999
692 - Oregon Jack Creek 6852 Upper Nepa No. 6 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 2000
596 - Osoyoos 6901 OSOYOOS NO. 1 (Main System) - Community Water Supply & Distribut Groundwater None 1997
541 - Oweekeno/Wuikinuxv Nation 6960 KATIT NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sys Groundwater None 1990
652 - Pauquachin 6799 COLE BAY NO. 3 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1992
650 - Penelakut 6797 KUPER ISLAND NO. 7 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syste Groundwater Small System 1999
650 - Penelakut 12279 TSUSSIE No. 6 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S MTA MTA 1998
597 - Penticton 6903 PENTICTON NO. 1 (L. Village) - Community Water Supply & Distribu Groundwater None 1988
597 - Penticton 6904 PENTICTON NO. 1 (U. Village) - Community Water Supply & Distribu Groundwater None 1997
544 - Prophet River First Nation 6817 PROPHET RIVER NO. 4 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syst Groundwater Small System 1990
651 - Qualicum First Nation 6798 QUALICUM - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1997
633 - Quatsino 7075 QUATSINO SUBDIVISION NO. 18 - Community Water Supply & Distribut MTA MTA 1980
715 - Red Bluff 7058 QUESNEL NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S Groundwater None 1990
615 - Saikuz First Nation 6936 LAKETOWN NO. 3 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1997
615 - Saikuz First Nation 6935 STONY CREEK NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1971
567 - Samahquam 6994 BAPTISTE SMITH NO. 1B - Community Water Supply & Distribution Sy Groundwater None 1994
542 - Saulteau First Nations 6816 EAST MOBERLY LAKE NO. 169 - Community Water Supply & Distributio Groundwater Small System 1996
568 - Scowlitz 6995 SCOWLITZ NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1996
568 - Scowlitz 6996 SQUAWKUM CREEK NO. 3 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Sys Groundwater Small System 1986
581 - Seabird Island 7009 SEABIRD ISLAND - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 2001
551 - Sechelt 9790 SECHELT NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S MTA MTA 1929
569 - Semiahmoo 6997 SEMIAHMOO IR - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sy MTA MTA 1970
595 - Seton Lake 7041 SLOSH NO. 1 (Seton Portage) - Community Water Supply & Distribut Groundwater None 1990
595 - Seton Lake 7040 SLOSH NO. 1 (Shalath) - Community Water Supply & Distribution Sy Groundwater None 1977
595 - Seton Lake 7042 SLOSH NO. 1 (Skiel Mtn) - Community Water Supply & Distribution Groundwater Small System 1995
698 - Shackan 6869 SHACKAN NO. 11 (Main Village) - Community Water Supply & Distrib Groundwater GUDI None 1990
605 - Shuswap NEW001 KINBASKET TRAILER PARK WATER SYSTEM Surface Water Small System 0
605 - Shuswap 6918 SHUSWAP (Shuswap Village) - Community Water Supply & Distributio Groundwater Small System 1980
605 - Shuswap 6919 SHUSWAP (Stoddard Village) - Community Water Supply & Distributi Groundwater Small System 1993
570 - Shxwhá:y Village 9858 SKWAY NO. 5 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sys MTA MTA 1991
587 - Shxw'ow'hamel First Nation 7025 OHAMIL NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sy Groundwater Small System 1999
691 - Simpcw First Nation 6848 NORTH THOMPSON NO. 1 (Newhykulston Creek - Main Village)- Commu Groundwater Small System 1986
691 - Simpcw First Nation 6849 NORTH THOMPSON NO. 1 (Chinook Cove) - Community Water Supply & D Groundwater Small System 1985
691 - Simpcw First Nation 6850 NORTH THOMPSON NO. 1 (Louisa Jules) - Community Water Supply & D Groundwater Small System 2001
706 - Siska 6888 SISKA FLAT NO. 3 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1980
706 - Siska 6889 SISKA FLAT NO. 5B - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1990
562 - Skatin Nations 6985 SKOOKUMCHUCK NO. 4 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syste Groundwater None 1996
582 - Skawahlook First Nation 7011 RUBY CREEK NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater None 1994
687 - Skeetchestn 6837 SKEETCHESTN (Main Community) - Community Water Supply & Distribu Groundwater Small System 1983
687 - Skeetchestn 6838 SKEETCHESTN (Main Community)- Community Water Supply & Distribut Groundwater None 1995
670 - Skidegate 6952 SKIDEGATE NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Surface Water Level III 1998
707 - Skuppah 6890 SKUPPAH NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S Surface Water Level II 2001
573 - Skwah 7114 SKWAH NO. 4 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sys MTA MTA 1985
554 - Sliammon 6963 SLIAMMON NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Surface Water Level III 1998
648 - Snuneymuxw First Nation 6794 NANAIMO RIVER NO. 3 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syst MTA MTA 1965
648 - Snuneymuxw First Nation 6795 NANAIMO RIVER NO. 4 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syst MTA MTA 1965
648 - Snuneymuxw First Nation 6793 NANAIMO TOWN NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syste MTA MTA 1965
716 - Soda Creek 7060 DEEP CREEK NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater GUDI Level II 1999
716 - Soda Creek 7059 SODA CREEK NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Surface Water Level I 1990
656 - Songhees First Nation 9788 NEW SONGHEES NO. 1A - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syst MTA MTA 1980
