Archived - Métis History and Culture - A Selective Bibliography

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Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada - Departmental Library - January 2008

This bibliography is an introductory reading list intended to increase basic awareness of the history and culture of the Métis of Canada.

All materials listed in this bibliography are available at the Departmental Library of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC). Departmental employees and other libraries may arrange loans by telephone, fax, email, or regular mail. Anyone who is not an employee of AANDC who wishes to borrow any of these items must contact their own public, school, or office library to arrange an interlibrary loan.

The Library would like to thank Mr. Gregg Dahl and Ms. Janine Stingel of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada for their assistance in the preparation of this bibliography.

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Adams, Howard, 1926-. Prison of Grass: Canada From a Native Point of View. Saskatoon: Fifth House, 1989. 208 pages. E78.C2 A32 1989

Daniels, Harry W., ed. The Forgotten People: Metis and Non-status Indian Land Claims. Ottawa: Native Council of Canada, 1979. 99 pages. FC125 F67

Daniels, Harry W., 1940- We Are the New Nation: the Metis and National Native Policy. Ottawa: Native Council of Canada, 1979. 54 pages. FC125 D36 1979

Declaration of Metis and Indian Rights. With commentary by Harry W. Daniels. Ottawa: Native Council of Canada, 1979. 64 pages. E78.C2 D33

Frideres, James S. and René R. Gadacz. Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. 8th ed. Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. xxx p. E98.S67 F72 2007

Zeilig, Ken, 1939 and Victoria Zeilig. Ste. Madeleine: Community Without a Town: Métis Elders in Interview. Winnipeg: Pemmican Publications, 1987. 205 pages. FC113 Z44 1987

Art, Culture, and Heritage

Bakker, Peter. A Language of Our Own: the Genesis of Michif, the Mixed Cree French Language of the Canadian Métis. Rev. ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. xvi, 316 pages. PM7895.M53 B35 1997

Barkwell, Lawrence, Leah M. Dorion, Audreen Hourie, eds. Metis legacy vol. II: Michif Culture, Heritage and Folkways. Saskatoon: Gabriel Dumont Institute and Pemmican Publications, 2006. viii, 254 pages. FC109 M4942 2006

Ghostkeeper, Elmer. Spirit Gifting: the Concept of Spiritual Exhange. Calgary: Arctic Institute of North America, 1996. ix, 54 pages. FC129.P5 G56 1996

Overvold (Burger), Joanne, ed. A Portrayal of Our Metis Heritage. S.l.: Metis Association of the Northwest Territories, 1976. 142 pages. FC109 P6 1976

Troupe, Cheryl. Expressing Our Heritage: Métis Artistic Designs. Resource Manual. Saskatoon: Gabriel Dumont Institute, c2002. 256 pages. FC129.A7 T7 2002 Manual

Autobiographies and Biographies

Bird, Madeline. Living Kindness: the Dream of My Life: the Memoirs of Metis Elder, Madeline Bird. Yellowknife, N.W.T.: Outcrop, 1991. 125 pages. FC109.1 B57 

Campbell, Maria, 1940-. Halfbreed. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, c1973. 157 pages. FC109.1.C35 C35 1973

Carpenter, Jock. Fifty Dollar Bride: Marie Rose Smith, a Chronicle of Métis Life in the 19th Century. Sidney, B.C.: Gray's Pub., 1977. 160 pages. FC109.1.S55 C37

Charette, Guillaume, 1884-1952. L'espace de Louis Goulet. Winnipeg: Éditions Bois Brûlés, 1976. 203 pages. FC3217.1.G6 C4

Dobbin, Murray. The One and a Half Men: the Story of Jim Brady and Malcolm Norris, Metis Patriots of the Twentieth Century. Vancouver: New Star Books, 1981. 270 pages. FC109.1.A1 D62 1981

Dumont, Gabriel. Gabriel Dumont: mémoires: les mémoires dictés par Gabriel Dumont et le Récit Gabriel Dumont = Gabriel Dumont: Memoirs: the Memoirs as dictated by Gabriel Dumont and Gabriel Dumont's Story, Textes établis et annotés par Denis Combet, Saint-Boniface, Man.: Les Éditions du Blé, 2006, 120, 120 pages. FC109.1.D8 D8 2006

Flanagan, Thomas. The Diaries of Louis Riel. Edmonton: Hurtig, 1976. 187 pages. FC3217.1 R52

