
Programs that support First Nations elementary and secondary education and distinctions-based strategies for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation post-secondary students.

Services and information

Elementary and secondary education

Supporting school programming, special needs, innovation, research projects and partnerships.

First Nations education transformation

Partnerships and approaches to delivering quality First Nations elementary and secondary education.

Post-secondary education

Programs for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation students and for organizations and bands.

Education infrastructure

Find out how ISC provides funds for school facilities on reserves and how First Nations communities can qualify for those funds.

First Nations and Inuit cultural centres

Funds to help preserve and strengthen unique First Nations and Inuit cultures, traditions and languages.

First Nations Adult Secondary Education Program

Funding for community-based programming for on-reserve adult learners so they can complete or update their secondary education.

First Nations Adult Education in Yukon and Northwest Territories Program

Supporting the implementation and expansion of secondary education to First Nations adults in Yukon and Northwest Territories.

ISC Services Portal and Education Information System

Learn about the Services Portal, the Education Information System and the Education Reports and Analysis Solution, including how to access reporting forms, the Nominal Roll and other education program information.

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