572 - Soowahlie 6999 SOOWAHLIE NO. 14 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater None 1993
600 - Spallumcheen 6911 ENDERBY NO. 2 (Canyon) - Community Water Supply & Distribution S Groundwater Small System 1999
600 - Spallumcheen 6912 ENDERBY NO. 2 (Jack Pine) - Community Water Supply & Distributio Groundwater Small System 1977
708 - Spuzzum 6892 SPUZZUM NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S Surface Water Small System 1998
555 - Squamish 6966 CAPILANO NO. 5 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 0
555 - Squamish 6972 CHEAKAMUS NO. 11 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1970
555 - Squamish   KOWTAIN NO. 17 - Community Water System MTA MTA 0
555 - Squamish 6964 MISSION NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S MTA MTA 1984
555 - Squamish 6965 SEYMOUR CREEK NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syst MTA MTA 0
555 - Squamish 6975 STAWAMUS NO. 24 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1970
555 - Squamish 6974 WAIWAKUM NO. 14 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1970
555 - Squamish   YEKWAUPSUM NO. 18 - Community Water System MTA MTA 0
574 - Squiala First Nation 7000 SQUIAALA NO. 7 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1970
574 - Squiala First Nation   SQUIAALA NO. 8 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 2008
602 - St. Marys 6915 KOOTENAY NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1997
613 - Stellat'en First Nation 6932 STELLAQUO (STELLA) NO. 1 (Northside Subd)- Community Water Supp Groundwater Small System 1983
717 - Stone 7061 STONE NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sys Surface Water Level II 2001
578 - Sumas First Nation 7005 UPPER SUMAS NO. 6 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1982
682 - Tahltan 6950 DEASE LAKE NO. 9 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1992
682 - Tahltan 6949 TELEGRAPH CREEK NO. 6 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Sy Groundwater Small System 1980
608 - Takla Lake First Nation 6931 NORTH TAKLA LAKE NO. 7 - Community Water Supply & Distribution S Surface Water Level III 2005
593 - T'it'q'et 7037 LILLOOET NO. 1 (T'it'q'et Heights Subd) - Community Water Supply MTA MTA 0
593 - T'it'q'et 7035 MCCARTNEY'S FLAT NO. 4 - Community Water Supply & Distribution S Groundwater None 1981
593 - T'it'q'et 7036 SETON LAKE NO. 5 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Surface Water Small System 1988
593 - T'it'q'et 7034 TOWINOCK NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater None 1988
660 - Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations 6807 ESOWISTA NO. 3 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 0
660 - Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations 6806 OPITSAT NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S Surface Water Level II 1999
632 - Tlatlasikwala 6827 HOPE ISLAND NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Surface Water Small System 2001
617 - Tl'azt'en Nation 6941 BINCHE NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sy Groundwater GUDI Small System 1983
617 - Tl'azt'en Nation 6943 DZITLINE LEE NO. 9 (Middle River aka Gelangle 1) - Community Wat Surface Water Small System 1985
617 - Tl'azt'en Nation 6940 TACHE NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sys Surface Water Level III 1998
712 - Tl'etinqox-t'in Government Office 7048 ANAHIM'S FLAT NO. 1 (Main System) - Community Water Supply & Dis Groundwater Small System 1980
603 - Tobacco Plains 6916 TOBACCO PLAINS NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Sys Groundwater Small System 2001
718 - Toosey 7062 TOOSEY NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sy Groundwater None 1984
666 - Toquaht 7123 MACOAH NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sy Surface Water Small System 1989
653 - Tsartlip 9836 SOUTH SAANICH NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syst MTA MTA 0
636 - Tsawataineuk 6828 QUAEE NO. 7 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Sys Groundwater Small System 1997
654 - Tsawout First Nation 6800 EAST SAANICH NO. 2- Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 0
577 - Tsawwassen First Nation 7004 TSAWWASSEN - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - Syst MTA MTA 1996
609 - Tsay Keh Dene 7106 FINLAY RIVER (reserve name not changed yet) - Community Water Su Groundwater Small System 0
665 - Tseshaht 6813 TSAHAHEH NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1971
655 - Tseycum 6801 UNION BAY NO. 4 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1982
594 - Tskwaylaxw First Nation 7039 Marble Canyon No. 3 (aka Marble Canyon 3A) - Community Water Sup Groundwater None 1985
594 - Tskwaylaxw First Nation 7038 PAVILION NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater None 1972
657 - TSou-ke First Nation 6802 T'SOU-KE NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1970
657 - TSou-ke First Nation 6803 T'SOU-KE NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1994
575 - Tzeachten 7003 TZEACHTEN NO. 13 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1994
667 - Uchucklesaht 6814 ELHLATEESE NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater None 1985
668 - Ucluelet First Nation 6815 ITTATSOO NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System MTA MTA 1973
722 - Ulkatcho 7067 ULKATCHO NO. 14A - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Level I 1997