Maracle, Lee. Bobbi Lee, Indian Rebel. Toronto: Women's Press, 1990. 241 pages. FC109.1.M37 A3 1990

Morisset, Jean and Rose-Marie Pelletier, eds. Ted Trindell: Métis Witness to the North. Vancouver: Tillacum, 1986. 167 pages. FC109.1.T75 T75 1986

Saint-Aubin, Bernard. Louis Riel: un destin tragique. Montréal: La Presse, c1985. 315 pages. FC3217.1.R53 S25

Scofield, Gregory A. Thunder Through My Veins: Memories of a Métis Childhood. Toronto: HarperFlamingo Canada, c1999. 203 pages. FC109.1.S3 S3 1999


Bumsted, J. M., 1938-. The Red River Rebellion. Winnipeg: Watson & Dwyer, 1996. 359 pages. FC3214 B84 1996

Chartrand, Larry N., Tricia E. Logan, Judy D. Daniels. Histoire et expériences des Métis et les pensionnats au Canada. Ottawa: Fondation autochtone de guérison, 2006. 200 pages. FC129.R4 C514 2006

Chartrand, Larry N., Tricia E. Logan, Judy D. Daniels. Métis History and Experience and Residential Schools in Canada. Ottawa: Aboriginal Healing Foundation, 2006. 194 pages. FC129.R4 C5 2006

Ens, Gerhard J. Homeland to Hinterland: the Changing Worlds of the Red River Metis in the Nineteenth Century. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996. 268 pages. FC109 E5 1996

Erasmus, Peter, 1833-1931. Buffalo Days and Nights. As told to Henry Thompson. Calgary: Fifth House Publishers, c1999. xxxii, 343 pages. FC3213.1.E37 A3 1999

Fumoleau, René. As Long as This Land Shall Last: A History of Treaty 8 and Treaty 11, 1870-1939. Toronto: McLelland and Stewart, 1973. 415 pages. E95 F84

Mair, Charles, 1838-1927. Through the Mackenzie Basin: an Account of the Signing of Treaty No. 8 and the Scrip Commission, 1899. Introductions by David W. Leonard, Brian Calliou. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, c1999. Lii, 194 pages. FC3217 M34 1999

McLean, Donald George. Fifty Historical Vignettes: View of the Common People. Regina: Gabriel Dumont Institute, 1987. vi, 200 pages. FC109 M35

McLean, Donald George. Home From the Hill: A History of the Métis in Western Canada. 2nd ed. Regina: Gabriel Dumont Institute, 1988. 323 pages. FC109 M34 1988

Payment, Diane. Les gens libres - Otipemisiwak, Batoche, Saskatchewan, 1870-1930. Ottawa: Lieux et parcs historiques nationaux, Service canadien des parcs, c1990. 378 pages. FC3545.B36 P3914

Remembrances : Métis Veterans: Interviews with Métis Veterans. Compiled by Dave Hutchinson, Anne Dorion, and Rick Desjarlais ; edited by Harvey J. Linnen. Regina: Gabriel Dumont Institute of Métis Studies and Applied Research, c1997. ix, 130 pages. FC129.V4 R46 1997

Sprague, D. N. (Douglas Neil), 1944- Canada and the Métis, 1869-1885. Foreword by Thomas R. Berger. Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, c1988. xii, 204 pages. FC3372.9.M4 S67

Trémaudan, Auguste Henri de, 1874-1929. Histoire de la nation métisse dans l'Ouest canadien. Saint Boniface, Man.: Editions du Blé, Editions des Plaines, 1979, 1984. 448 pages. FC3214 D38

Vermette, Auguste, 1891-1986. Au temps de la Prairie: l'histoire des métis de l'ouest canadien racontée par Auguste Vermette, neveu de Louis Riel. 2e éd. témoignages recueillis, édités et annotés par Marcien Ferland. Saint Boniface, Man.: Editions du Blé, 2006. 219 pages. FC126.M3 V47 2006

Wiebe, Rudy and Bob Beal, eds. War in the West: Voices of the 1885 Rebellion. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1985. 192 pages. FC3215 W37


Brown, Jennifer and Jacqueline Peterson, eds. The New Peoples: Being and Becoming Metis in North America. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 1984. 266 pages. FC109 N49

Friesen, John W. and Virginia Lyons Friesen. We Are Included!: the Métis People of Canada Realize Riel's Vision. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, 2004. 166 pages. FC109 F75 2004

