Long Description - Circle Diagram Summarizing Key Priority Areas - First Nations Fire Protection Strategy


This circle diagram represents the short, medium and long-term priorities identified in the First Nations Fire Protection Strategy.

It consists of 3 concentric circles. The larger outside circle lists the short-term priorities. This circle encompasses another circle that lists the medium-term priorities. In turn, this circle encompasses the final inner circle that lists the primary long-term priority, which is to address the regulatory gap governing fire protection on reserve. There are four arrows directing the viewer from the outer four quadrants of the circle (short–term priorities) towards the inner circle (long-term priority).

Short-Term Priorities (Outer Circle)

The outer circle lists the following short-term priority areas:
Fire chief role;
Education and outreach;
Fire loss data integrity;
Innovative technologies and initiatives;
Best practices and website development;
Firefighter recruitment and retention;
Regional associations;
Review of regional regulations and standards;
Integration with emergency management;
Gap analysis and risk based approach.

Medium-Term Priorities (Middle Circle)

The circle immediately contained by the outer circle lists the following medium-term priorities:
Regulatory options;
Analysis of fire protection capacity;
Revisions to Levels of Service Standard;
Link with community planning.

Long-term Priority (Inner Circle)

This circle lists the primary long-term priority, which is to address the regulatory gap governing fire protection on reserve.

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