697 - Upper Nicola 6868 DOUGLAS LAKE NO. 3 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syste Groundwater None 1997
697 - Upper Nicola 6867 NICOLA LAKE NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater GUDI None 1985
599 - Upper Similkameen 6910 CHUCHUWAYHA NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater None 1987
545 - West Moberly First Nations 6819 WEST MOBERLY LAKE NO. 168A - Community Water Supply & Distributi Surface Water Level I 1996
601 - Westbank First Nation 6914 TSINSTIKEPTUM NO. 10 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Sys Surface Water None 1985
601 - Westbank First Nation 6913 TSINSTIKEPTUM NO. 9 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syst Surface Water None 1991
725 - Wetsuweten First Nation 6922 DUNCAN LAKE NO. 2 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater None 1992
725 - Wetsuweten First Nation 6921 PALLING NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S Groundwater Small System 1995
702 - Whispering Pines/Clinton 7073 WHISPERING PINES NO. 4 - Band Office & Community Water System Groundwater Small System 2000
702 - Whispering Pines/Clinton 7074 WHISPERING PINES NO. 4 - Community Water Supply & Distribution S Groundwater Small System 1988
702 - Whispering Pines/Clinton   WHISPERING PINES NO. 4 - Ed Lebourdais Community Water System Groundwater None 0
719 - Williams Lake 7063 WILLIAMS LAKE NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syst Groundwater Small System 1986
592 - Xaxli'p 7033 CHILHIL NO. 6 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S Groundwater Small System 1985
592 - Xaxli'p 7031 FOUNTAIN NO. 1 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater Small System 1983
714 - Xeni Gwet'in First Nations Government 7055 CHILCO LAKE NO. 1A - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syste Surface Water Small System 1994
714 - Xeni Gwet'in First Nations Government 7056 LOHBIEE NO. 3 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System - S Groundwater Small System 1998
576 - Yakweakwioose 9671 YAKWEAKWIOOSE NO. 12 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Sys MTA MTA 0
589 - Yale First Nation 7027 LUKSEETSISSUM NO. 9 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syst Groundwater None 1984
589 - Yale First Nation 7026 STULLAWHEETS NO. 8 - Community Water Supply & Distribution Syste Groundwater None 1984
728 - Yekooche 6942 YE KOO CHE NO. 3 - Community Water Supply & Distribution System Groundwater GUDI Small System 1986
Table D.1 - 1: Water System Regional Summary of Water Treatment, Storage and Distribution Systems (continued)
First Nation Information Water System Information Storage Information
Band # - Band Name Design Capacity [m 3/d] Actual Capacity [m 3/d] Max Daily Volume [m 3/d] Disinfection Storage Type Storage Capacity
684 - Adams Lake       No None  
684 - Adams Lake       Yes Elevated 590
684 - Adams Lake     181.6 MTA Underground MTA
659 - Ahousaht 1065 1065 878 Yes Grade level 745
604 - Akisqnuk First Nation 372 372 62 Yes Grade level 341
604 - Akisqnuk First Nation n/a n/a 23 No Underground 220
709 - Alexandria not known 38 38 (est.) No Underground 170
710 - Alexis Creek     14 No None  
710 - Alexis Creek   560 195 No Underground 364 (182 + 182)
685 - Ashcroft       No Underground 250
640 - Beecher Bay N/A N/A 117 MTA Grade level, Underground MTA
547 - Blueberry River First Nations 112 112 187 (est.) Yes Grade level 220
686 - Bonaparte       No Underground 186
686 - Bonaparte       No None  
700 - Boothroyd 950 518 N/A No Standpipe 243
701 - Boston Bar First Nation 121 121 83 Yes Grade level 170
701 - Boston Bar First Nation 138 138 48 No Underground 161
590 - Bridge River       Yes Underground 195
590 - Bridge River       Yes Underground 201
619 - Burns Lake unknown unknown 52 MTA   MTA
549 - Burrard       MTA None MTA
622 - Campbell River Unknown Unknown 341 (est.) MTA None MTA
713 - Canim Lake 0.76 0.39   No Underground 182
713 - Canim Lake 3.85 3.85   Yes Underground 182
713 - Canim Lake       No Underground 182
723 - Canoe Creek 162 162 84 Yes Underground 228
723 - Canoe Creek Unknown 216 126 No Underground 136
623 - Cape Mudge (Not known) 242 336 Yes Grade level 450
623 - Cape Mudge NA N/A 293 MTA None MTA
591 - Cayoose Creek       No Underground 280
591 - Cayoose Creek       Yes Underground 133
583 - Chawathil N/A N/A N/A No Underground 208
583 - Chawathil N/A N/A N/A No Underground 192
584 - Cheam 216 216   No None  
584 - Cheam       MTA None MTA
559 - Chehalis 585 585   Yes Standpipe 567
641 - Chemainus First Nation unknown 674 527 Yes Elevated, Standpipe 1000
641 - Chemainus First Nation Unknown 86.5 63 Yes Elevated, Standpipe 680
641 - Chemainus First Nation Unknown Unknown 31 MTA None MTA
620 - Cheslatta Carrier Nation 540 540 303 Yes Grade level 177
693 - Coldwater 589 N/A 174 No Underground 454
693 - Coldwater 589 N/A 52 No Underground 45
693 - Coldwater N/A N/A 38 No Grade level 91
624 - Comox N/A N/A 250 (est.) MTA None MTA
694 - Cook's Ferry 345 N/A 20.5 Yes Underground 181
642 - Cowichan unknown unknown 742 (est.) MTA   MTA
642 - Cowichan unknown unknown 57 (est.) No None 0
642 - Cowichan unknown unknown 738 (est.) MTA None MTA
642 - Cowichan unknown unknown 203 (est.) Yes None  
642 - Cowichan unknown unknown 203 (est.) Yes None  
642 - Cowichan unknown unknown 203 (est.) Yes Underground unknown
642 - Cowichan Unknown Unknown 49 (est.) MTA None MTA