Harrison, Julia D. (Julia Diane), 1953 Metis: People Between Two Worlds. Vancouver: The Glenbow Alberta Institute in association with Douglas & McIntyre, 1985. 160, [4] pages. FC109 H37

Lischke, Ute and David T. McNab, eds. The Long Journey of a Forgotten People: Métis Identities & Family Histories. Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2007. 386 pages. FC109 L65 2007

Redbird, Duke. We Are Metis: a Metis View of the Development of a Native Canadian People. Willowdale, Ont.: Ontario Metis & Non Status Indian Association, c1980. 76 pages. FC109 R42 1980

Sealey, D. Bruce, 1929- and Antoine S. Lussier. The Métis: Canada's Forgotten People. Winnipeg: Pemmican Pub., c1975 (1981 printing) viii, 200 pages. FC109 S42

Weinstein, John. Quiet Revolution West: the Rebirth of Métis Nationalism. Calgary: Fifth House Publishers, 2007. ix, 245 pages. FC109 W43 2007

Literature and Stories

Clements, Marie, Greg Daniels and Margo Kane. DraMétis: Three Métis Plays. Pentiction, B.C.: Theytus Books. 311 pages. PS8309.M4 C4 2001

Létourneau, Henri. Henri Létourneau raconte. Winnipeg: Editions Bois brûlés, 1980. 2e éd. rév. vii, 154 pages. FC129.F6 L37 1980

Mayer, Lorraine. Cries From a Métis Heart. Winnipeg: Pemmican Publications, 2007. xv, 113 pages. FC109.1.M39 M3 2007

Scofield, Gregory. I Knew Two Metis Women : the Lives of Dorothy Scofield and Georgina Houle Young. Victoria, B.C.: Polestar, 1999. 139 pages. PS8587.C614 I2 1999


Kermoal, Nathalie J. Un passé métis au féminin. Québec: Éditions GID, 2006. 269 pages. FC129.W8 K47 2006

Van Kirk, Sylvia. "Many Tender Ties": Women in Fur Trade Society in Western Canada, 1670-1870. Winnipeg: Watson & Dwyer, [1980 or 1981] 303 pages. FC3209.W6 V35


Drops of Brandy and Other Traditional Métis Tunes (CD). Saskatoon: Gabriel Dumont Institute, [2001] 4 CDs. FC129.M8 D7 2001 [orange]

How the fiddle flows (DVD). Written and directed by Gregory Coyes ; produced by Leigh Badgley ... [et al.]. [Montreal]: National Film Board of Canada, c2002. 1 DVD, 48 min. FC129.M8 H6 2002 [orange]

The Metis: Our People, Our Story (CD-ROM). Compiled by Leah Dorion, Todd Paquin and Darren Prefontaine. Saskatoon: Gabriel Dumont Institute ; Edmonton: Arnold Multimedia ; Ottawa: Dept. of Canadian Heritage, 2000. ZZ FC109 M47 2000 [orange]

Venturing Forth : Season 4, Episode 10: Young and Métis. Executive producer Brenda Chambers. West Vancouver, B.C.: Brenco Media, 2004. 1 DVD, 28 min. E98.B87 V46 2004 [orange]


Grassroots News. Winnipeg: Aboriginal Advertising Publications of Manitoba.

The Métis Nation. Ottawa: Metis National Council.

Web sites

Congress of Aboriginal Peoples  
"The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) is the sole national representative organization whose affiliates are open to over 800,000 off-reserve Indian, Inuit, and Metis people." - from the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples web site.

Gabriel Dumont Institute  
"Mission Statement: To promote the renewal and the development of Métis culture through research, materials development, collections and the distribution of those materials and the development and delivery of Métis-specific educational programs and services." - from the Gabriel Dumont Institute web site.

Métis National Council  
"Since 1983, the MNC has represented the Métis Nation nationally and internationally. It receives its mandate and direction from the democratically elected leadership of the Métis Nation's governments from Ontario westward." - from the Métis National Council web site.

Métis National Council of Women
"The Métis National Council of Women seeks to foster a contemporary understanding of the traditions and roles of Métis women. The primary purpose is to address and respond to issues and concerns of Métis women and their children." - from the Métis National Council of Women web site.

Virtual Museum of Métis history and culture   
"This website is the most comprehensive attempt to chronicle traditional Métis history and culture on the World Wide Web." - from the Virtual Museum web site.

* Due to copyright restrictions, audio-visual material is only available for loan to employees of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.

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