635 - Da'naxda'xw First Nation 52 35 16.6 Yes Elevated 157
662 - Ditidaht 441 441 (est.) 225 Yes Standpipe 617
548 - Doig River 70 70 50 Yes Elevated 600
561 - Douglas 168.5 510 12 Yes None  
561 - Douglas 118 1580 40 Yes Standpipe 330.8
634 - Ehattesaht unknown unknown 0 No None  
634 - Ehattesaht unknown unknown 85 MTA None MTA
711 - Esketemc 400 400 263 No Underground 480
644 - Esquimalt       MTA None MTA
543 - Fort Nelson First Nation unknown unknown 488 (est.) MTA   MTA
531 - Gitanmaax 1620 1620 1060 Yes Grade level 1500
537 - Gitanyow 784 784 424 No Grade level, Underground 700
535 - Gitsegukla 677 690 465 Yes Grade level 455
536 - Gitwangak 527 527 397 No Underground 651
672 - Gitxaala Nation 420 420 410 Yes Grade level 820
533 - Glen Vowell 294 294 240 Yes Standpipe 395
724 - GwaSala- Nakwaxdaxw N/A N/A 536 MTA None MTA
627 - Gwawaenuk Tribe 35     No Elevated 13.6
534 - Hagwilget Village Unknown Unknown 276 MTA None MTA
645 - Halalt n/a 2160 89 No Grade level 200
546 - Halfway River First Nation unknown unknown 136 (est.) Yes Underground 180
675 - Hartley Bay 185 185 191 Yes Grade level 350
538 - Heiltsuk 1450 1300 1300 Yes Elevated, Standpipe evated) and 900 (sta
661 - Hesquiaht 100 100 87 Yes Grade level 246
552 - Homalco 300 Unknown 205 (est.) MTA Elevated, Standpipe MTA
664 - Hupacasath First Nation Not Available Not Available 137 MTA None MTA
664 - Hupacasath First Nation Not Available Not Available 20 Yes Standpipe 240
663 - Huu-ay-aht First Nations unknown unknown unknown Yes Grade level 216.5
683 - Iskut 432 432 483.6 Yes Standpipe 398
638 - Ka:yu:kth/ Che:k:tles7eth First Nations unknown 950 244 No Elevated 400
688 - Kamloops 13000 13000 8900 Yes Grade level, Underground 4900
704 - Kanaka Bar 358 358 177 Yes Underground 225
563 - Katzie Unknown Unknown Unknown MTA None MTA
563 - Katzie Unknown Unknown Unknown MTA None MTA
563 - Katzie Unknown Unknown Unknown MTA None MTA
532 - Kispiox 1100 1100 1125 Yes Standpipe 1078 (503 + 575)
676 - Kitamaat   777.6 503 No Underground 538
540 - Kitasoo 650 385 300 Yes Standpipe 500
680 - Kitselas 345.6 183.3 225.2 No Elevated 632
680 - Kitselas       MTA None MTA
681 - Kitsumkalum 450 450 362 Yes Standpipe 320
553 - Klahoose First Nation 117.54 52 109 (est.) No Elevated 182
721 - Kluskus       No Underground 67
610 - Kwadacha First Nation unknown unknown 260 (est.) No Standpipe 240
626 - Kwakiutl       MTA None MTA
564 - Kwantlen First Nation Unknown Unknown Unknown MTA None MTA
580 - Kwaw-kwaw-Apilt       MTA None MTA
625 - Kwicksutaineuk-ah-kwaw-ah-mish 27.6 27.6 18 Yes Elevated 170
560 - Kwikwetlem First Nation Unknown Unknown Unknown MTA None MTA
607 - Lake Babine Nation 220 220 99 Yes Standpipe 440
607 - Lake Babine Nation 130 130 72 Yes Underground 486
607 - Lake Babine Nation unknown unknown 593 MTA   MTA
643 - Lake Cowichan First Nation unknown unknown unknown MTA None MTA
674 - Lax-kwalaams 1915 1915 691 Yes Grade level 900
579 - Leq a: mel First Nation 380 380 171 No Grade level, Underground 243
579 - Leq a: mel First Nation   138 195 No None  
579 - Leq a: mel First Nation 381 381 48.5 No None  
611 - Lheidli Tenneh 144 (est.) 144 56 Yes Standpipe 364
611 - Lheidli Tenneh 73 (est.) 73 36 Yes Underground 228
689 - Little Shuswap Lake       No Elevated 250
689 - Little Shuswap Lake       Yes Elevated 2532
689 - Little Shuswap Lake       No Elevated 100
606 - Lower Kootenay 735 735 162 No Underground 359
695 - Lower Nicola       No None  
695 - Lower Nicola       Yes Elevated, Underground 380
695 - Lower Nicola       No Elevated, Underground 969
695 - Lower Nicola       No None  
598 - Lower Similkameen N/A N/A N/A No Elevated 109
598 - Lower Similkameen N/A N/A N/A No None 0
598 - Lower Similkameen N/A N/A N/A No None 0
705 - Lytton not known not known 20 Yes Underground 29
705 - Lytton not known not known 59 MTA None MTA
705 - Lytton not known not known 105 MTA None MTA
705 - Lytton not known not known 18 Yes Underground 46
705 - Lytton not known not known 18 Yes Underground 45
705 - Lytton not known not known 20 Yes Underground 46
705 - Lytton not known not known 26 No Underground 46
705 - Lytton not known not known 18 Yes Underground 46
705 - Lytton 1839 1839 363 Yes Grade level, Underground 695
647 - Malahat First Nation 121 121 111 No Grade level 350
565 - Matsqui Unknown Unknown Unknown MTA None MTA
618 - McLeod Lake unknown unknown 100 (est.) No Standpipe 288
673 - Metlakatla 105 105 90 Yes Grade level 300
530 - Moricetown 1480 1480 570 Yes Grade level, Underground 800
557 - Mount Currie 1365 1365   Yes Standpipe 900
557 - Mount Currie 875 875 750 Yes Grade level 402.5
630 - Mowachaht/Muchalaht 259 259 429 No Grade level 450
550 - Musqueam Unknown Unknown Unknown MTA None MTA
612 - Nadleh Whuten unknown 346 99 Yes Grade level 313
612 - Nadleh Whuten 173 173 3.9 Yes Elevated 20
614 - Nakazdli     653.3 MTA None MTA
614 - Nakazdli 43.2 36.8 14.0 No Underground 23
631 - Namgis First Nation 725.8 725.8 955 No Standpipe 1223
649 - Nanoose First Nation 328 328 257.1 Yes Standpipe 863
720 - Nazko 164 164   No Underground 182
726 - Nee-Tahi-Buhn 540 540 295 MTA None MTA
690 - Neskonlith       Yes None 0
690 - Neskonlith 276 276   Yes Underground 409
690 - Neskonlith 9500 9500   MTA Underground MTA
696 - Nicomen 164 164 67 No Underground 409
671 - Nisgaa Village of Gingolx 916 916 439 No Standpipe 364
679 - Nisgaa Village of Gitwinksihlkw not known not known 224 (est.) Yes Standpipe 360
678 - Nisgaa Village of Laxgaltsap not known not known 678 No Standpipe 690
677 - Nisgaa Village of New Aiyansh 960 960 826 Yes Standpipe 330
699 - Nooaitch N/A N/A 117 No Underground 204
556 - NQuatqua 907 1763 1215 No Underground 182
556 - NQuatqua     26.4 No None  
639 - Nuchatlaht 86 54 38 No Standpipe 172
539 - Nuxalk Nation 1296 1296 975 Yes Underground 1845 (755 + 1090)
616 - Okanagan N/A N/A N/A No Underground 136.5
616 - Okanagan N/A N/A N/A No Underground 136.5
616 - Okanagan N/A N/A N/A No None 0
616 - Okanagan N/A N/A N/A No None 0
616 - Okanagan N/A N/A N/A No Underground 200
616 - Okanagan N/A N/A N/A No Underground 136.5
669 - Old Massett Village Council 1700 1558 200 MTA Standpipe MTA
692 - Oregon Jack Creek       No Underground 2@18.2
596 - Osoyoos N/A N/A N/A No Underground 123
541 - Oweekeno/Wuikinuxv Nation 450 1815 86 No Standpipe 157
652 - Pauquachin Unknown Unknown 219 (est.) MTA None MTA
650 - Penelakut 726 726 377 Yes Standpipe 468
650 - Penelakut n/a n/a 72 MTA None MTA
597 - Penticton N/A N/A N/A No Underground 136
597 - Penticton N/A N/A N/A No Underground 571
544 - Prophet River First Nation 518 518 125 Yes Standpipe 510
651 - Qualicum First Nation       MTA None MTA
633 - Quatsino       MTA None MTA
715 - Red Bluff not known not known not known Yes Standpipe 332
615 - Saikuz First Nation 108   6.6 Yes    
615 - Saikuz First Nation 518.4 518.4 328.3 No Standpipe 510
567 - Samahquam 59   132 No Standpipe 165
542 - Saulteau First Nations n/a 389 439 No Standpipe, Underground 600
568 - Scowlitz Unknown   unknown Yes Grade level 7.05
568 - Scowlitz Unknown Unknown Unknown No Grade level 345
581 - Seabird Island 2151 2151 564 Yes Standpipe 880
551 - Sechelt 32000 32000 25000 MTA   MTA
569 - Semiahmoo       MTA None MTA
595 - Seton Lake 354 354 44 No Underground 195
595 - Seton Lake 786 656 142 No Underground 447.5
595 - Seton Lake 279 279 138 Yes Underground 240
698 - Shackan N/A N/A 74 No Underground 204
605 - Shuswap Not known not known 8 No None  
605 - Shuswap Not known 152 (minimu 24 Yes Underground 2275
605 - Shuswap not known not known 20.5 No Standpipe 208
570 - Shxwhá:y Village Unknown Unknown 142 MTA None MTA
587 - Shxw'ow'hamel First Nation N/A N/A N/A No Elevated 950
691 - Simpcw First Nation       Yes Underground 182
691 - Simpcw First Nation       Yes Underground 168
691 - Simpcw First Nation 54.4 54.4   No None  
706 - Siska Not known Not known 52 No Underground 182
706 - Siska Not known Not known 12 No None 0
562 - Skatin Nations 272 1106   No Standpipe 165.5
582 - Skawahlook First Nation       No None  
687 - Skeetchestn unknown     No Underground 463
687 - Skeetchestn unknown 432   Yes Underground 364
687 - Skeetchestn       No Underground unknown
670 - Skidegate 840 840 905 Yes Standpipe m3 (364 + 568 + 723
729 - Skin Tyee 540 540 295 MTA None MTA
571 - Skowkale N/A N/A 244 MTA None MTA
707 - Skuppah 189 189 155 Yes Underground 113.4
573 - Skwah       MTA None MTA
554 - Sliammon 1129 1129 584 Yes Grade level 1073
648 - Snuneymuxw First Nation       MTA None MTA
648 - Snuneymuxw First Nation       MTA None MTA
648 - Snuneymuxw First Nation       MTA   MTA
716 - Soda Creek 345.6 345.6 109.2 Yes Underground 342
716 - Soda Creek not known 37 not known Yes Underground 145
656 - Songhees First Nation       MTA None MTA
572 - Soowahlie 907 907 239 No Grade level 227
600 - Spallumcheen 562 562   No Elevated 140
600 - Spallumcheen       No Elevated, Underground 150
708 - Spuzzum 147 147 42 Yes Underground 136
555 - Squamish       MTA None MTA
555 - Squamish       No None pressure tanks
555 - Squamish       MTA None MTA
555 - Squamish       MTA None MTA
555 - Squamish       MTA None MTA
555 - Squamish       MTA None MTA
555 - Squamish       MTA None MTA
555 - Squamish       MTA None MTA
574 - Squiala First Nation Unknown   81.4 MTA None MTA
574 - Squiala First Nation Unknown Unknown Unknown MTA None MTA
602 - St. Marys 1306 1306 39 (estimate No Grade level 2320
613 - Stellat'en First Nation   389 160 Yes Underground 177.6
717 - Stone 260 260 219 Yes Underground 330
578 - Sumas First Nation 390 390 260 Yes Underground 232.8
682 - Tahltan 345.6 345.6 85.8 Yes Standpipe 433
682 - Tahltan 413 413 423.2 Yes Standpipe 378
608 - Takla Lake First Nation 650 650 200 Yes Standpipe 284
593 - T'it'q'et       MTA Underground MTA
593 - T'it'q'et 170 170 21.4 Yes Underground 180
593 - T'it'q'et       Yes None  
593 - T'it'q'et 133 585   No Underground 15
660 - Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations Unknown Unknown 244 MTA Grade level MTA
660 - Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations 168 168 168 Yes Grade level 225
632 - Tlatlasikwala 73.5 73.5   Yes Underground 170
617 - Tl'azt'en Nation not known not known 137 Yes Standpipe 480
617 - Tl'azt'en Nation 31.6 31.6 31.6 Yes Grade level 29
617 - Tl'azt'en Nation 688 688 683 Yes Standpipe 350
712 - Tl'etinqox-t'in Government Office       No Underground 735
603 - Tobacco Plains 259 259 150 Yes Underground 136.5
718 - Toosey     160 No Underground 145
666 - Toquaht 30 Unknown 29 No Grade level 150
653 - Tsartlip Unknown Unknown 486 (est) MTA None MTA
636 - Tsawataineuk 139 139 24 Yes Elevated 227.3
654 - Tsawout First Nation Unknown Unknown 634 (est.) MTA None MTA
577 - Tsawwassen First Nation       MTA None MTA
609 - Tsay Keh Dene unknown unknown 193 (est.) No Standpipe 460
665 - Tseshaht Not Available Not Available 1429 MTA Standpipe MTA
655 - Tseycum Unknown Unknown 137 MTA None MTA
594 - Tskwaylaxw First Nation       No Underground 181
594 - Tskwaylaxw First Nation       Yes Underground 181
657 - TSou-ke First Nation       MTA None MTA
657 - TSou-ke First Nation       MTA None MTA
575 - Tzeachten       MTA None MTA
667 - Uchucklesaht Not known Not known 20 No Grade level 160
668 - Ucluelet First Nation 0 655 158 MTA Standpipe MTA
722 - Ulkatcho 622 622 325 Yes Standpipe 1300 (950 + 350)
697 - Upper Nicola N/A N/A 690 No Underground 595
697 - Upper Nicola N/A N/A N/A No Underground 255
599 - Upper Similkameen N/A N/A N/A No None 0
545 - West Moberly First Nations 691 691 102 Yes Standpipe 225
601 - Westbank First Nation 4100 4100 2992 Yes Underground 6380
601 - Westbank First Nation 10350 10350 10122 Yes Underground 9290
725 - Wetsuweten First Nation     5 No None  
725 - Wetsuweten First Nation     81 Yes Standpipe 390
702 - Whispering Pines/Clinton Unknown Unknown Unknown No None  
702 - Whispering Pines/Clinton 75.2 48.4 Unknown No Underground 10.92
702 - Whispering Pines/Clinton Unknown Unknown Unknown No None  
719 - Williams Lake       No Underground 364
592 - Xaxli'p       No Underground 180
592 - Xaxli'p 432     No Underground 453
714 - Xeni Gwet'in First Nations Government       No None  
714 - Xeni Gwet'in First Nations Government 388 388   Yes Elevated 300
576 - Yakweakwioose       MTA None MTA
589 - Yale First Nation N/A N/A 11 No None 0
589 - Yale First Nation N/A N/A 9 No None 0
728 - Yekooche not known 129.6 97.5 No Standpipe 241
Table D.1 - 1: Water System Regional Summary of Water Treatment, Storage and Distribution Systems (continued)
First Nation Information Distribution System Information
Band Number - Band Name Distribution Class Population Served Homes Piped Homes Trucked Number of Trucks in Service Pipe Length Pipe Length / Connection
684 - Adams Lake Small System 12 5 0 0 188 37
684 - Adams Lake Small System 373 80 0 0 3433 42
684 - Adams Lake MTA 100 34 0 0 4495 132
659 - Ahousaht Level I 900 165 0 0 6420 38
604 - Akisqnuk First Nation NA 57 21 0 0 2800 133
604 - Akisqnuk First Nation Small System 55 12 0 0 2500 208
709 - Alexandria Small System 53 6 0 0 2313 385
710 - Alexis Creek Small System 14 5 0 0 150 30
710 - Alexis Creek Small System 200 70 0 0 3614 51
685 - Ashcroft Small System 95 38 0 0 5406 142
640 - Beecher Bay Small System 120 39 0 0 4118 105
547 - Blueberry River First Nations Level I 192 63 0 0 2825 44
686 - Bonaparte Small System 142 50 0 0 3855 77
686 - Bonaparte Small System 12 4 0 0 437 109
700 - Boothroyd Small System 100 37 0 0 2470.5 66
701 - Boston Bar First Nation Small System 47 20 0 0 1642.3 82
701 - Boston Bar First Nation Small System 45 17 0 0 342 20
590 - Bridge River Small System 78 25 0 0 1585 63
590 - Bridge River Small System 153 49 0 0 3760 76
619 - Burns Lake Small System 53 18 0 0 550 30
549 - Burrard MTA 303 115 0 0 1956 17
622 - Campbell River Small System 350 91 0 0 2551 28
713 - Canim Lake Small System 155 30 0 0 1995 66
713 - Canim Lake Small System 150 29 0 0 2255 77
713 - Canim Lake Small System 72 14 0 0 1700 121
723 - Canoe Creek Small System 105 19 0 0 3548 186
723 - Canoe Creek Small System 112 39 0 0 2565 65
623 - Cape Mudge Small System 250 73 0 0 2677 36
623 - Cape Mudge Small System 300 92 0 0 1754 19
591 - Cayoose Creek Small System 63 30 0 0 2875 95
591 - Cayoose Creek Small System 33 16 0 0 3210 200
583 - Chawathil Small System 158 27 0 0 2673 99
583 - Chawathil Small System 127 37 0 0 1273 34
584 - Cheam Small System 28 6 0 0 290 48
584 - Cheam Small System 280 66 0 0 2066 31
559 - Chehalis Small System 550 155 0 0 9512.5 61
641 - Chemainus First Nation Small System 540 167 0 0 17190 102
641 - Chemainus First Nation Small System 65 20 0 0 4260 213
641 - Chemainus First Nation MTA 32 10 0 0    
620 - Cheslatta Carrier Nation Level II 311 43 0 0 60688 1411
693 - Coldwater Small System 178 68 0 0 640 9
693 - Coldwater Small System 53 20 0 0 1143 57
693 - Coldwater Small System 39 15 0 0 3460 230
624 - Comox MTA 277 79 0 0 3253 41
694 - Cook's Ferry Small System 21 18 0 0 1308 72
642 - Cowichan MTA 761 183 0 0 21015 114
642 - Cowichan Small System 58 14 0 0    
642 - Cowichan MTA 757 182 0 0    
642 - Cowichan Small System 208 50 0 0    
642 - Cowichan Small System 208 50 0 0    
642 - Cowichan Small System 208 50 0 0    
642 - Cowichan MTA 50 12 0 0    
635 - Da'naxda'xw First Nation Small System 17 7 0 0 424 60
662 - Ditidaht Small System 250 89 0 0 2189 24
548 - Doig River Level I 188 49 0 0 3754 76
561 - Douglas Small System 12 4 0 0 297 74
561 - Douglas Small System 44 10 0 0 4110 411
634 - Ehattesaht Small System 5 5 0 0 502 100
634 - Ehattesaht Small System 70 13 0 0 691 53
711 - Esketemc Small System 400 110 0 0 4255 38
644 - Esquimalt Small System 181 44 0 0 786 17
543 - Fort Nelson First Nation Level I 500 148 0 0 8812 59
531 - Gitanmaax Level II 805 255 0 0 7406 29
537 - Gitanyow Small System 435 125 0 0 6708 53
535 - Gitsegukla Level I 475 140 0 0 5895 42
536 - Gitwangak Level I 490 139 0 0 7502.5 53
672 - Gitxaala Nation Level I 420 149 0 0 4085 27
533 - Glen Vowell Level I 280 75 0 0 6294 83
724 - GwaSala- Nakwaxdaxw Level I 600 126 0 0 1890 15
627 - Gwawaenuk Tribe Small System 23 6 0 0 215 35
534 - Hagwilget Village Small System 230 92 0 0 3842 41
645 - Halalt Small System 91 40 0 0 3622 90
546 - Halfway River First Nation Small System 139 55 0 0 5934 107
675 - Hartley Bay Level I 196 71 0 0 2405 33
538 - Heiltsuk Level II 1300 400 0 0 10249 25
661 - Hesquiaht Small System 85 46 0 0 2822 61
552 - Homalco MTA 210 54 0 0    
664 - Hupacasath First Nation Small System 140 60 0 0 443 7
664 - Hupacasath First Nation Small System 20 8 0 0 528 66
663 - Huu-ay-aht First Nations Small System 128 49 0 0 3100 63
683 - Iskut Small System 496 140 0 0 4043 28
638 - Ka:yu:kth/ Che:k:tles7eth First Nations Small System 250 40 0 0 7725 193
688 - Kamloops Level I 785 223 0 0 37416 167
704 - Kanaka Bar Small System 66 19 0 0 2269 119
563 - Katzie Small System 57 17 0 0 1241 73
563 - Katzie Small System 387 68 0 0 1054 15
563 - Katzie Small System 38 15 0 0 506 33
532 - Kispiox Level II 780 220 0 0 14886 67
676 - Kitamaat Level I 746 186 0 0 7820 42
540 - Kitasoo Level I 305 100 0 0 4336 43
680 - Kitselas Small System 231 77 0 0 2348 30
680 - Kitselas MTA 81 27 0 0 685 25
681 - Kitsumkalum Small System 280 85 0 0 3251 38
553 - Klahoose First Nation Small System 112 35 0 0 1260 36
721 - Kluskus Small System 39 14 0 0 885 63
610 - Kwadacha First Nation Small System 265 87 0 0 6842 78
626 - Kwakiutl Small System 385 125 0 0 2660 21
564 - Kwantlen First Nation Small System 85 25 0 0 2478 99
580 - Kwaw-kwaw-Apilt NA 29 6 0 0    
625 - Kwicksutaineuk-ah-kwaw-ah-mish Level I 45 17 0 0 1700 100
560 - Kwikwetlem First Nation Small System 33 12 0 0 245 20
607 - Lake Babine Nation Level I 221 52 0 0 1824 35
607 - Lake Babine Nation Level I 199 58 0 0 4139 71
607 - Lake Babine Nation Small System 730 172 0 0    
643 - Lake Cowichan First Nation MTA 29 7 0 0    
674 - Lax-kwalaams Level I 850 250 0 0 15921.5 63
579 - Leq a: mel First Nation Small System 335 44 0 0 2418 54
579 - Leq a: mel First Nation Small System 201 11 0 0    
579 - Leq a: mel First Nation Small System 37 10 0 0 416 41
611 - Lheidli Tenneh Small System 57 22 0 0 2768.8 125
611 - Lheidli Tenneh Small System 37 14 0 0 1688 120
689 - Little Shuswap Lake Small System 45 12 0 0 4265 355
689 - Little Shuswap Lake Small System 156 51 0 0 3441 67
689 - Little Shuswap Lake Small System 30 12 0 0    
606 - Lower Kootenay Small System 175 54 0 0 5166 95
695 - Lower Nicola Small System 30 14 0 0 1500 107
695 - Lower Nicola Small System 127 60 0 0 7647 127
695 - Lower Nicola Small System 295 140 0 0 9471 67
695 - Lower Nicola Small System 28 12 0 0 614 51
598 - Lower Similkameen Small System 41 13 0 0 930 71
598 - Lower Similkameen Small System 17 7 0 0 616 88
598 - Lower Similkameen Small System 9 3 0 0 266 88
705 - Lytton Small System 21 7 0 0 1698 242
705 - Lytton Small System 60 20 0 0 530 26
705 - Lytton Small System 108 36 0 0 450 12
705 - Lytton Small System 18 7 0 0 2305 329
705 - Lytton Small System 18 7 0 0 2254 322
705 - Lytton Small System 21 7 0 0 966 138
705 - Lytton Small System 27 9 0 0 1038 115
705 - Lytton Small System 18 7 0 0 926 132
705 - Lytton Small System 372 124 0 0 15762 127
647 - Malahat First Nation Small System 124 24 0 0 1482 61
565 - Matsqui Small System 84 27 0 0 810 30
618 - McLeod Lake Small System 103 55 0 0 1841 33
673 - Metlakatla Level I 90 34 0 0 4051 119
530 - Moricetown Level I 699 195 0 0 16365 83
557 - Mount Currie Level I 500 250 0 0 14834 59
557 - Mount Currie Level I 800 250 0 0 9912 39
630 - Mowachaht/Muchalaht Small System 215 64 0 0 4761 74
550 - Musqueam Level I 826 173 0 0 3915 22
612 - Nadleh Whuten Small System 200 76 0 0 4621 60
612 - Nadleh Whuten Small System 25 7 0 0 1952 278
614 - Nakazdli Level I 670 250 0 0 5980 23
614 - Nakazdli Small System 15 6 0 0 807 134
631 - Namgis First Nation Level I 980 220 0 0 8758.3 39
649 - Nanoose First Nation Small System 273 90 0 0 2775 30
720 - Nazko Small System 154 34 0 0 3675 108
726 - Nee-Tahi-Buhn MTA 35 7 0 0    
690 - Neskonlith Small System 20 6 0 0 1235 205
690 - Neskonlith Level I 141 63 0 0 5774.7 91
690 - Neskonlith Small System 82 25 0 0 3951 158
696 - Nicomen Small System 69 20 0 0 1850 92
671 - Nisgaa Village of Gingolx Level I 384 124 0 0    
679 - Nisgaa Village of Gitwinksihlkw Small System 230 57 0 0    
678 - Nisgaa Village of Laxgaltsap Level I 585 160 0 0    
677 - Nisgaa Village of New Aiyansh Level II 847 330 0 0    
699 - Nooaitch Small System 104 49 0 0 2455 50
556 - NQuatqua Small System 148 48 0 0 4051 84
556 - NQuatqua Small System 20 5 0 0 192.4 38
639 - Nuchatlaht Small System 39 12 0 0 644 53
539 - Nuxalk Nation Level I 1200 268 0 0 14365 53
616 - Okanagan Small System 48 20 0 0 2950 147
616 - Okanagan Small System 255 107 0 0 7398 69
616 - Okanagan Small System 34 14 0 0 270 19
616 - Okanagan Small System 24 10 0 0 420 42
616 - Okanagan Small System 223 93 0 0 7135 76
616 - Okanagan Small System 55 23 0 0 2735 118
669 - Old Massett Village Council Level I 850 290 0 0 14391 49
692 - Oregon Jack Creek Small System 13 8 0 0 1840 230
596 - Osoyoos Small System 218 100 0 0 7347 73
541 - Oweekeno/Wuikinuxv Nation Small System 88 48 0 0 1988 41
652 - Pauquachin MTA 225 72 0 0 4398 61
650 - Penelakut Small System 387 105 0 0 3897 37
650 - Penelakut Small System 74 21 0 0 1800 85
597 - Penticton Small System 174 62 0 0 12745 205
597 - Penticton Small System 248 88 0 0 2727.5 30
544 - Prophet River First Nation Small System 128 46 1 0 3783 82
651 - Qualicum First Nation MTA 65 25 0 0 1051 42
633 - Quatsino Small System 234 70 0 0 1153 16
715 - Red Bluff Small System 88 24 0 0 1567.5 65
615 - Saikuz First Nation Small System 10 7 0 0 1980 282
615 - Saikuz First Nation Small System 500 167 0 0 10531 63
567 - Samahquam Small System 85 20 0 0 2285 114
542 - Saulteau First Nations Small System 450 124 0 0 12295 99
568 - Scowlitz Small System 11 3 0 0 170 56
568 - Scowlitz Small System 84 27 0 0 2838 105
581 - Seabird Island Level I 1000 152 0 0 11463 75
551 - Sechelt MTA 827 339 0 0    
569 - Semiahmoo Small System 65 34 1 0 1200 35
595 - Seton Lake Small System 40 11 0 0 897 81
595 - Seton Lake Small System 146 40 0 0 4034 100
595 - Seton Lake Small System 142 39 0 0 1830 46
698 - Shackan Small System 56 23 0 0 2035 88
605 - Shuswap Small System 8 6 0 0    
605 - Shuswap Level I 25 18 0 0 2900 161
605 - Shuswap Small System 21 15 0 0 1307 87
570 - Shxwhá:y Village MTA 120 32 0 0 2360 73
587 - Shxw'ow'hamel First Nation Small System 73 21 0 0 2293 109
691 - Simpcw First Nation Small System 120 40 0 0 4990 124
691 - Simpcw First Nation Small System 93 31 0 0 1500 48
691 - Simpcw First Nation Small System 12 4 0 0 55 13
706 - Siska Small System 53 22 0 0 2522 114
706 - Siska Small System 12 5 0 0 360 72
562 - Skatin Nations Small System 100 31 0 0 3140 101
582 - Skawahlook First Nation Small System 33 15 0 0 160 10
687 - Skeetchestn Small System 5 0 1 0    
687 - Skeetchestn Small System 126 40 0 0 2497 62
687 - Skeetchestn Small System 147 47 0 0 1930 41
670 - Skidegate Level II 1000 385 0 0 13320 34
729 - Skin Tyee MTA 41 14 0 0    
571 - Skowkale Small System 250 63 0 0 2500 39
707 - Skuppah Small System 47 20 0 0 5062 253
573 - Skwah Small System 420 53 0 0 1638 30
554 - Sliammon Level I 599 220 0 0 9580 43
648 - Snuneymuxw First Nation Small System 54 16 0 0 1183 73
648 - Snuneymuxw First Nation Small System 211 51 9 0 1180 23
648 - Snuneymuxw First Nation Small System 382 101 0 0 1394 13
716 - Soda Creek Level I 112 46 0 0 10940 237
716 - Soda Creek Small System 38 16 0 0 3408 213
656 - Songhees First Nation Small System 354 85 0 0 2137 25
572 - Soowahlie Small System 351 54 0 0 5755 106
600 - Spallumcheen Small System 310 89 0 0 7647 85
600 - Spallumcheen Small System 100 30 0 0 2354 78
708 - Spuzzum Small System 43 17 0 0 5027 295
555 - Squamish MTA 1016 228 0 0 3305 14
555 - Squamish Small System 67 13 0 0 405 31
555 - Squamish MTA 45 10 0 0    
555 - Squamish MTA 718 161 0 0 1975 12
555 - Squamish MTA 116 26 0 0 116 4
555 - Squamish Small System 111 26 0 0 832 32
555 - Squamish Small System 134 31 0 0 647 20
555 - Squamish MTA 53 12 0 0    
574 - Squiala First Nation MTA 109 36 0 0 1264 35
574 - Squiala First Nation MTA 19 7 0 0    
602 - St. Marys Small System 450 1 0 0 2339 2339
613 - Stellat'en First Nation Small System 202 47 0 0 8926 189
717 - Stone Small System 244 54 0 0 6988 129
578 - Sumas First Nation Small System 306 58 0 0 4070 70
682 - Tahltan Small System 88 22 0 0 9312 423
682 - Tahltan Small System 434 109 0 0 2690 24
608 - Takla Lake First Nation Level I 250 92 0 0 6745 73
593 - T'it'q'et Small System 183 71 0 0 5641 79
593 - T'it'q'et Small System 25 9 2 1 1092 121
593 - T'it'q'et Small System 12 5 0 0 132 26
593 - T'it'q'et Small System 10 4 0 0 1520 380
660 - Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations Small System 250 40 0 0 3110 77
660 - Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations Level I 200 50 0 0 4779 95
632 - Tlatlasikwala Small System 20 7 0 0 1539 219
617 - Tl'azt'en Nation Small System 140 42 0 0 580 13
617 - Tl'azt'en Nation Small System 40 12 0 0 485 40
617 - Tl'azt'en Nation Level I 700 175 0 0 9704 55
712 - Tl'etinqox-t'in Government Office Small System 517 130 0 0 11387 87
603 - Tobacco Plains Small System 61 18 0 0 2075 115
718 - Toosey Small System 164 48 0 0 5977 124
666 - Toquaht Small System 30 9 0 0 1859 206
653 - Tsartlip Small System 498 166 0 0 1956 11
636 - Tsawataineuk Small System 113 50 0 0 3280 65
654 - Tsawout First Nation MTA 650 200 0 0 4302 21
577 - Tsawwassen First Nation Small System 470 68 0 0 3553 52
609 - Tsay Keh Dene Small System 198 52 0 0 5004 96
665 - Tseshaht Small System 480 186 0 0 12389 66
655 - Tseycum Small System 140 37 0 0 1232 33
594 - Tskwaylaxw First Nation Small System 125 24 0 0 2575 107
594 - Tskwaylaxw First Nation Small System 99 19 0 0 1210 63
657 - TSou-ke First Nation Small System 96 40 0 0 1300 32
657 - TSou-ke First Nation Small System 134 44 0 0 1041 23
575 - Tzeachten Small System 236 93 0 0 994 10
667 - Uchucklesaht Small System 15 12 0 0 758 63
668 - Ucluelet First Nation Small System 160 93 0 0 3457 37
722 - Ulkatcho Level I 600 125 0 0 11028 88
697 - Upper Nicola Small System 190 69 0 0 14620 211
697 - Upper Nicola Small System 154 55 0 0 3306 60
599 - Upper Similkameen Small System 40 14 0 0 841 60
545 - West Moberly First Nations Level I 105 35 0 0 4479 127
601 - Westbank First Nation Level II 1600 486 0 0 8885 18
601 - Westbank First Nation Level III 7800 2363 0 0 40450 17
725 - Wetsuweten First Nation NA 5 5 0 0    
725 - Wetsuweten First Nation Small System 100 20 0 0 2778 138
702 - Whispering Pines/Clinton Small System 9 4 0 0 340 85
702 - Whispering Pines/Clinton Small System 28 9 0 0 610 67
702 - Whispering Pines/Clinton NA 16 6 0 0 1100 183
719 - Williams Lake Small System 278 88 0 0 8670 98
592 - Xaxli'p Small System 128 30 0 0 1300 43
592 - Xaxli'p Small System 209 49 0 0 6465 131
714 - Xeni Gwet'in First Nations Government Small System 28 7 0 0 1055 150
714 - Xeni Gwet'in First Nations Government Small System 269 59 0 0 29977 508
576 - Yakweakwioose MTA 29 12 0 0    
589 - Yale First Nation Small System 12 6 0 0 300 50
589 - Yale First Nation Small System 15 5 0 0 130 26
728 - Yekooche Small System 100 47 0 0 2383 50

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